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(From Fermilab press release) The
DZero experiment at
Fermilab discovered a new particle consisting of a bottom, strange and down quarks with mass of 5.774±0.019 GeV/c2. The discovery of this particle will provide scientists a deeper understanding of the basic constituints of the matter and their interactions. According to the
Fermilab press-pass site: "
The Cascade-b particle (Ξb) is short-lived. Once produced, it travels only several millimeters before the action of the weak nuclear force causes it to disintegrate into two well-known particles called J/Ψ and Ξ-. The J/Ψ then promptly decays into a pair of muons, common particles that are cousins of electrons. The Ξ- baryon, on the other hand, travels several centimeters before decaying into yet another unstable particle called a Λ baryon, along with another long-lived particle called a pion. The Λ baryon too can travel several centimeters before ultimately decaying to a proton and a pion.". The paper describing this discovery is already in the
preprint archives and was submitted to
Phys. Rev. Letters.
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