// base.java (C) 2001 by Paul Falstad, www.falstad.com // this file must be run through cpp with one of BUILD_E, BUILD_V, // BUILD_M defined before compiling with java compiler. This was done // to reduce class file sizes. import java.io.InputStream; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.ImageProducer; import java.applet.Applet; import java.applet.AudioClip; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.io.File; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Random; import java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource; import java.lang.Math; import java.awt.event.*; #ifdef BUILD_E #define BUILD_CASE_EMV(E,M,V) E #elif defined(BUILD_M) #define BUILD_CASE_EMV(E,M,V) M #else #define BUILD_CASE_EMV(E,M,V) V #endif class Vec3DemoCanvas extends Canvas { Vec3DemoFrame pg; Vec3DemoCanvas(Vec3DemoFrame p) { pg = p; } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(300,400); } public void update(Graphics g) { pg.updateVec3Demo(g); } public void paint(Graphics g) { pg.updateVec3Demo(g); } }; class Vec3DemoLayout implements LayoutManager { public Vec3DemoLayout() {} public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) {} public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) {} public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container target) { return new Dimension(500, 500); } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container target) { return new Dimension(100,100); } public void layoutContainer(Container target) { int barwidth = 0; int i; for (i = 1; i < target.getComponentCount(); i++) { Component m = target.getComponent(i); if (m.isVisible()) { Dimension d = m.getPreferredSize(); if (d.width > barwidth) barwidth = d.width; } } Insets insets = target.insets(); int targetw = target.size().width - insets.left - insets.right; int cw = targetw-barwidth; int targeth = target.size().height - (insets.top+insets.bottom); target.getComponent(0).move(insets.left, insets.top); target.getComponent(0).resize(cw, targeth); cw += insets.left; int h = insets.top; for (i = 1; i < target.getComponentCount(); i++) { Component m = target.getComponent(i); if (m.isVisible()) { Dimension d = m.getPreferredSize(); if (m instanceof Scrollbar || m instanceof TextComponent) d.width = barwidth; if (m instanceof Choice && d.width > barwidth) d.width = barwidth; if (m instanceof Label) { h += d.height/5; d.width = barwidth; } m.move(cw, h); m.resize(d.width, d.height); h += d.height; } } } }; public class Vec3Demo extends Applet implements ComponentListener { Vec3DemoFrame ogf; void destroyFrame() { if (ogf != null) ogf.dispose(); ogf = null; repaint(); } boolean started = false; public void init() { addComponentListener(this); } void showFrame() { if (ogf == null) { started = true; ogf = new Vec3DemoFrame(this); ogf.init(); repaint(); } } public void paint(Graphics g) { String s = "Applet is open in a separate window."; if (!started) s = "Applet is starting."; else if (ogf == null) s = "Applet is finished."; else ogf.show(); g.drawString(s, 10, 30); } public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e){} public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e){} public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { showFrame(); } public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {} public void destroy() { if (ogf != null) ogf.dispose(); ogf = null; repaint(); } }; class Vec3DemoFrame extends Frame implements ComponentListener, ActionListener, AdjustmentListener, MouseMotionListener, MouseListener, ItemListener { Thread engine = null; Dimension winSize; Rectangle viewMain, viewAxes; Image dbimage; Vec3Demo applet; Random random; public String getAppletInfo() { return "Vec3Demo by Paul Falstad"; } static final double pi = 3.14159265358979323846; int getrand(int x) { int q = random.nextInt(); if (q < 0) q = -q; return q % x; } Vec3DemoCanvas cv; Checkbox stoppedCheck; Button resetButton; Button kickButton; Checkbox reverseCheck; Button infoButton; Choice functionChooser; Choice dispChooser; #ifndef BUILD_M static final int DISP_PART_VELOC = 0; static final int DISP_PART_FORCE = 1; static final int DISP_VECTORS = 2; static final int DISP_LINES = 3; static final int DISP_EQUIPS = 4; static final int DISP_PART_VELOC_A = -1; static final int DISP_VECTORS_A = -2; static final int DISP_PART_MAG = -3; static final int DISP_VIEW_PAPER = -4; #else static final int DISP_PART_VELOC = 0; static final int DISP_PART_VELOC_A = 1; static final int DISP_VECTORS = 2; static final int DISP_VECTORS_A = 3; static final int DISP_LINES = 4; static final int DISP_PART_MAG = 5; static final int DISP_VIEW_PAPER = 6; static final int DISP_EQUIPS = -1; static final int DISP_PART_FORCE = -4; #endif Choice sliceChooser; static final int SLICE_NONE = 0; static final int SLICE_X = 1; static final int SLICE_Y = 2; static final int SLICE_Z = 3; Label partCountLabel; Label textFieldLabel; Label strengthLabel; Scrollbar partCountBar; Scrollbar strengthBar; Scrollbar aux1Bar; Scrollbar aux2Bar; Scrollbar aux3Bar; double fieldStrength, partMult; Color darkYellow = new Color(144, 144, 0); final double lineWidth = .01; class AuxBar { Scrollbar bar; Label label; AuxBar(Label l, Scrollbar b) { label = l; bar = b; } }; AuxBar auxBars[]; Label vecDensityLabel; Scrollbar vecDensityBar; Label potentialLabel; Scrollbar potentialBar; Label lineDensityLabel; Scrollbar lineDensityBar; Choice modeChooser; TextField textFields[]; static final int MODE_ANGLE = 0; static final int MODE_ZOOM = 1; static final int MODE_SLICE = 2; int reverse; int xpoints[]; int ypoints[]; int slicerPoints[][]; double sliceFaces[][]; double sliceFace[]; Particle particles[]; FieldVector vectors[]; int vecCount; int density[][][]; double sliceval = 0; double rotmatrix[]; double cameraPos[]; double intersection[]; double intersectionDistance; int vectorSpacing = 16; int currentStep; boolean selectedSlice, mouseDown, getPot; boolean showA; boolean parseError; Color fieldColors[]; Color equipColors[]; // was 1./5, 10; 1./3, 6 worked better static final double densitygroupsize = 1./2; static final int densitygridsize = 4; static final int maxParticleCount = 5000; double zoom = 3; boolean dragging; int oldDragX, oldDragY, dragX, dragY, dragStartX, dragStartY; double dragZoomStart, lastXRot, lastYRot; Vector functionList; VecFunction curfunc; int pause = 20; Vec3DemoFrame(Vec3Demo a) { super("3-D Vector Fields Applet v1.3"); applet = a; } public void init() { try { String param = applet.getParameter("PAUSE"); if (param != null) pause = Integer.parseInt(param); } catch (Exception e) { } functionList = new Vector(); VecFunction vf = new BUILD_CASE_EMV(InverseSquaredRadial(), InverseRotational(), InverseSquaredRadial()); while (vf != null) { functionList.addElement(vf); vf = vf.createNext(); } random = new Random(); particles = new Particle[maxParticleCount]; int i; for (i = 0; i != maxParticleCount; i++) particles[i] = new Particle(); xpoints = new int[4]; ypoints = new int[4]; slicerPoints = new int[2][5*2]; sliceFaces = new double[4][3]; rotmatrix = new double[9]; setXYView(); density = new int[densitygridsize][densitygridsize][densitygridsize]; setLayout(new Vec3DemoLayout()); cv = new Vec3DemoCanvas(this); cv.addComponentListener(this); cv.addMouseMotionListener(this); cv.addMouseListener(this); add(cv); /*infoButton = new Button("Function Info"); add(infoButton); infoButton.addActionListener(this);*/ add(new Label("Field selection:")); functionChooser = new Choice(); for (i = 0; i != functionList.size(); i++) functionChooser.add( ((VecFunction) functionList.elementAt(i)).getName()); add(functionChooser); functionChooser.addItemListener(this); dispChooser = new Choice(); dispChooser.addItemListener(this); setupDispChooser(true); add(dispChooser); modeChooser = new Choice(); modeChooser.add("Mouse = Adjust Angle"); modeChooser.add("Mouse = Adjust Zoom"); modeChooser.addItemListener(this); add(modeChooser); sliceChooser = new Choice(); sliceChooser.add("No Slicing"); sliceChooser.add("Show X Slice"); sliceChooser.add("Show Y Slice"); sliceChooser.add("Show Z Slice"); sliceChooser.addItemListener(this); add(sliceChooser); stoppedCheck = new Checkbox("Stopped"); stoppedCheck.addItemListener(this); add(stoppedCheck); reverseCheck = new Checkbox("Reverse"); reverseCheck.addItemListener(this); add(reverseCheck); resetButton = new Button("Reset"); add(resetButton); resetButton.addActionListener(this); kickButton = new Button("Kick"); #ifndef BUILD_M add(kickButton); kickButton.addActionListener(this); kickButton.disable(); #endif add(strengthLabel = new Label("Field Strength", Label.CENTER)); add(strengthBar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 10, 1, 0, 100)); strengthBar.addAdjustmentListener(this); add(partCountLabel = new Label("Number of Particles", Label.CENTER)); add(partCountBar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 500, 1, 1, maxParticleCount)); partCountBar.addAdjustmentListener(this); add(vecDensityLabel = new Label("Vector Density", Label.CENTER)); add(vecDensityBar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 16, 1, 2, 64)); vecDensityBar.addAdjustmentListener(this); add(lineDensityLabel = new Label( #ifdef BUILD_V "Streamline Density", #else "Field Line Density", #endif Label.CENTER)); add(lineDensityBar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 5, 1, 3, 16)); lineDensityBar.addAdjustmentListener(this); add(potentialLabel = new Label("Potential", Label.CENTER)); add(potentialBar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 250, 1, 0, 1000)); potentialBar.addAdjustmentListener(this); Label lb; auxBars = new AuxBar[3]; add(lb = new Label("Aux 1", Label.CENTER)); add(aux1Bar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 0, 1, 0, 100)); aux1Bar.addAdjustmentListener(this); auxBars[0] = new AuxBar(lb, aux1Bar); add(lb = new Label("Aux 2", Label.CENTER)); add(aux2Bar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 0, 1, 0, 100)); aux2Bar.addAdjustmentListener(this); auxBars[1] = new AuxBar(lb, aux2Bar); add(lb = new Label("Aux 3", Label.CENTER)); add(aux3Bar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 0, 1, 0, 100)); aux3Bar.addAdjustmentListener(this); auxBars[2] = new AuxBar(lb, aux3Bar); #ifdef BUILD_V add(textFieldLabel = new Label("", Label.CENTER)); #endif textFields = new TextField[3]; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { