The Pelletron-Linac data analysis tools for ROOT


The SPMRoot is the next generation of acquisition system for the Pelletron-Linac Laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

This document is divided in the following sections:


The SPMRoot is the next generation of acquisition system for the Pelletron-Linac Laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

The current features of this software are:

Starting SPMRoot

SPMRoot is the basic CAMAC data acquisition system interface in the ROOT framework. To start an acquisition system, type in the Linux prompt:

> spmroot [options] [/dev/...]

To get a list of options available in the command line, type:

> spmroot -help

The options available are: Any combination of the above options can be used during the start up of the program.

Using the program

When the SPMRoot program starts the following graphical interface will be displayed.

Acquisition status panel

The acquisition system GUI has a very large status panel that contains the following information:

Button bar

There are also 3 buttons above the status panel that can be used to START (RUN), STOP and Pause the acquisition system. These buttons are enabled only if there is an EVO file loaded and depending on the status of the acquisition system.

Main Menu

The Main menu of the program has the following structure:

Loading an .evo file

To load an EVO or EVP file, click on File -> Load EVO in the menu bar. This will show the following window:

Just navigate though the directories and select the .evo or .evp file you want to load into the CAMAC system.

Loading histogram definitions

To load the histogram definitions, click on File -> Load histogram definitions in the menu bar. This will show the following window:

Just select the file containing the histogram definitions. You can select either a .cxx source file or a .so compiled file. If you select a .cxx file, the SPMRoot will automatically compile it and will create a .so file.

Click here for a detailed description on how to set up histograms.

Data saving configuration

There are many options of data saving:
  1. You can save the histograms anytime by clicking on File -> Save Histograms in the main menu. It will ask for the name of the file where the histograms should be saved.
  2. You can automatically save all the histograms when the RUN is stopped by checking the File -> Auto save histograms in the main menu. The file name will have the run number on it.
  3. You can save the RAW data in the FIL format on disk. To do so, select one of the following options in the File -> Set FIL mode in the main menu
    1. DISABLED - No raw data is saved
    2. DISK - Data is saved on disk
      1. If you choose DISK, you also have the option to split the .FIL files when it reaches a given limit. You can define this limit by selecting a value in the menu File -> FIL split mode (DISK only)
When the program starts the auto save histogram option is disabled and no raw data is being saved on .FIL file.

Level-2 trigger

The Level 2 trigger is a powerful feature of this new acquisition system. This is a software trigger that will run every event and decide if this event should be saved or not. This allow, for instance, the user to pre-analyze the data before saving it. One example of this trigger would be to check for a particular coincidence between 2 detectors in order to save the event. It will make the file size smaller and faster to process.

To load the Level 2 trigger, click on File -> Level 2 -> Load in the menu bar. This will show the following window:

Just select the file containing the Level 2 definition. You can select either a .cxx source file or a .so compiled file. If you select a .cxx file, the SPMRoot will automatically compile it and will create a .so file.

To unload the Level 2 trigger, click on File -> Level 2 -> Unload. If there is no Level 2 trigger loaded in the program the acquisition system will save and histogram all the events taken.

Click here for a detailed description of the Level 2 trigger setup.

Configuring the CAMAC

There are few parameters in the CAMAC system that may be configured by the user in order to enhance the performance of the acquisition system. These options are under the menu tools in the main menu bar. They are:


This acquisition system supports multiple scalers (up to 10 scaler modules). All of those scalers should be connected to the same CAMAC crate.

By default, the program starts with 1 scaler configured in the CAMAC crate number 0, slot number 1.

The scaler configuration options are:

CAMAC buffer size

The option Set CAMAC buffer size will let you configure the size of the CAMAC buffer in the computer. The amount of memory allocated for the CAMAC driver is always constant. This memory is divided into buffers and only when one of these buffers is full it will be transferred to the acquisition program. So, if the event size is small and the event rate is low, a large buffer size will take longer to be transferred to the computer. Small buffer sizes with high event rate will make the acquisition program spend more CPU time to process a lot of small buffers that are filled very fast.

When clicked, the following window will open:

where you can set the CAMAC buffer size in number of words. The default value is 256 words.

Maximum number of parameters

When the option Set maximum number of parameters is clicked it will open the following window:

where you can set the maximum number of parameters you can have in one event. This will affect the amount of memory that will be zeroed every event in order to keep the data taken for that particular event. Zeroing memory takes time so, a large number of this parameter can increase the system dead time and, depending on the event rate, the system can loose events because the CAMAC buffer will be filled up. The default value is 128 parameters.

Display and Monitoring

The display of the histograms in the system and also some analysis of the data are accessible from the Display menu in the main menu bar. The Display menu has the following items on it:

The use of TCanvas

The TCanvas is a basic object that is used to display histograms in the screen. If the new TCanvas is clicked it will open a basic canvas that looks like:

This is the basic Canvas. The RED line around the canvas shows the active pad that will be used to display the histograms.

TO CHANGE THE ACTIVE PAD, CLICK ON IT WITH THE MIDDLE BUTTON OF THE MOUSE (In some systems you should use the LEFT+RIGHT button to emulate the middle one)

The canvas menu has many options. Some interesting options are: There are many other options in the canvas menu. Please check the ROOT web site for more information. If you click on any PAD with the RIGHT button of the mouse the following menu will appear:

This menu lets you to perform various operations in the PAD. Details about the operations can be found in the ROOT web page. Some important operations are:

You can set how many pads you want to have in the canvas (nx by ny pads). You can also set the margins between pads and the pad color. For example, if you divide the canvas in 2x2 pads you will get a window like the following:

The RED line shows the active PAD. You can change it by clicking on another pad with the middle button of the mouse (LEFT+RIGHT button in some systems).

The TBrowser

When clicked, this option will open a browser windows that let you navigate through the directories and the program memory to access histograms and other ROOT objects. The browser window will look like:

There are 3 directories in the browser. They are:

Histogram Manipulation

If you click on a directory that has histograms on it you will have a windows similar to the following:

D2, h1 and h2 are histograms. If you double click on one of them it will be displayed in the current PAD. If there is no canvas open, the program will automatically open a new one.

D2 is a 2 dimensional histogram in this example. When double clicked it will be displayed in the current PAD. A 2D histogram looks like:

where the color code is the Z-axis scale. h1 and h2 are 1 dimensional histograms and they look like:

If you right click on the histogram or its icon in the browser window it will appear a pop up menu. This menu will let you perform many operations in the histogram. This menu looks like:

Among the many options available are the FitPanel where you can fit multiple functions in the histogram, SetDrawOption lets you to change the way the histogram is drawn, etc. See the ROOT web page for more information about this menu.

One extra option in the menu is the Zero histogram 1D (2D) that lets you to zero the particular histogram.

Some useful operations with histograms:

The PelTools utility

The PelTools is a set of utilities to do data analysis with root histograms such as projections, fits, bananas tracing, etc. Click here for more details.

26 09 06 - 18:00 |

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