The Pelletron-Linac data analysis tools for ROOT

Our goal is ...

... to provide a more flexible framework for data taking and analysis in low energy nuclear physics experiments such the ones performed at the Pelletron-Linac Laboratory at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Created and maintained by Alexandre Suaide


This version was released in June 24th 2014 and addresses two important problems related to the fx2 usb interface:

  1. The large dead time for data taking, limiting the event rate saved to disk
  2. The fact that, in some cases, the computer gets very slow, not responding to mouse or keyboard commands.

For this release, we also made /dev/usb the default device for data taking. Does not need to explicitly define the fx2 usb interface when starting spmroot.

To download the source code with installation script please click on:

  1. For Linux with kernel 2.6 and above

If you have a previous version of PelTools installed, just gunzip and untar the downloaded file and run the "update" script. This avoids full installation and compilation of ROOT, making the update process simpler and faster.

If you do not have a previous version of PelTools, in order to install the package one need to gunzip and untar the downloaded file and run the "install" script. To success with installation, the machine should have the following packages (and their dependencies) installed (use synaptic for example):

  1. tcsh
  2. sdcc
  3. dpkg-dev
  4. libX11-dev
  5. gfortran
  6. libusb-dev
  7. libxpm-dev
  8. libxft-dev
  9. libxext-dev

24 06 14 - 16:51 | No comments |

Version 5.02

This version was released in Nov 22nd 2013 and includes the new version of fx2 usb interface API and minor corrections

To download the source code with installation script please click on:

  1. For Linux with kernel 2.4 and above

If you have a previous version of PelTools installed, just gunzip and untar the downloaded file and run the "update" script. This avoids full installation and compilation of ROOT, making the update process simpler and faster.

If you do not have a previous version of PelTools, in order to install the package one need to gunzip and untar the downloaded file and run the "install" script. To success with installation, the machine should have the following packages (and their dependencies) installed (use synaptic for example):

  1. tcsh
  2. sdcc
  3. dpkg-dev
  4. libX11-dev
  5. gfortran
  6. libusb-dev
  7. libxpm-dev
  8. libxft-dev
  9. libxext-dev

22 11 13 - 15:19 | No comments |


This version was released in May 9th 2013 with to fix an important bug on ScanRoot when reading .FIL files with lots of zeroes. It became common with the new USB interface.

To download the source code with installation script please click on:

  1. For Linux with kernel 2.4 and above

If you have a previous version of PelTools installed, just gunzip and untar the downloaded file and run the "update" script. This avoids full installation and compilation of ROOT, making the update process simpler and faster.

If you do not have a previous version of PelTools, in order to install the package one need to gunzip and untar the downloaded file and run the "install" script. To success with installation, the machine should have the following packages (and their dependencies) installed (use synaptic for example):

  1. tcsh
  2. sdcc
  3. dpkg-dev
  4. libX11-dev
  5. gfortran
  6. libusb-dev
  7. libxpm-dev
  8. libxft-dev
  9. libxext-dev

IMPORTANT! If you are upgrading from older versions, please completely remove the old version and reboot before you start installation of this version. I am working on a good way to upgrade but until now I have not found a final solution

09 05 13 - 09:32 | No comments |

Version 5.00

This version was released in Feb. 15th 2013 with the following improvements

  1. Includes support for data acquisition with the FX2 USB micro controller in the dedicated USB crate or in the USB->ISA converter for old ISA crate controllers. In order to use the FX2 USB device, start the acquisition program with the command:
     spmroot /dev/usb 

  2. Fixed some small bugs on scanroot and root2spk programs
  3. Using ROOT version 5.34.04

To download the source code with installation script please click on:

  1. For Linux with kernel 2.4 and above

In order to install the package one need to gunzip and untar the downloaded file and run the "install" script. To success with installation, the machine should have the following packages (and their dependencies) installed (use synaptic for example):

  1. tcsh
  2. sdcc
  3. dpkg-dev
  4. libX11-dev
  5. gfortran
  6. libusb-dev
  7. libxpm-dev
  8. libxft-dev
  9. libxext-dev

IMPORTANT! If you are upgrading from older versions, please completely remove the old version and reboot before you start installation of this version. I am working on a good way to upgrade but until now I have not found a final solution

15 02 13 - 10:56 | No comments |

version 4.06

This version was released in August 18th 2011 in order to fix a small bug when making 2D histogram projections after a peak fit. This was causing an unexpected break segmentation.

To install, simply unpack the tar file on some location and run ./install. Pay attention on some potential error messages during ROOT compilation. This is a signal of missing libraries on your system.

18 08 11 - 13:24 | No comments |

version 4.05

This version was released in June 7th 2011 and includes some improvements. This version also converts old DAMM/HIS files to ROOT histograms. Works for 1D and 2D DAMM/HIS histograms. Another important change concerns how ROOT is installed. In this version, the ROOT source tree is downloaded from this web site automatically and is compiled during installation. This makes the installation process longer but avoids problems with pre-compiled ROOT releases on some Linux distributions.

To install, simply unpack the tar file on some location and run ./install. Pay attention on some potential error messages during ROOT compilation. This is a signal of missing libraries on your system.

07 06 11 - 09:31 | No comments |

version 4.04

This version was released in February 6th 2009 to allow the camac drivers to compile with Ubumtu 8.10

For instructions about installation, click here.

06 02 09 - 16:00 | No comments |

version 4.03

This version was released in December 3rd 2008 to fix a small bug with Ubuntu 8.10 For instructions about installation, click here.

Modifications with respect to the previous version: (more)

03 12 08 - 16:29 | No comments |

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