add(textFields[i] = new TextField()); textFields[i].addActionListener(this); } fieldColors = new Color[513]; for (i = 0; i != 256; i++) { int col = (255<<24) | (i<<8); fieldColors[i] = new Color(col); } for (i = 0; i != 256; i++) { int col = (255<<24) | (255<<8) | (i * (0x10001)); fieldColors[i+256] = new Color(col); } fieldColors[512] = fieldColors[511]; equipColors = new Color[513]; for (i = 0; i != 256; i++) { int r = 255-i/2; int gb = i/2; int col = (255<<24) | (r<<16) | (gb<<8) | gb; equipColors[i] = new Color(col); } for (i = 0; i != 256; i++) { int g = 128+i/2; int rb = 128-i/2; int col = (255<<24) | (rb<<16) | (g<<8) | rb; equipColors[i+256] = new Color(col); } equipColors[512] = equipColors[511]; add(new Label("http://www.falstad.com", Label.CENTER)); intersection = new double[3]; reinit(); cv.setBackground(Color.black); cv.setForeground(Color.lightGray); resize(500, 500); handleResize(); Dimension screen = getToolkit().getScreenSize(); Dimension x = getSize(); setLocation((screen.width - x.width)/2, (screen.height - x.height)/2); functionChanged(); dispChooserChanged(); show(); requestFocus(); } void setViewMatrix(double a, double b) { int i; for (i = 0; i != 9; i++) rotmatrix[i] = 0; rotmatrix[0] = rotmatrix[4] = rotmatrix[8] = 1; rotate(a, b); lastXRot = lastYRot = 0; } void setXYView() { setViewMatrix(0, pi/11); } void setXYViewExact() { setViewMatrix(0, 0); } void setXZView() { setViewMatrix(0, pi/11-pi/2); } void setXZViewExact() { setViewMatrix(0, -pi/2); } void handleResize() { Dimension d = winSize = cv.getSize(); if (winSize.width == 0) return; dbimage = createImage(d.width, d.height); scaleworld(); viewMain = new Rectangle(winSize); viewAxes = new Rectangle(winSize.width-100, 0, 100, 100); } void resetDensityGroups() { int i, j, k; for (i = 0; i != densitygridsize; i++) for (j = 0; j != densitygridsize; j++) for (k = 0; k != densitygridsize; k++) density[i][j][k] = 0; int slice = sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex(); boolean sliced = (slice > 0); int pcount = getParticleCount(); for (i = 0; i != pcount; i++) { Particle p = particles[i]; if (sliced) p.pos[slice-SLICE_X] = sliceval; addToDensityGroup(p); } // invalidate all unused particles so they will be // repositioned if the particle slider is moved to the right, // rather than just falling in where they happened to be last time for (; i != maxParticleCount; i++) { Particle p = particles[i]; p.lifetime = -100; } } int addToDensityGroup(Particle p) { int a = (int)((p.pos[0]+1)*(densitygridsize/2)); int b = (int)((p.pos[1]+1)*(densitygridsize/2)); int c = (int)((p.pos[2]+1)*(densitygridsize/2)); int n = 0; try { n = ++density[a][b][c]; if (n > maxParticleCount) System.out.print(a + " " + b + " " + c + " " + density[a][b][c] + "\n"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print(p.pos[0] + " " + p.pos[1] + " " + p.pos[2] + "\n"); e.printStackTrace(); } return n; } void removeFromDensityGroup(Particle p) { int a = (int)((p.pos[0]+1)*(densitygridsize/2)); int b = (int)((p.pos[1]+1)*(densitygridsize/2)); int c = (int)((p.pos[2]+1)*(densitygridsize/2)); try { if (--density[a][b][c] < 0) System.out.print(a + " " + b + " " + c + " " + density[a][b][c] + "\n"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print(p.pos[0] + " " + p.pos[1] + " " + p.pos[2] + "\n"); e.printStackTrace(); } } void positionParticle(Particle p) { int x, y, z; int bestx = 0, besty = 0, bestz = 0; int best = 10000; // we avoid scanning the grid in the same order every time // so that we treat equal-density squares as equally as possible. int randaddx = getrand(densitygridsize); int randaddy = getrand(densitygridsize); int randaddz = getrand(densitygridsize); for (x = 0; x != densitygridsize; x++) for (y = 0; y != densitygridsize; y++) for (z = 0; z != densitygridsize; z++) { int ix = (randaddx + x) % densitygridsize; int iy = (randaddy + y) % densitygridsize; int iz = (randaddz + z) % densitygridsize; if (density[ix][iy][iz] <= best) { bestx = ix; besty = iy; bestz = iz; best = density[ix][iy][iz]; } } p.pos[0] = bestx*densitygroupsize + getrand(100)*densitygroupsize/100.0 - 1; p.pos[1] = besty*densitygroupsize + getrand(100)*densitygroupsize/100.0 - 1; p.pos[2] = bestz*densitygroupsize + getrand(100)*densitygroupsize/100.0 - 1; p.lifetime = curfunc.redistribute() ? 500 : 5000; p.stepsize = 1; p.theta = (getrand(101)-50)*pi/50.; p.phi = (getrand(101)-50)*pi/50.; int j; for (j = 0; j != 3; j++) p.vel[j] = 0; } int getParticleCount() { return partCountBar.getValue(); } void resetParticles() { int pcount = getParticleCount(); int i, j; for (i = 0; i != pcount; i++) { Particle p = particles[i]; for (j = 0; j != 3; j++) { p.pos[j] = getrand(200)/100.0 - 1; p.vel[j] = 0; } p.lifetime = i*2; p.stepsize = 1; } resetDensityGroups(); } void kickParticles() { int i, j; for (i = 0; i != getParticleCount(); i++) { Particle p = particles[i]; for (j = 0; j != 3; j++) p.vel[j] += (getrand(100)/99.0 - .5) * .04; } } // multiply rotation matrix by rotations through angle1 and angle2 void rotate(double angle1, double angle2) { double r1cos = java.lang.Math.cos(angle1); double r1sin = java.lang.Math.sin(angle1); double r2cos = java.lang.Math.cos(angle2); double r2sin = java.lang.Math.sin(angle2); double rotm2[] = new double[9]; // angle1 is angle about y axis, angle2 is angle about x axis rotm2[0] = r1cos; rotm2[1] = -r1sin*r2sin; rotm2[2] = r2cos*r1sin; rotm2[3] = 0; rotm2[4] = r2cos; rotm2[5] = r2sin; rotm2[6] = -r1sin; rotm2[7] = -r1cos*r2sin; rotm2[8] = r1cos*r2cos; rotate(rotm2); } void rotate(double rotm2[]) { double rotm1[] = rotmatrix; rotmatrix = new double[9]; int i, j, k; for (j = 0; j != 3; j++) for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { double v = 0; for (k = 0; k != 3; k++) v += rotm1[k+j*3]*rotm2[i+k*3]; rotmatrix[i+j*3] = v; } } void reinit() { handleResize(); resetParticles(); } void centerString(Graphics g, String s, int y) { FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); g.drawString(s, (winSize.width-fm.stringWidth(s))/2, y); } public void paint(Graphics g) { cv.repaint(); } static final double root2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242096981; double scalex, scaley; static final double viewDistance = 5; void map3d(double x, double y, double z, int xpoints[], int ypoints[], int pt) { map3d(x, y, z, xpoints, ypoints, pt, viewMain); } void map3d(double x, double y, double z, int xpoints[], int ypoints[], int pt, Rectangle view) { double rotm[] = rotmatrix; double realx = x*rotm[0] + y*rotm[3] + z*rotm[6]; double realy = x*rotm[1] + y*rotm[4] + z*rotm[7]; double realz = viewDistance-(x*rotm[2] + y*rotm[5] + z*rotm[8]); double scalex = view.width*zoom/2; double scaley = view.height*zoom/2; double aratio = view.width/(double) view.height; // preserve aspect ratio regardless of window dimensions if (aratio < 1) scaley *= aratio; else scalex /= aratio; xpoints[pt] = view.x + view.width /2 + (int) (scalex*realx/realz); ypoints[pt] = view.y + view.height/2 - (int) (scaley*realy/realz); } double getScalingFactor(double x, double y, double z) { double rotm[] = rotmatrix; double realz = viewDistance-(x*rotm[2] + y*rotm[5] + z*rotm[8]); double scalex = winSize.width*zoom/2; double scaley = winSize.height*zoom/2; double aratio = winSize.width/(double) winSize.height; // preserve aspect ratio regardless of window dimensions if (aratio < 1) scaley *= aratio; else scalex /= aratio; // scalex and scaley should now be approx. equal return scalex/realz; } // map point on screen to 3-d coordinates assuming given z depth void unmap3d(double x3[], int x, int y, double z, Rectangle view) { double scalex = view.width*zoom/2; double scaley = view.height*zoom/2; double aratio = view.width/(double) view.height; // preserve aspect ratio regardless of window dimensions if (aratio < 1) scaley *= aratio; else scalex /= aratio; double realz = viewDistance-z; double realx = (x-(view.width/2))*realz/scalex; double realy = -(y-(view.height/2))*realz/scaley; double rotm[] = rotmatrix; x3[0] = (realx*rotm[0] + realy*rotm[1] + z*rotm[2]); x3[1] = (realx*rotm[3] + realy*rotm[4] + z*rotm[5]); x3[2] = (realx*rotm[6] + realy*rotm[7] + z*rotm[8]); } // map point on screen to 3-d coordinates assuming it lies on a given plane void unmap3d(double x3[], int x, int y, double pn[], double pp[], Rectangle view) { // first, find all points which map to (x,y) on the screen. // this is a line. double scalex = view.width*zoom/2; double scaley = view.height*zoom/2; double aratio = view.width/(double) view.height; // preserve aspect ratio regardless of window dimensions if (aratio < 1) scaley *= aratio; else scalex /= aratio; double vx = (x-(view.width/2))/scalex; double vy = -(y-(view.height/2))/scaley; // vz = -1 // map the line vector to object space (we know where the camera // is in object space already so no need to map that) double rotm[] = rotmatrix; double mvx = (vx*rotm[0] + vy*rotm[1] - rotm[2]); double mvy = (vx*rotm[3] + vy*rotm[4] - rotm[5]); double mvz = (vx*rotm[6] + vy*rotm[7] - rotm[8]); // calculate the intersection between the line and the given plane double t = ((pp[0]-cameraPos[0])*pn[0] + (pp[1]-cameraPos[1])*pn[1] + (pp[2]-cameraPos[2])*pn[2]) / (pn[0]*mvx+pn[1]*mvy+pn[2]*mvz); x3[0] = cameraPos[0]+mvx*t; x3[1] = cameraPos[1]+mvy*t; x3[2] = cameraPos[2]+mvz*t; } void scaleworld() { scalex = winSize.width/2; scaley = winSize.height/2; } long lastTime; double timeStep; public void updateVec3Demo(Graphics realg) { Graphics g = dbimage.getGraphics(); if (winSize == null || winSize.width == 0) return; if (xpoints == null) return; g.setColor(cv.getBackground()); g.fillRect(0, 0, winSize.width, winSize.height); g.setColor(cv.getForeground()); // XXX make it true, then fix it so current animation works w/ vectors boolean allquiet = false; curfunc.setupFrame(); int disp = dispChooser.getSelectedIndex(); timeStep = 1; if (!stoppedCheck.getState()) { if (lastTime > 0) timeStep = (System.currentTimeMillis()-lastTime)*.03; if (timeStep > 3) timeStep = 3; lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (disp != DISP_VECTORS && disp != DISP_VECTORS_A && disp != DISP_LINES && disp != DISP_EQUIPS) { moveParticles(); allquiet = false; } currentStep = (int) (reverse*(lastTime/30) % 800); if (currentStep < 0) currentStep += 800; } else { lastXRot = lastYRot = 0; lastTime = 0; } drawCube(g, true); cameraPos = new double[3]; unmap3d(cameraPos, winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2, viewDistance, viewMain); if (disp == DISP_VECTORS || disp == DISP_VECTORS_A) drawVectors(g); else if (disp == DISP_LINES) { genLines(); drawLines(g); #ifndef BUILD_M } else if (disp == DISP_EQUIPS) { genEquips(); drawLines(g); #endif } else if (disp == DISP_VIEW_PAPER) drawViewPaper(g); else drawParticles(g); g.setColor(Color.gray); drawCube(g, false); drawAxes(g); curfunc.finishFrame(); if (parseError) centerString(g, "Can't parse expression", winSize.height-20); //g.drawString("FR: " + framerate, 0, 10); realg.drawImage(dbimage, 0, 0, this); long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); frames++; if (firsttime == 0) firsttime = t; else if (t-firsttime > 1000) { framerate = frames; firsttime = t; frames = 0; } if (mouseDown) lastXRot = lastYRot = 0; else if (lastXRot != 0 || lastYRot != 0) { rotate(lastXRot*timeStep, lastYRot*timeStep); allquiet = false; } if (!stoppedCheck.getState() && !allquiet) cv.repaint(pause); } void drawCurrentArrow(Graphics g, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if (reverse == 1) drawArrow(g, null, x1, y1, x2, y2, 7); else drawArrow(g, null, x2, y2, x1, y1, 7); } void drawCurrentLine(Graphics g, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int n, boolean doArrow, int dir) { int i; if (dir == -1) { int x3 = x1; int y3 = y1; x1 = x2; y1 = y2; x2 = x3; y2 = y3; } int x0 = x1; int y0 = y1; n *= 3; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { int x = (x2-x1)*i/n + x1; int y = (y2-y1)*i/n + y1; g.setColor(Color.yellow); if (i == n && doArrow && reverse == 1) drawCurrentArrow(g, x0, y0, x, y); else if (i == 1 && doArrow && reverse == -1) drawCurrentArrow(g, x0, y0, x, y); else { g.setColor(getCurrentColor(i)); g.drawLine(x0, y0, x, y); } x0 = x; y0 = y; } } Color getCurrentColor(int i) { return (((currentStep/2+400-i) & 4) > 0) ? Color.yellow : Color.darkGray; } void drawSphere(Graphics g, double r, boolean back) { int i; int ct = 10; for (i = 0; i != ct; i++) { double th1 = pi*2*i/ct; double th2 = pi*2*(i+1)/ct; double sinth1 = r*java.lang.Math.sin(th1); double costh1 = r*java.lang.Math.cos(th1); double sinth2 = r*java.lang.Math.sin(th2); double costh2 = r*java.lang.Math.cos(th2); if (backFacing(costh1, sinth1, 0, costh1, sinth1, 0) == back) { map3d(costh1, sinth1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(costh2, sinth2, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 1); g.drawLine(xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); } if (backFacing(0, costh1, sinth1, 0, costh1, sinth1) == back) { map3d(0, costh1, sinth1, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(0, costh2, sinth2, xpoints, ypoints, 1); g.drawLine(xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); } if (backFacing(costh1, 0, sinth1, costh1, 0, sinth1) == back) { map3d(costh1, 0, sinth1, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(costh2, 0, sinth2, xpoints, ypoints, 1); g.drawLine(xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); } } } void fillSphere(Graphics g, double r, double xoff) { int i, j; int ct = 20; for (i = 0; i != ct; i++) { double th1 = pi*i/ct; double th2 = pi*(i+1)/ct; double costh1 = r*java.lang.Math.cos(th1); double sinth1 = r*java.lang.Math.sin(th1); double costh2 = r*java.lang.Math.cos(th2); double sinth2 = r*java.lang.Math.sin(th2); double cosph1 = 1, sinph1 = 0; for (j = 0; j != ct; j++) { double ph2 = 2*pi*(j+1)/ct; double cosph2 = java.lang.Math.cos(ph2); double sinph2 = java.lang.Math.sin(ph2); double x1 = sinth1*cosph1; double y1 = sinth1*sinph1; double z1 = costh1; double x = cameraPos[0]-(x1+xoff); double y = cameraPos[1]-y1; double z = cameraPos[2]-z1; double d = x*x1+y*y1+z*z1; if (d > 0) { int dd = (int) (d/r*40); if (dd > 255) dd = 255; g.setColor(new Color(dd, dd, 0)); map3d(xoff+x1, y1, z1, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(xoff+sinth1*cosph2, sinth1*sinph2, costh1, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d(xoff+sinth2*cosph2, sinth2*sinph2, costh2, xpoints, ypoints, 2); map3d(xoff+sinth2*cosph1, sinth2*sinph1, costh2, xpoints, ypoints, 3); g.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4); } cosph1 = cosph2; sinph1 = sinph2; } } } void drawCylinder(Graphics g, double r, double xoff, boolean back) { int i; int ct = 10; for (i = 0; i != ct; i++) { double th1 = pi*2*i/ct; double th2 = pi*2*(i+1)/ct; double sinth1 = r*java.lang.Math.sin(th1); double costh1 = r*java.lang.Math.cos(th1); double sinth2 = r*java.lang.Math.sin(th2); double costh2 = r*java.lang.Math.cos(th2); if (backFacing(costh1, sinth1, 0, costh1, sinth1, 0) == back) { map3d(xoff+costh1, sinth1, -1, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(xoff+costh2, sinth2, -1, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d(xoff+costh2, sinth2, +1, xpoints, ypoints, 2); map3d(xoff+costh1, sinth1, +1, xpoints, ypoints, 3); g.drawPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4); } } } void setFaceColor(Graphics g, double d) { int dd = 32+(int) (d*40); if (dd > 255) dd = 255; g.setColor(new Color(dd, dd, 0)); } void fillCylinder(Graphics g, double r, double xoff) { int i; int ct = 30; int sidepoints[][]; sidepoints = new int[4][ct]; for (i = 0; i != ct; i++) { double th1 = pi*2*i/ct; double th2 = pi*2*(i+1)/ct; double sinth1 = r*java.lang.Math.sin(th1); double costh1 = r*java.lang.Math.cos(th1); double sinth2 = r*java.lang.Math.sin(th2); double costh2 = r*java.lang.Math.cos(th2); double x = cameraPos[0]-(xoff+costh1); double y = cameraPos[1]-sinth1; double d = x*costh1+y*sinth1; if (d > 0) setFaceColor(g, d/r); map3d(xoff+costh1, sinth1, -1, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(xoff+costh2, sinth2, -1, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d(xoff+costh2, sinth2, +1, xpoints, ypoints, 2); map3d(xoff+costh1, sinth1, +1, xpoints, ypoints, 3); sidepoints[0][i] = xpoints[0]; sidepoints[1][i] = ypoints[0]; sidepoints[2][i] = xpoints[3]; sidepoints[3][i] = ypoints[3]; if (d > 0) g.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4); } if (!backFacing(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1)) { setFaceColor(g, cameraPos[2]); g.fillPolygon(sidepoints[2], sidepoints[3], ct); } else if (!backFacing(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1)) { setFaceColor(g, -cameraPos[2]); g.fillPolygon(sidepoints[0], sidepoints[1], ct); } } void drawAxes(Graphics g) { g.setColor(Color.white); map3d(0, 0, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 0, viewAxes); map3d(1, 0, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 1, viewAxes); drawArrow(g, "x", xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); map3d(0, 1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 1, viewAxes); drawArrow(g, "y", xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); map3d(0, 0, 1, xpoints, ypoints, 1, viewAxes); drawArrow(g, "z", xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); } void drawViewPaper(Graphics g) { int i, j; int ct = vecDensityBar.getValue(); ct = 24+(ct*56/64); double z = sliceval; double pos[] = new double[3]; double field[] = new double[3]; int slice = sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex()-SLICE_X; if (slice < 0) slice = 0; int coord1 = (slice == 0) ? 1 : 0; int coord2 = (slice == 2) ? 1 : 2; for (i = 0; i != ct; i++) { double x1 = i*2./ct - 1; double x2 = (i+1.)*2/ct - 1; for (j = 0; j != ct; j++) { double y1 = j*2./ct - 1; double y2 = (j+1.)*2/ct - 1; pos[coord1] = x1; pos[coord2] = y1; pos[slice] = z; curfunc.getField(field, pos); // paper is dark when field is perpendicular, light when // it is parallel double prp = field[slice] < 0 ? -field[slice] : field[slice]; double par = java.lang.Math.sqrt(field[coord1]*field[coord1]+ field[coord2]*field[coord2]); int dd = (int) ((par/2-prp)*strengthBar.getValue()*20000.+128); if (dd < 0) dd = 0; if (dd > 255) dd = 255; g.setColor(new Color(0, dd, 0)); map3d(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], xpoints, ypoints, 0); pos[coord1] = x2; map3d(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], xpoints, ypoints, 1); pos[coord2] = y2; map3d(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], xpoints, ypoints, 2); pos[coord1] = x1; map3d(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], xpoints, ypoints, 3); g.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4); } } } void drawVectors(Graphics g) { int x, y, z; DrawData dd = new DrawData(); dd.mult = strengthBar.getValue() * 80.; dd.g = g; dd.field = new double[3]; dd.vv = new double[3]; vectorSpacing = vecDensityBar.getValue(); int slice = sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex(); boolean sliced = (slice > 0); double vec[] = new double[3]; if (vectors == null && sliced) vectors = new FieldVector[vectorSpacing*vectorSpacing]; vecCount = 0; if (!sliced) { vectorSpacing /= 2; if (vectors == null) vectors = new FieldVector[vectorSpacing*vectorSpacing*vectorSpacing]; for (x = 0; x != vectorSpacing; x++) { vec[0] = x*(2.0/(vectorSpacing-1))-1; for (y = 0; y != vectorSpacing; y++) { vec[1] = y*(2.0/(vectorSpacing-1))-1; for (z = 0; z != vectorSpacing; z++) { vec[2] = z*(2.0/(vectorSpacing-1))-1; drawVector(dd, vec); } } } } else { int coord1 = (slice == SLICE_X) ? 1 : 0; int coord2 = (slice == SLICE_Z) ? 1 : 2; int slicecoord = slice-SLICE_X; vec[slicecoord] = sliceval; for (x = 0; x != vectorSpacing; x++) { vec[coord1] = x*(2.0/(vectorSpacing-1))-1; for (y = 0; y != vectorSpacing; y++) { vec[coord2] = y*(2.0/(vectorSpacing-1))-1; drawVector(dd, vec); } } } curfunc.render(g); } void genLines() { if (vectors != null) return; fieldStrength = 10; int i; vecCount = 0; int lineGridSize = lineDensityBar.getValue(); if (lineGridSize < 3) lineGridSize = 3; if (lineGridSize > 16) lineGridSize = 16; int slice = sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex(); boolean sliced = (slice > 0); if (sliced) lineGridSize *= 2; int ct = (sliced) ? 30*lineGridSize*lineGridSize : 30*lineGridSize*lineGridSize*lineGridSize; vectors = new FieldVector[ct]; double brightmult = 160*strengthBar.getValue(); boolean lineGrid[][][] = new boolean[lineGridSize][lineGridSize][lineGridSize]; double lineGridMult = lineGridSize/2.; if (sliced) { int j, k; int gp = (int) ((sliceval+1)*lineGridMult); for (i = 0; i != lineGridSize; i++) for (j = 0; j != lineGridSize; j++) for (k = 0; k != lineGridSize; k++) { switch (slice) { case SLICE_X: lineGrid[i][j][k] = i!=gp; break; case SLICE_Y: lineGrid[i][j][k] = j!=gp; break; case SLICE_Z: lineGrid[i][j][k] = k!=gp; break; } } } double origp[] = new double[3]; double field[] = new double[3]; Particle p = new Particle(); p.lifetime = -1; p.stepsize = 10; int dir = -1; int segs = 0; double lastdist = 0; for (i = 0; i != ct; i++) { if (p.lifetime < 0) { p.lifetime = 1; p.stepsize = 10; segs = 0; lastdist = 0; if (dir == 1) { int j; for (j = 0; j != 3; j++) p.pos[j] = origp[j]; dir = -1; continue; } dir = 1; int px = 0, py = 0, pz = 0; while (true) { if (!lineGrid[px][py][pz]) break; if (++px < lineGridSize) continue; px = 0; if (++py < lineGridSize) continue; py = 0; if (++pz < lineGridSize) continue; break; } if (pz == lineGridSize) break; lineGrid[px][py][pz] = true; double offs = .5/lineGridMult; origp[0] = p.pos[0] = px/lineGridMult-1+offs; origp[1] = p.pos[1] = py/lineGridMult-1+offs; origp[2] = p.pos[2] = pz/lineGridMult-1+offs; if (sliced) origp[slice-SLICE_X] = p.pos[slice-SLICE_X] = sliceval; } FieldVector fv = vectors[vecCount]; if (fv == null) { fv = vectors[vecCount] = new FieldVector(); fv.p1 = new double[3]; fv.p2 = new double[3]; } vecCount++; fv.p1[0] = p.pos[0]; fv.p1[1] = p.pos[1]; fv.p1[2] = p.pos[2]; double x[] = p.pos; lineSegment(p, dir); //System.out.print(x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2] + "\n"); if (p.lifetime < 0) { vecCount--; continue; } int gx = (int) ((x[0]+1)*lineGridMult); int gy = (int) ((x[1]+1)*lineGridMult); int gz = (int) ((x[2]+1)*lineGridMult); if (!lineGrid[gx][gy][gz]) segs--; lineGrid[gx][gy][gz] = true; fv.p2[0] = p.pos[0]; fv.p2[1] = p.pos[1]; fv.p2[2] = p.pos[2]; double dn = brightmult*p.phi; if (dn > 2) dn = 2; fv.col = (int) (dn*255); double d2 = dist2(origp, x); if (d2 > lastdist) lastdist = d2; else segs++; if (segs > 10 || d2 < .001) p.lifetime = -1; } //System.out.print("vc " + vecCount + " " + ct + "\n"); } void drawLines(Graphics g) { int i; for (i = 0; i != vecCount; i++) { FieldVector fv = vectors[i]; double x[] = fv.p1; map3d(x[0], x[1], x[2], xpoints, ypoints, 0); int vp1 = curfunc.getViewPri(cameraPos, x); x = fv.p2; map3d(x[0], x[1], x[2], xpoints, ypoints, 1); fv.sx1 = xpoints[0]; fv.sy1 = ypoints[0]; fv.sx2 = xpoints[1]; fv.sy2 = ypoints[1]; int vp2 = curfunc.getViewPri(cameraPos, x); fv.viewPri = (vp1 > vp2) ? vp1 : vp2; } curfunc.render(g); } #ifndef BUILD_M double potfield[]; class EquipPoint { double pos[]; double pot; EquipPoint() { pos = new double[3]; } EquipPoint(EquipPoint a, EquipPoint b) { pos = new double[3]; int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) pos[i] = .5*(a.pos[i] + b.pos[i]); curfunc.getField(potfield, pos); pot = reverse*potfield[0]; } void set(int cx, int cy, int cz, double x, double y, double z) { pos[cx] = x; pos[cy] = y; pos[cz] = z; } boolean valid() { return !(Double.isNaN(pot) || Double.isInfinite(pot)); } boolean inRange() { return (pot >= -2 && pot <= 2); } void setPot(double p) { pot = p; } } boolean canSubdivide(EquipPoint a, EquipPoint b) { return dist2(a.pos, b.pos) > .04*.04; } static final int maxVectors = 10000; void genEquips() { if (vectors != null) return; fieldStrength = 10; vecCount = 0; int slice = sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex(); vectors = new FieldVector[maxVectors]; potfield = new double[3]; EquipPoint eps[] = new EquipPoint[4]; int i; for (i = 0; i != 4; i++) eps[i] = new EquipPoint(); if (slice == SLICE_NONE) { int steps = 3; for (i = -steps; i <= steps; i++) genEquipPlane(eps, i/(double) steps, SLICE_X); for (i = -steps; i <= steps; i++) genEquipPlane(eps, i/(double) steps, SLICE_Y); for (i = -steps; i <= steps; i++) genEquipPlane(eps, i/(double) steps, SLICE_Z); } else genEquipPlane(eps, sliceval, slice); //System.out.print("vc " + vecCount + "\n"); } void genEquipPlane(EquipPoint eps[], double z, int slice) { int i, j; int coord1 = (slice == SLICE_X) ? 1 : 0; int coord2 = (slice == SLICE_Z) ? 1 : 2; slice -= SLICE_X; int grid = (sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex() == SLICE_NONE) ? 12 : 24; double gridmult = 2./grid; double pots[][] = new double[grid+1][grid+1]; for (i = 0; i <= grid; i++) for (j = 0; j <= grid; j++) { double x1 = i*gridmult-1; double y1 = j*gridmult-1; eps[0].set(coord1, coord2, slice, x1, y1, z); curfunc.getField(potfield, eps[0].pos); pots[i][j] = reverse*potfield[0]; } for (i = 0; i != grid; i++) for (j = 0; j != grid; j++) { double x1 = i*gridmult-1; double y1 = j*gridmult-1; double x2 = (i+1)*gridmult-1; double y2 = (j+1)*gridmult-1; eps[0].set(coord1, coord2, slice, x1, y1, z); eps[1].set(coord1, coord2, slice, x2, y1, z); eps[2].set(coord1, coord2, slice, x1, y2, z); eps[3].set(coord1, coord2, slice, x2, y2, z); eps[0].setPot(pots[i ][j ]); eps[1].setPot(pots[i+1][j ]); eps[2].setPot(pots[i ][j+1]); eps[3].setPot(pots[i+1][j+1]); tryEdges(eps[0], eps[1], eps[2], eps[3]); } } double max(double a, double b) { return a > b ? a : b; } double min(double a, double b) { return a < b ? a : b; } boolean shouldSubdivide(EquipPoint ep1, EquipPoint ep2, EquipPoint ep3, EquipPoint ep4) { if (!ep1.inRange()) return true; if (!ep2.inRange()) return true; if (!ep3.inRange()) return true; if (!ep4.inRange()) return true; double pmin = min(min(ep1.pot, ep2.pot), min(ep3.pot, ep4.pot)); double pmax = max(max(ep1.pot, ep2.pot), max(ep3.pot, ep4.pot)); return (pmax-pmin) > .3; } void tryEdges(EquipPoint ep1, EquipPoint ep2, EquipPoint ep3, EquipPoint ep4) { if (shouldSubdivide(ep1, ep2, ep3, ep4) && canSubdivide(ep1, ep2)) { EquipPoint ep12 = new EquipPoint(ep1, ep2); EquipPoint ep13 = new EquipPoint(ep1, ep3); EquipPoint ep24 = new EquipPoint(ep2, ep4); EquipPoint ep34 = new EquipPoint(ep3, ep4); EquipPoint epc = new EquipPoint(ep12, ep34); tryEdges(ep1, ep12, ep13, epc); tryEdges(ep12, ep2, epc, ep24); tryEdges(ep13, epc, ep3, ep34); tryEdges(epc, ep24, ep34, ep4); return; } tryEdge(ep1, ep2, ep3, ep4); tryEdge(ep1, ep2, ep1, ep3); tryEdge(ep1, ep2, ep2, ep4); tryEdge(ep1, ep3, ep2, ep4); tryEdge(ep1, ep3, ep3, ep4); tryEdge(ep2, ep4, ep3, ep4); } boolean spanning(EquipPoint ep1, EquipPoint ep2, double pval) { if (ep1.pot == ep2.pot) return false; if (!(ep1.valid() && ep2.valid())) return false; return !((ep1.pot < pval && ep2.pot < pval) || (ep1.pot > pval && ep2.pot > pval)); } void interpPoint(EquipPoint ep1, EquipPoint ep2, double pval, double pos[]) { double interp2 = (pval-ep1.pot)/(ep2.pot-ep1.pot); double interp1 = 1-interp2; //System.out.print("I " + interp1 + " " + interp2 + "\n"); //System.out.print(ep1.pot + " " + ep2.pot + " " + Double.isNaN(ep1.pot) + "\n"); int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) pos[i] = ep1.pos[i]*interp1+ep2.pos[i]*interp2; //System.out.print("> " + pos[0] + " " + pos[1] + " " + pos[2] + "\n"); } void tryEdge(EquipPoint ep1, EquipPoint ep2, EquipPoint ep3, EquipPoint ep4) { int i; if (sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex() == SLICE_NONE) { tryEdge(ep1, ep2, ep3, ep4, (potentialBar.getValue()-500)/500.); } else { for (i = -20; i <= 20; i++) tryEdge(ep1, ep2, ep3, ep4, i/20.); } } void tryEdge(EquipPoint ep1, EquipPoint ep2, EquipPoint ep3, EquipPoint ep4, double pval) { if (!(spanning(ep1, ep2, pval) && spanning(ep3, ep4, pval))) return; if (vecCount == maxVectors) return; FieldVector fv = vectors[vecCount]; if (fv == null) { fv = vectors[vecCount] = new FieldVector(); fv.p1 = new double[3]; fv.p2 = new double[3]; } vecCount++; interpPoint(ep1, ep2, pval, fv.p1); interpPoint(ep3, ep4, pval, fv.p2); fv.col = 255+((int) (255*pval)); } #endif /* BUILD_M */ // draw the appropriate field vector at xx,yy,zz void drawVector(DrawData dd, double vec[]) { double field[] = dd.field; // calculate field vector curfunc.getField(field, vec); double dn = java.lang.Math.sqrt(field[0]*field[0]+field[1]*field[1]+ field[2]*field[2]); double dnr = dn*reverse; if (dn > 0) { field[0] /= dnr; field[1] /= dnr; field[2] /= dnr; } dn *= dd.mult; if (dn > 2) dn = 2; int col = (int) (dn*255); double sw2 = 1./(vectorSpacing-1); map3d(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], xpoints, ypoints, 0); double vv[] = dd.vv; vv[0] = vec[0] + sw2*field[0]; vv[1] = vec[1] + sw2*field[1]; vv[2] = vec[2] + sw2*field[2]; map3d(vv[0], vv[1], vv[2], xpoints, ypoints, 1); FieldVector fv = vectors[vecCount]; if (fv == null) fv = vectors[vecCount] = new FieldVector(); fv.sx1 = xpoints[0]; fv.sy1 = ypoints[0]; fv.sx2 = xpoints[1]; fv.sy2 = ypoints[1]; fv.col = col; vecCount++; int vp1 = curfunc.getViewPri(cameraPos, vec); if (!curfunc.noSplitFieldVectors()) fv.viewPri = vp1; else { int vp2 = curfunc.getViewPri(cameraPos, vv); fv.viewPri = (vp1 == vp2) ? vp1 : -1; } } void drawParticles(Graphics g) { int i; int pcount = getParticleCount(); for (i = 0; i < pcount; i++) { Particle pt = particles[i]; pt.viewPri = curfunc.getViewPri(cameraPos, pt.pos); } curfunc.render(g); } void moveParticles() { fieldStrength = strengthBar.getValue(); int bestd = 0; int i; int pcount = getParticleCount(); int slice = sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex(); boolean sliced = (slice > 0); partMult = fieldStrength * reverse * timeStep; for (i = 0; i != pcount; i++) { Particle pt = particles[i]; removeFromDensityGroup(pt); moveParticle(pt); double x[] = pt.pos; if (!(x[0] >= -1 && x[0] < 1 && x[1] >= -1 && x[1] < 1 && x[2] >= -1 && x[2] < 1) || (pt.lifetime -= timeStep) < 0) { positionParticle(pt); } if (sliced) x[slice-SLICE_X] = sliceval; int d = addToDensityGroup(pt); if (d > bestd) bestd = d; } boolean withforce = (dispChooser.getSelectedIndex() == DISP_PART_FORCE); int maxd = (10*getParticleCount()/(densitygridsize*densitygridsize* densitygridsize)); if (sliced) maxd = 4*getParticleCount()/(densitygridsize*densitygridsize); if (!withforce && curfunc.redistribute() && bestd > maxd) redistribute(bestd); } static int frames = 0; static int framerate = 0; static long firsttime = 0; // draw the cube containing the particles. if drawAll is false then // we just draw faces that are facing the camera. This routine draws // each edge twice which is unnecessary, but easier. void drawCube(Graphics g, boolean drawAll) { int i; int slice = sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex(); int sp = (drawAll) ? 0 : 8; for (i = 0; i != 6; i++) { // calculate normal of ith face int nx = (i == 0) ? -1 : (i == 1) ? 1 : 0; int ny = (i == 2) ? -1 : (i == 3) ? 1 : 0; int nz = (i == 4) ? -1 : (i == 5) ? 1 : 0; // if face is not facing camera, don't draw it if (!drawAll && backFacing(nx, ny, nz, nx, ny, nz)) continue; double pts[]; pts = new double[3]; int n; for (n = 0; n != 4; n++) { computeFace(i, n, pts); map3d(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], xpoints, ypoints, n); } g.setColor(Color.gray); g.drawPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4); if (slice != SLICE_NONE && i/2 != slice-SLICE_X) { if (selectedSlice) g.setColor(Color.yellow); int coord1 = (slice == SLICE_X) ? 1 : 0; int coord2 = (slice == SLICE_Z) ? 1 : 2; computeFace(i, 0, pts); pts[slice-SLICE_X] = sliceval; map3d(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], slicerPoints[0], slicerPoints[1], sp); computeFace(i, 2, pts); pts[slice-SLICE_X] = sliceval; map3d(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], slicerPoints[0], slicerPoints[1], sp+1); g.drawLine(slicerPoints[0][sp ], slicerPoints[1][sp], slicerPoints[0][sp+1], slicerPoints[1][sp+1]); if (drawAll) { // we don't keep track of the sliceFaces and slicerPoints // unless drawAll is true, because if it's false then // we're not drawing all the faces of the cube and the // numbering will get screwed up. So if drawAll is // false we just point sp to scratch space and don't // bother storing the sliceFaces. sliceFaces[sp/2][0] = nx; sliceFaces[sp/2][1] = ny; sliceFaces[sp/2][2] = nz; sp += 2; } } } } // generate the nth vertex of the bth cube face void computeFace(int b, int n, double pts[]) { // One of the 3 coordinates (determined by a) is constant. // When b=0, x=-1; b=1, x=+1; b=2, y=-1; b=3, y=+1; etc int a = b >> 1; pts[a] = ((b & 1) == 0) ? -1 : 1; // fill in the other 2 coordinates with one of the following // (depending on n): -1,-1; +1,-1; +1,+1; -1,+1 int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { if (i == a) continue; pts[i] = (((n>>1)^(n&1)) == 0) ? -1 : 1; n >>= 1; } } void renderItems(Graphics g, int pri) { g.setColor(Color.white); int disp = dispChooser.getSelectedIndex(); if (disp == DISP_VECTORS || disp == DISP_VECTORS_A) { int i; for (i = 0; i != vecCount; i++) { FieldVector fv = vectors[i]; if (fv.viewPri != pri) continue; g.setColor(fieldColors[fv.col]); drawArrow(g, null, fv.sx1, fv.sy1, fv.sx2, fv.sy2, 2); } return; } if (disp == DISP_LINES || disp == DISP_EQUIPS) { int i; g.setColor(Color.white); Color colvec[] = (disp == DISP_EQUIPS) ? equipColors : fieldColors; for (i = 0; i != vecCount; i++) { FieldVector fv = vectors[i]; if (fv.viewPri != pri) continue; if (fv.sx1 == fv.sx2 && fv.sy1 == fv.sy2) continue; g.setColor(colvec[fv.col]); g.drawLine(fv.sx1, fv.sy1, fv.sx2, fv.sy2); } return; } int pcount = getParticleCount(); int i; wooft += .3; for (i = 0; i < pcount; i++) { Particle p = particles[i]; if (p.viewPri != pri) continue; double pos[] = p.pos; map3d(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], xpoints, ypoints, 0); if (xpoints[0] < 0 || xpoints[0] >= winSize.width || ypoints[0] < 0 || ypoints[0] >= winSize.height) continue; if (disp == DISP_PART_MAG) { double cosph = java.lang.Math.cos(p.phi); double sinph = java.lang.Math.sin(p.phi); double costh = java.lang.Math.cos(p.theta); double sinth = java.lang.Math.sin(p.theta); double al = .08; double rhatx = sinth*cosph*al; double rhaty = sinth*sinph*al; double rhatz = costh*al; map3d(pos[0]+rhatx, pos[1]+rhaty, pos[2]+rhatz, xpoints, ypoints, 1); drawArrow(g, null, xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1], 2); } else g.fillRect(xpoints[0], ypoints[0]-1, 2, 2); } } double wooft = 0; void drawPlane(Graphics g, double sizex, double sizey, double z) { g.setColor(darkYellow); map3d(-sizex, -sizey, z, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(+sizex, -sizey, z, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d(+sizex, +sizey, z, xpoints, ypoints, 2); map3d(-sizex, +sizey, z, xpoints, ypoints, 3); g.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4); } void drawArrow(Graphics g, String text, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { drawArrow(g, text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 5); } void drawArrow(Graphics g, String text, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int as) { g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); double l = java.lang.Math.sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1)); if (l > as/2) { // was as double hatx = (x2-x1)/l; double haty = (y2-y1)/l; g.drawLine(x2, y2, (int) (haty*as-hatx*as+x2), (int) (-hatx*as-haty*as+y2)); g.drawLine(x2, y2, (int) (-haty*as-hatx*as+x2), (int) (hatx*as-haty*as+y2)); if (text != null) g.drawString(text, (int) (x2+hatx*10), (int) (y2+haty*10)); } } boolean backFacing(double px, double py, double pz, double nx, double ny, double nz) { double x = cameraPos[0]-px; double y = cameraPos[1]-py; double z = cameraPos[2]-pz; double d = x*nx+y*ny+z*nz; return d <= 0; } int intersectSphere(double cp[], double ptx, double pty, double ptz, double r) { return intersectSphere(cp, ptx, pty, ptz, 0, 0, 0, r); } // calculate intersection of a ray starting at the camera and going // through point (ptx,pty,ptz) with a sphere of radius 2 at the origin. // Returns 0 if there is no intersection before the ray hits the point, // 1 if the point is inside the sphere, and 2 if the point is behind // the sphere. int intersectSphere(double cp[], double ptx, double pty, double ptz, double sx, double sy, double sz, double r) { double vx = ptx-cp[0]; double vy = pty-cp[1]; double vz = ptz-cp[2]; double qpx = cp[0]-sx; double qpy = cp[1]-sy; double qpz = cp[2]-sz; double a = vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz; double b = 2*(vx*qpx + vy*qpy + vz*qpz); double c = qpx*qpx + qpy*qpy + qpz*qpz - r*r; double discrim = b*b-4*a*c; if (discrim < 0) return 0; discrim = java.lang.Math.sqrt(discrim); double b1 = (-b-discrim)/(2*a); double b2 = (-b+discrim)/(2*a); if (b1 < 1 && inViewBox(b1, cp, vx, vy, vz)) return (b2 < 1) ? 2 : 1; else return 0; } // calculate intersection of a ray starting at the camera and going // through point (ptx,pty,ptz) with the plane z=a. Returns 0 if there // is no intersection before the ray hits the point; otherwise 2. double intersectZPlane(double cp[], double a, double ptx, double pty, double ptz) { double vx = ptx-cp[0]; double vy = pty-cp[1]; double vz = ptz-cp[2]; double t = intersectionDistance = -(cp[2]+a)/vz; if (t > 1) return 0; if (!inViewBox(t, cp, vx, vy, vz)) return 0; return 2; } // make sure the intersection is inside the viewing box boolean inViewBox(double t, double cp[], double vx, double vy, double vz) { if (t < 0) return false; double ix = intersection[0] = cp[0]+vx*t; double iy = intersection[1] = cp[1]+vy*t; double iz = intersection[2] = cp[2]+vz*t; //System.out.print("ivb " + t + " " + ix + " " + iy + " " + iz + "\n"); if (ix < -1 || ix > 1 || iy < -1 || iy > 1 || iz < -1 || iz > 1) return false; return true; } int intersectCylinder(double cp[], double ptx, double pty, double ptz, double r, boolean vbTest) { return intersectCylinder(cp, ptx, pty, ptz, 0, 0, r, vbTest); } // calculate intersection of a ray starting at the camera and // going through point (ptx,pty,ptz) with a cylinder of radius r // centered at the z axis. Returns 0 if there is no intersection // before the ray hits the point, 1 if the point is inside the // cylinder, and 2 if the point is behind the cylinder. int intersectCylinder(double cp[], double ptx, double pty, double ptz, double sx, double sy, double r, boolean vbTest) { double vx = ptx-cp[0]; double vy = pty-cp[1]; double qpx = cp[0]-sx; double qpy = cp[1]-sy; double a = vx*vx+vy*vy; double b = 2*(vx*qpx + vy*qpy); double c = qpx*qpx + qpy*qpy - r*r; double discrim = b*b-4*a*c; if (discrim < 0) return 0; discrim = java.lang.Math.sqrt(discrim); double b1 = (-b-discrim)/(2*a); double b2 = (-b+discrim)/(2*a); //System.out.print(b1 + " " +b2 + "\n"); // test if first intersection is behind point if (b1 > 1) return 0; // if vbTest is true, check if intersection is inside box if (!vbTest || inViewBox(b1, cp, vx, vy, ptz-cp[2])) // if the second intersection is between camera and point, // the point is behind the cylinder. Otherwise it's inside. return (b2 < 1) ? 2 : 1; // If the second intersection is between camera and point, // the point is inside the cylinder. if (b2 > 1) return 2; // If the second intersection is in the view box, the point // is behind the cylinder. if (inViewBox(b2, cp, vx, vy, ptz-cp[2])) return 2; // otherwise there is no valid intersection. return 0; } int rediscount; void redistribute(int mostd) { if (mostd < 5) return; rediscount++; int maxd = (10*getParticleCount()/ (densitygridsize*densitygridsize*densitygridsize)); int i; int pn = 0; int pcount = getParticleCount(); for (i = rediscount % 4; i < pcount; i+=4) { Particle p = particles[i]; int a = (int)((p.pos[0]+1)*(densitygridsize/2)); int b = (int)((p.pos[1]+1)*(densitygridsize/2)); int c = (int)((p.pos[2]+1)*(densitygridsize/2)); if (density[a][b][c] <= maxd) continue; p.lifetime = -1; pn++; } //System.out.print("redist " + mostd + " " + pn + "\n"); } double distance(Particle p) { return distance(p.pos[0], p.pos[1], p.pos[2]); } double distance(double y[]) { return distance(y[0], y[1], y[2]); } double distance(double x, double y, double z) { return java.lang.Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z+.000000001); } double distance(double x, double y) { return java.lang.Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+.000000001); } void rotateParticleAdd(double result[], double y[], double mult, double cx, double cy) { result[0] += -mult*(y[1]-cy); result[1] += mult*(y[0]-cx); result[2] += 0; } void rotateParticle(double result[], double y[], double mult) { result[0] = -mult*y[1]; result[1] = mult*y[0]; result[2] = 0; } public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e){} public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e){} public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { cv.repaint(pause); } public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { handleResize(); cv.repaint(pause); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { vectors = null; if (e.getSource() == resetButton) resetParticles(); if (e.getSource() == kickButton) kickParticles(); if (e.getSource() == infoButton) { String s = curfunc.getClass().getName(); try { s = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf('.')+1); applet.getAppletContext().showDocument( new URL(applet.getCodeBase(), "functions.html" + '#' + s), "functionHelp"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } curfunc.actionPerformed(); } public boolean handleEvent(Event ev) { if (ev.id == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY) { applet.destroyFrame(); return true; } return super.handleEvent(ev); } public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) { vectors = null; System.out.print(((Scrollbar) e.getSource()).getValue() + "\n"); if (e.getSource() == partCountBar) resetDensityGroups(); cv.repaint(pause); } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { dragging = true; oldDragX = dragX; oldDragY = dragY; dragX = e.getX(); dragY = e.getY(); int mode = modeChooser.getSelectedIndex(); if (selectedSlice) mode = MODE_SLICE; if (mode == MODE_ANGLE) { int xo = oldDragX-dragX; int yo = oldDragY-dragY; rotate(lastXRot = xo/40., lastYRot = -yo/40.); double lr = Math.sqrt(lastXRot*lastXRot + lastYRot*lastYRot); if (lr > .06) { lr /= .06; lastXRot /= lr; lastYRot /= lr; } cv.repaint(pause); } else if (mode == MODE_ZOOM) { int xo = dragX-dragStartX; zoom = dragZoomStart + xo/20.; if (zoom < .1) zoom = .1; cv.repaint(pause); } else if (mode == MODE_SLICE) { double x3[] = new double[3]; unmap3d(x3, dragX, dragY, sliceFace, sliceFace, viewMain); switch (sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex()) { case SLICE_X: sliceval = x3[0]; break; case SLICE_Y: sliceval = x3[1]; break; case SLICE_Z: sliceval = x3[2]; break; } // Avoid -1 because it causes particles to drift out of the // cube too easily. Avoid +1 because of that and because it is // not included in any density group. if (sliceval < -.99) sliceval = -.99; if (sliceval > .99) sliceval = .99; resetDensityGroups(); //System.out.print(sliceval + "\n"); cv.repaint(pause); vectors = null; } } boolean csInRange(int x, int xa, int xb) { if (xa < xb) return x >= xa-5 && x <= xb+5; return x >= xb-5 && x <= xa+5; } void checkSlice(int x, int y) { if (sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex() == SLICE_NONE) { selectedSlice = false; return; } int n; selectedSlice = false; for (n = 0; n != 8; n += 2) { int xa = slicerPoints[0][n]; int xb = slicerPoints[0][n+1]; int ya = slicerPoints[1][n]; int yb = slicerPoints[1][n+1]; if (!csInRange(x, xa, xb) || !csInRange(y, ya, yb)) continue; double d; if (xa == xb) d = java.lang.Math.abs(x-xa); else { // write line as y=a+bx double b = (yb-ya)/(double) (xb-xa); double a = ya-b*xa; // solve for distance double d1 = y-(a+b*x); if (d1 < 0) d1 = -d1; d = d1/java.lang.Math.sqrt(1+b*b); } if (d < 6) { selectedSlice = true; sliceFace = sliceFaces[n/2]; break; } } } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { dragX = e.getX(); dragY = e.getY(); dragStartX = dragX; dragStartY = dragY; dragZoomStart = zoom; boolean ss = selectedSlice; checkSlice(dragX, dragY); if (ss != selectedSlice) cv.repaint(pause); } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { mouseDown = true; } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { mouseDown = false; } void dispChooserChanged() { int disp = dispChooser.getSelectedIndex(); showA = (disp == DISP_PART_VELOC_A || disp == DISP_VECTORS_A); getPot = (disp == DISP_EQUIPS); if (disp == DISP_PART_FORCE) kickButton.enable(); else kickButton.disable(); potentialLabel.hide(); potentialBar.hide(); vecDensityLabel.hide(); vecDensityBar.hide(); lineDensityLabel.hide(); lineDensityBar.hide(); partCountLabel.hide(); partCountBar.hide(); strengthLabel.show(); strengthBar.show(); if (disp == DISP_VECTORS || disp == DISP_VECTORS_A || disp == DISP_VIEW_PAPER) { vecDensityLabel.show(); vecDensityBar.show(); } else if (disp == DISP_LINES) { lineDensityLabel.show(); lineDensityBar.show(); } else if (disp == DISP_EQUIPS) { potentialLabel.show(); potentialBar.show(); } else { partCountLabel.show(); partCountBar.show(); } vecDensityLabel.setText(disp == DISP_VIEW_PAPER ? "Resolution" : "Vector Density"); if (disp == DISP_EQUIPS) { strengthLabel.hide(); strengthBar.hide(); } if ((disp == DISP_VIEW_PAPER || disp == DISP_EQUIPS) && sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex() == SLICE_NONE) { sliceChooser.select(curfunc.getBestSlice()); potentialBar.disable(); } validate(); resetParticles(); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { vectors = null; cv.repaint(pause); reverse = (reverseCheck.getState()) ? -1 : 1; if (e.getItemSelectable() == dispChooser) { dispChooserChanged(); resetParticles(); } if (e.getItemSelectable() == sliceChooser) { resetParticles(); if (modeChooser.getSelectedIndex() == MODE_SLICE) modeChooser.select(MODE_ANGLE); if (sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex() == SLICE_NONE) potentialBar.enable(); else potentialBar.disable(); } if (e.getStateChange() != ItemEvent.SELECTED) return; if (e.getItemSelectable() == functionChooser) functionChanged(); } void functionChanged() { reverse = 1; reverseCheck.setState(false); parseError = false; curfunc = (VecFunction) functionList.elementAt(functionChooser.getSelectedIndex()); int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { auxBars[i].label.hide(); auxBars[i].bar.hide(); textFields[i].hide(); if (textFieldLabel != null) textFieldLabel.hide(); } strengthBar.setValue(20); int x = dispChooser.getSelectedIndex(); setupDispChooser(!curfunc.nonGradient()); try { dispChooser.select(x); } catch (Exception e) { } curfunc.setup(); sliceChooser.select(SLICE_NONE); validate(); resetParticles(); dispChooserChanged(); } void setupDispChooser(boolean potential) { dispChooser.removeAll(); dispChooser.add("Display: Particles (Vel.)"); #ifdef BUILD_M dispChooser.add("Display: Parts (A Field, Vel.)"); dispChooser.add("Display: Field Vectors"); dispChooser.add("Display: Field Vectors (A)"); #else dispChooser.add("Display: Particles (Force)"); dispChooser.add("Display: Field Vectors"); #endif #ifdef BUILD_V dispChooser.add("Display: Streamlines"); #else dispChooser.add("Display: Field Lines"); #endif #ifdef BUILD_M dispChooser.add("Display: Parts (Magnetic)"); dispChooser.add("Display: Mag View Film"); #else if (potential) { dispChooser.add("Display: Equipotentials"); } #endif } void setupBar(int n, String text, int val) { auxBars[n].label.setText(text); auxBars[n].label.show(); auxBars[n].bar.setValue(val); auxBars[n].bar.show(); } boolean useMagnetMove() { int disp = dispChooser.getSelectedIndex(); return (disp == DISP_PART_MAG); } #ifdef BUILD_M MagnetState mstates[]; void magneticMoveParticle(Particle p) { int i; if (mstates == null) { mstates = new MagnetState[3]; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) mstates[i] = new MagnetState(); } MagnetState ms = mstates[0]; MagnetState mshalf = mstates[1]; MagnetState oldms = mstates[2]; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { ms.pos[i] = p.pos[i]; ms.vel[i] = p.vel[i]; ms.theta = p.theta; ms.thetav = p.thetav; ms.phi = p.phi; ms.phiv = p.phiv; } mshalf.copy(ms); oldms.copy(ms); double h = 1; final double minh = .01; final double maxh = 1; final double E = .1; int steps = 0; boolean adapt = curfunc.useAdaptiveRungeKutta() && curfunc.useRungeKutta(); boundCheck = false; double t = 0; while (t < 1) { // estimate one full step magnetMove(ms, h); if (boundCheck) { p.pos[0] = -100; return; } if (curfunc.checkBounds(ms.pos, oldms.pos)) { p.pos[0] = -100; return; } if (!adapt) break; // estimate two half steps magnetMove(mshalf, h*.5); magnetMove(mshalf, h*.5); // estimate the local error double localError = java.lang.Math.abs(ms.pos[0] - mshalf.pos[0]) + java.lang.Math.abs(ms.pos[1] - mshalf.pos[1]) + java.lang.Math.abs(ms.pos[2] - mshalf.pos[2]) + java.lang.Math.abs(ms.theta - mshalf.theta) + java.lang.Math.abs(ms.phi - mshalf.phi); if (localError > E && h > minh) { h *= 0.75; // decrease the step size if (h < minh) h = minh; ms.copy(oldms); continue; } else if (localError < (E * 0.5)) { h *= 1.25; // increase the step size if (h > maxh) h = maxh; } mshalf.copy(ms); t += h; steps++; } /*if (steps > 1) System.out.print(steps + "\n");*/ for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { p.pos[i] = ms.pos[i]; p.vel[i] = ms.vel[i]; p.theta = ms.theta; p.thetav = ms.thetav; p.phi = ms.phi; p.phiv = ms.phiv; } } void magnetMove(MagnetState ms, double stepsize) { double cosph = java.lang.Math.cos(ms.phi); double sinph = java.lang.Math.sin(ms.phi); double costh = java.lang.Math.cos(ms.theta); double sinth = java.lang.Math.sin(ms.theta); // rhat = (sinth*cosph, sinth*sinph, costh) // thhat = (costh*cosph, costh*sinph, -sinth) // phhat = (-sinph, cosph, 0) // These three vectors are always perpendicular and rhat X // thhat = phhat. The particle's arrow points in the // direction of rhat, so the points p.pos + thhat, p.pos + // phhat, p.pos - tthat, p.pos - phhat are the four points we // sample on the current loop (if we pretend that each // particle has a current loop which goes around the arrow) double thhat[] = new double[3]; double phhat[] = new double[3]; double thhatn[] = new double[3]; double phhatn[] = new double[3]; double force[] = new double[3]; double torque[] = new double[3]; thhat[0] = costh*cosph; thhat[1] = costh*sinph; thhat[2] = -sinth; phhat[0] = -sinph; phhat[1] = cosph; phhat[2] = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { thhatn[i] = -thhat[i]; phhatn[i] = -phhat[i]; force[i] = torque[i] = 0; } getMagForce(ms.pos, thhat, phhat, force, torque); getMagForce(ms.pos, phhat, thhatn, force, torque); getMagForce(ms.pos, thhatn, phhatn, force, torque); getMagForce(ms.pos, phhatn, thhat, force, torque); for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { ms.vel[i] += force[i]*stepsize; ms.pos[i] += ms.vel[i]*stepsize; } // turning about the phhat axis causes theta to change. ms.thetav += dot(torque, phhat)*1000*stepsize; // turning about the z axis causes phi to change. ms.phiv += torque[2]*1000*stepsize; // torque . zhat // heavily damp the oscillation of the magnets ms.thetav *= java.lang.Math.exp(-.2*stepsize); ms.phiv *= java.lang.Math.exp(-.2*stepsize); ms.theta += ms.thetav*stepsize; ms.phi += ms.phiv*stepsize; } void getMagForce(double pos[], double off[], double j[], double f[], double torque[]) { int i; double offs[] = new double[3]; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { offs[i] = off[i] * .02; rk_yn[i] = pos[i] + offs[i]; } curfunc.getField(rk_k1, rk_yn); double fmult = reverse * strengthBar.getValue(); for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) rk_k1[i] *= fmult; double newf[] = new double[3]; double newtorque[] = new double[3]; cross(newf, j, rk_k1); cross(newtorque, offs, newf); for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { f[i] += newf[i]; torque[i] += newtorque[i]; } } class MagnetState { MagnetState() { pos = new double[3]; vel = new double[3]; } double pos[], vel[], theta, phi, thetav, phiv; void copy(MagnetState ms) { int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { pos[i] = ms.pos[i]; vel[i] = ms.vel[i]; theta = ms.theta; thetav = ms.thetav; phi = ms.phi; phiv = ms.phiv; } } }; #endif void cross(double res[], double v1[], double v2[]) { res[0] = v1[1]*v2[2] - v1[2]*v2[1]; res[1] = v1[2]*v2[0] - v1[0]*v2[2]; res[2] = v1[0]*v2[1] - v1[1]*v2[0]; } double dot(double v1[], double v2[]) { return v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2]; } boolean boundCheck; double oldY[]; double rk_k1[] = new double[6]; double rk_k2[] = new double[6]; double rk_k3[] = new double[6]; double rk_k4[] = new double[6]; double rk_yn[] = new double[6]; void rk(int order, double x, double Y[], double stepsize) { int i; // x is not used... if (order == 3) { // velocity-based motion double fmult = stepsize * partMult; for (i = 0; i != order; i++) rk_yn[i] = Y[i]; curfunc.getField(rk_k1, rk_yn); for (i = 0; i != order; i++) rk_yn[i] = (Y[i] + 0.5*fmult*rk_k1[i]); curfunc.getField(rk_k2, rk_yn); for (i = 0; i != order; i++) rk_yn[i] = (Y[i] + 0.5*fmult*rk_k2[i]); curfunc.getField(rk_k3, rk_yn); for (i = 0; i != order; i++) rk_yn[i] = (Y[i] + fmult*rk_k3[i]); curfunc.getField(rk_k4, rk_yn); for (i = 0; i != order; i++) Y[i] = Y[i] + fmult*(rk_k1[i]+2*(rk_k2[i]+rk_k3[i])+rk_k4[i])/6; } else { // force-based (could share more code with above, but this is // called a lot so we want it to be fast) double fmult = stepsize * partMult; for (i = 0; i != order; i++) rk_yn[i] = Y[i]; getForceField(rk_k1, rk_yn, stepsize, fmult); for (i = 0; i != order; i++) rk_yn[i] = (Y[i] + 0.5*rk_k1[i]); getForceField(rk_k2, rk_yn, stepsize, fmult); for (i = 0; i != order; i++) rk_yn[i] = (Y[i] + 0.5*rk_k2[i]); getForceField(rk_k3, rk_yn, stepsize, fmult); for (i = 0; i != order; i++) rk_yn[i] = (Y[i] + rk_k3[i]); getForceField(rk_k4, rk_yn, stepsize, fmult); for (i = 0; i != order; i++) Y[i] = Y[i] + (rk_k1[i]+2*(rk_k2[i]+rk_k3[i])+rk_k4[i])/6; } } void getForceField(double result[], double y[], double stepsize, double fmult) { // get the field vector for the current function curfunc.getField(result, y); // the field data has been written into result[0:2] where it will // directly influence the position (y[0:2]), but we want it to // influence the velocity (y[3:5]), so we move it. In the // process, we multiply by fmult (to get the reverse button // and field strength slider to work). It would be nice if we // could just say getField(result+3, y), but that's java for you. int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) result[i+3] = .1*fmult*result[i]; // here we fill in result[0:2] so that the particle position will // change according to the velocity. for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) result[i] = stepsize*timeStep*rk_yn[i+3]; } double rk_Y[] = new double[6]; double rk_Yhalf[] = new double[6]; double rk_oldY[] = new double[6]; double ls_fieldavg[] = new double[3]; void moveParticle(Particle p) { int disp = dispChooser.getSelectedIndex(); #ifdef BUILD_M if (disp == DISP_PART_MAG) { magneticMoveParticle(p); return; } #endif int numIter=0; double maxh=1; double error=0.0, E = .001, localError; boolean useForce = (disp == DISP_PART_FORCE); int order = useForce ? 6 : 3; double Y[] = rk_Y; double Yhalf[] = rk_Yhalf; oldY = rk_oldY; int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) oldY[i] = Y[i] = Yhalf[i] = p.pos[i]; if (useForce) for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) Y[i+3] = Yhalf[i+3] = p.vel[i]; double t = 0; if (!curfunc.useRungeKutta()) { boundCheck = false; curfunc.getField(Yhalf, Y); if (boundCheck && (!useForce || curfunc.checkBoundsWithForce())) { p.pos[0] = -100; return; } double fmult = partMult; if (useForce) { fmult *= .1; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { p.vel[i] += fmult*Yhalf[i]; p.pos[i] += timeStep*p.vel[i]; } } else { for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) p.pos[i] += fmult*Yhalf[i]; } for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) Y[i] = p.pos[i]; if (curfunc.checkBounds(Y, oldY)) p.pos[0] = -100; return; } boolean adapt = curfunc.useAdaptiveRungeKutta(); double h = (adapt) ? p.stepsize : 1; int steps = 0; double minh = .0001; while (t >= 0 && t < 1) { if (t+h > 1) h = 1-t; boundCheck = false; // estimate one full step rk(order, 0, Y, h); // bail out after one iteration for some slow fields if (!adapt) break; // estimate two half steps rk(order, 0, Yhalf, h*0.5); rk(order, 0, Yhalf, h*0.5); if (boundCheck && (!useForce || curfunc.checkBoundsWithForce())) { p.pos[0] = -100; return; } // estimate the local error localError = java.lang.Math.abs(Y[0] - Yhalf[0]) + java.lang.Math.abs(Y[1] - Yhalf[1]) + java.lang.Math.abs(Y[2] - Yhalf[2]); if (localError > E && h > minh) { //System.out.print(E + " " + t + " " + localError + " " + h + "\n"); h *= 0.75; // decrease the step size if (h < minh) h = minh; for (i = 0; i != order; i++) Y[i] = Yhalf[i] = oldY[i]; continue; } else if (localError < (E * 0.5)) { h *= 1.25; // increase the step size if (h > maxh) h = maxh; } for (i = 0; i != order; i++) oldY[i] = Yhalf[i] = Y[i]; t += h; steps++; } if (boundCheck && (!useForce || curfunc.checkBoundsWithForce())) { p.pos[0] = -100; return; } p.stepsize = h; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) p.pos[i] = Y[i]; if (useForce) { for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) p.vel[i] = Y[i+3]; } } double dist2(double a[], double b[]) { double c0 = a[0]-b[0]; double c1 = a[1]-b[1]; double c2 = a[2]-b[2]; return c0*c0+c1*c1+c2*c2; } void lineSegment(Particle p, int dir) { int numIter=0; double maxh=20; double error=0.0, E = .001, localError; int order = 3; double Y[] = rk_Y; double Yhalf[] = rk_Yhalf; oldY = rk_oldY; int i; int slice = sliceChooser.getSelectedIndex(); boolean sliced = (slice > 0); slice -= SLICE_X; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) oldY[i] = Y[i] = Yhalf[i] = p.pos[i]; double h = p.stepsize; ls_fieldavg[0] = ls_fieldavg[1] = ls_fieldavg[2] = 0; int steps = 0; double minh = .1; double segSize2min = .04*.04; double segSize2max = .08*.08; double lastd = 0; int avgct = 0; while (true) { boundCheck = false; steps++; if (steps > 100) { //System.out.print("maxsteps\n"); p.lifetime = -1; break; } //System.out.print(h + " " + boundCheck + "/\n"); // estimate one full step rk(order, 0, Y, dir*h); // estimate two half steps rk(order, 0, Yhalf, dir*h*0.5); rk(order, 0, Yhalf, dir*h*0.5); if (sliced) Y[slice] = Yhalf[slice] = sliceval; //System.out.print(h + " " + boundCheck + "\n"); if (boundCheck) { for (i = 0; i != order; i++) Y[i] = Yhalf[i] = oldY[i]; h /= 2; if (h < minh) { p.lifetime = -1; break; } continue; } if (Y[0] < -1 || Y[0] >= .999 || Y[1] < -1 || Y[1] >= .999 || Y[2] < -1 || Y[2] >= .999) { for (i = 0; i != order; i++) Y[i] = Yhalf[i] = oldY[i]; h /= 2; if (h < minh) { //System.out.print("bound1\n"); p.lifetime = -1; break; } continue; } // estimate the local error localError = java.lang.Math.abs(Y[0] - Yhalf[0]) + java.lang.Math.abs(Y[1] - Yhalf[1]) + java.lang.Math.abs(Y[2] - Yhalf[2]); if (localError > E && h > minh) { h *= 0.75; // decrease the step size if (h < minh) h = minh; for (i = 0; i != order; i++) Y[i] = Yhalf[i] = oldY[i]; continue; } else if (localError < (E * 0.5)) { h *= 1.25; // increase the step size if (h > maxh) h = maxh; } double d = dist2(p.pos, Y); if (!(d-lastd > 1e-10)) { // we're not getting anywhere! //System.out.print("nga " + d + " " + lastd + "\n"); p.lifetime = -1; break; } if (d > segSize2max) { h /= 2; if (h < minh) break; for (i = 0; i != order; i++) Y[i] = Yhalf[i] = oldY[i]; continue; } ls_fieldavg[0] += rk_k1[0]; ls_fieldavg[1] += rk_k1[1]; ls_fieldavg[2] += rk_k1[2]; avgct++; if (d > segSize2min) break; lastd = d; for (i = 0; i != order; i++) oldY[i] = Yhalf[i] = Y[i]; } //System.out.print(steps + " ss\n"); p.stepsize = h; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) p.pos[i] = Y[i]; p.phi = java.lang.Math.sqrt(ls_fieldavg[0]*ls_fieldavg[0]+ ls_fieldavg[1]*ls_fieldavg[1]+ ls_fieldavg[2]*ls_fieldavg[2])/avgct; } abstract class VecFunction { abstract String getName(); abstract VecFunction createNext(); boolean nonGradient() { return false; } boolean useRungeKutta() { return true; } boolean useAdaptiveRungeKutta() { return true; } boolean checkBoundsWithForce() { return true; } boolean noSplitFieldVectors() { return true; } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double pos[]) { return 0; } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 0); } boolean checkBounds(double y[], double oldY[]) { return false; } abstract void getField(double result[], double y[]); boolean redistribute() { return true; } void setup() {} void setupFrame() {} void finishFrame() {} void actionPerformed() {} int getBestSlice() { double y[] = new double[3]; double r1[] = new double[3]; double r2[] = new double[3]; double r3[] = new double[3]; y[0] = y[1] = y[2] = .9; curfunc.getField(r1, y); y[0] = .91; curfunc.getField(r2, y); y[0] = .9; y[1] = .91; curfunc.getField(r3, y); if (r1[0] == r2[0] && r1[1] == r2[1] && r1[2] == r2[2]) return SLICE_X; if (r1[0] == r3[0] && r1[1] == r3[1] && r1[2] == r3[2]) return SLICE_Y; return SLICE_Z; } void renderSphere(Graphics g, double sz) { // draw particles behind sphere renderItems(g, 2); // draw back lines of sphere g.setColor(darkYellow); drawSphere(g, sz, true); // draw parts inside sphere renderItems(g, 1); // draw front lines of sphere g.setColor(darkYellow); map3d(0, 0, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 0); int r = (int) (getScalingFactor(0, 0, 0) * sz); g.drawOval(xpoints[0]-r, ypoints[0]-r, r*2, r*2); drawSphere(g, sz, false); // draw rest of particles renderItems(g, 0); } }; class InverseSquaredRadial extends VecFunction { String getName() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV("point charge", null, "1/r^2 single"); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double r = distance(y); if (r < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = -.1/r; return; } double r3 = r*r*r; double q = .0003/r3; result[0] = -y[0]*q; result[1] = -y[1]*q; result[2] = -y[2]*q; } static final double chargeSize = .06; void drawCharge(Graphics g, double x, double y, double z) { drawCharge(g, x, y, z, 0); } void drawCharge(Graphics g, double x, double y, double z, int dir) { map3d(x, y, z, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(x, y, z+.3*dir*reverse, xpoints, ypoints, 1); g.setColor(darkYellow); int r = (int) (getScalingFactor(x, y, z) * chargeSize); g.fillOval(xpoints[0]-r, ypoints[0]-r, r*2, r*2); if (dir != 0) drawArrow(g, null, xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1], 5); } void render(Graphics g) { drawCharge(g, 0, 0, 0); renderItems(g, 1); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { int i; i = intersectSphere(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], chargeSize); if (i == 0) return 1; if (i == 1) return -1; return 0; } VecFunction createNext() { return new InverseSquaredRadialDouble(); } }; class InverseSquaredRadialDouble extends InverseSquaredRadial { String getName() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV("point charge double", null, "1/r^2 double"); } double sign2; int getBestSlice() { return SLICE_Y; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; double xx1 = y[0]-sep; double xx2 = y[0]+sep; double r1 = distance(xx1, y[1], y[2]); if (r1 < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; double r2 = distance(xx2, y[1], y[2]); if (r2 < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = -.05/r1 - .05*sign2/r2; if (sign2 == -1) result[0] *= 2; return; } double q = .0003; double rq1 = q/(r1*r1*r1); double rq2 = q/(r2*r2*r2) * sign2; result[0] = -xx1 *rq1-xx2 *rq2; result[1] = -y[1]*rq1-y[1]*rq2; result[2] = -y[2]*rq1-y[2]*rq2; } void setup() { setXZView(); sign2 = 1; setupBar(0, "Charge Separation", 30); } void render(Graphics g) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; drawCharge(g, +sep, 0, 0); drawCharge(g, -sep, 0, 0); renderItems(g, 1); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; if (intersectSphere(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], +sep, 0, 0, chargeSize)== 0 && intersectSphere(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], -sep, 0, 0, chargeSize) == 0) return 1; return 0; } VecFunction createNext() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV(new InverseSquaredRadialDipole(), null, new InverseRadial()); } }; #ifdef BUILD_E class InverseSquaredRadialDipole extends InverseSquaredRadialDouble { String getName() { return "dipole"; } void setup() { super.setup(); sign2 = -1; } VecFunction createNext() { return new InverseSquaredRadialQuad(); } }; class InverseSquaredRadialQuad extends InverseSquaredRadial { String getName() { return "quadrupole"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; double xx1 = y[0] - sep; double xx2 = y[0] + sep; double yy1 = y[1] - sep; double yy2 = y[1] + sep; double zz = y[2]; double r1 = distance(xx1, yy1, zz); double r2 = distance(xx2, yy1, zz); double r3 = distance(xx1, yy2, zz); double r4 = distance(xx2, yy2, zz); if (r1 < chargeSize || r2 < chargeSize || r3 < chargeSize || r4 < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = .05*(-1/r1+1/r2+1/r3-1/r4); return; } double q = .0003; double rq1 = q/(r1*r1*r1); double rq2 = q/(r2*r2*r2); double rq3 = q/(r3*r3*r3); double rq4 = q/(r4*r4*r4); result[0] = -xx1*rq1-xx2*rq4+xx2*rq2+xx1*rq3; result[1] = -yy1*rq1-yy2*rq4+yy1*rq2+yy2*rq3; result[2] = -zz *rq1-zz *rq4+zz *rq2+zz *rq3; } void setup() { super.setup(); setupBar(0, "Charge Separation", 30); setXYViewExact(); } void render(Graphics g) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; int i, j; for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) for (j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) drawCharge(g, i*sep, j*sep, 0); renderItems(g, 1); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; int i, j; for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) for (j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) if (intersectSphere(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], i*sep, j*sep, 0, .06) != 0) return 0; return 1; } VecFunction createNext() { return new InverseRadial(); } }; #endif class InverseRadial extends VecFunction { double lineLen; String getName() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV("charged line", null, "1/r single line"); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double r = distance(y[0], y[1], 0); if (r < lineWidth) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = .4*java.lang.Math.log(r+1e-20); return; } double r2 = r*r; result[0] = -.0003*y[0]/r2; result[1] = -.0003*y[1]/r2; result[2] = 0; } void setup() { setXZView(); lineLen = 1; } void render(Graphics g) { g.setColor(darkYellow); map3d(0, 0, -lineLen, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(0, 0, +lineLen, xpoints, ypoints, 1); g.drawLine(xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); renderItems(g, 1); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { if (intersectCylinder(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], lineWidth, true) == 0) return 1; if (intersection[2] >= -lineLen && intersection[2] <= lineLen) return 0; return 1; } VecFunction createNext() { return new InverseRadialDouble(); } }; class InverseRadialDouble extends VecFunction { InverseRadialDouble() { sign = 1; } String getName() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV("line charge double", null, "1/r double lines"); } double sign; void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; double xx1 = y[0] - sep; double xx2 = y[0] + sep; double r1 = distance(xx1, y[1]); double r2 = distance(xx2, y[1]); if (r1 < lineWidth || r2 < lineWidth) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = .2*(java.lang.Math.log(r1+1e-20)+ sign*java.lang.Math.log(r2+1e-20)); return; } double q = .0003; double r1s = 1/(r1*r1); double r2s = 1/(r2*r2*sign); result[0] = q*(-xx1 *r1s-xx2 *r2s); result[1] = q*(-y[1]*r1s-y[1]*r2s); result[2] = 0; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Line Separation", 30); setXZView(); } void render(Graphics g) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; g.setColor(darkYellow); int i; for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { map3d(sep*i, 0, -1, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(sep*i, 0, +1, xpoints, ypoints, 1); g.drawLine(xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); } renderItems(g, 1); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { int i; double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { if (intersectCylinder(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], i*sep, 0, lineWidth, true) != 0) return 0; } return 1; } VecFunction createNext() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV(new InverseRadialDipole(), null, new InverseRotational()); } }; #ifdef BUILD_E class InverseRadialDipole extends InverseRadialDouble { InverseRadialDipole() { sign = -1; } String getName() { return "dipole lines"; } VecFunction createNext() { return new InverseRadialQuad(); } }; class InverseRadialQuad extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "quad lines"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; double xx1 = y[0] + sep; double xx2 = y[0] - sep; double yy1 = y[1] + sep; double yy2 = y[1] - sep; double r1 = distance(xx1, yy1); double r2 = distance(xx2, yy1); double r3 = distance(xx1, yy2); double r4 = distance(xx2, yy2); if (r1 < lineWidth || r2 < lineWidth || r3 < lineWidth || r4 < lineWidth) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = .2*(+java.lang.Math.log(r1+1e-20) -java.lang.Math.log(r2+1e-20) -java.lang.Math.log(r3+1e-20) +java.lang.Math.log(r4+1e-20)); return; } double q = .0003; result[0] = q*(-xx1/(r1*r1)-xx2/(r4*r4) +xx2/(r2*r2)+xx1/(r3*r3)); result[1] = q*(-yy1/(r1*r1)-yy2/(r4*r4) +yy1/(r2*r2)+yy2/(r3*r3)); result[2] = 0; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Line Separation", 30); setXYViewExact(); } void render(Graphics g) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; g.setColor(darkYellow); int i, j; for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { for (j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) { map3d(sep*i, sep*j, -1, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(sep*i, sep*j, +1, xpoints, ypoints, 1); g.drawLine(xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); } } renderItems(g, 1); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { int i, j; double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { for (j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) { if (intersectCylinder(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], i*sep, j*sep, .01, true) != 0) return 0; } } return 1; } VecFunction createNext() { return new FiniteChargedLine(); } }; class FiniteChargedLine extends InverseRadial { String getName() { return "finite line"; } void setup() { setXZView(); setupBar(0, "Line Length", 30); } void setupFrame() { lineLen = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1) / 101.; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0; getLineField(result, y, 0); } void getLineField(double result[], double y[], double off) { double a1 = -lineLen-y[2]; double a2 = lineLen-y[2]; double r = distance(y[0]-off, y[1]); if (r < lineWidth && a1 <= 0 && a2 >= 0) boundCheck = true; double y2 = r*r; double a12 = a1*a1; double a22 = a2*a2; double a12y2 = java.lang.Math.sqrt(a12+y2); double a22y2 = java.lang.Math.sqrt(a22+y2); if (getPot) { result[0] -= .2*java.lang.Math.log((a2+a22y2)/(a1+a12y2)); return; } double q = .0001/lineLen; double fth = q* (-1/(a12+y2+a1*a12y2)+1/(a22+y2+a2*a22y2)); result[0] += fth*(y[0]-off); result[1] += fth*y[1]; result[2] += q*(1/a12y2 - 1/a22y2); } VecFunction createNext() { return new FiniteChargedLinePair(); } }; class FiniteChargedLinePair extends FiniteChargedLine { double dipole; FiniteChargedLinePair() { dipole = 1; } String getName() { return "finite line pair"; } void setup() { setXZView(); setupBar(0, "Line Length", 30); setupBar(1, "Line Separation", 30); } void setupFrame() { lineLen = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1) / 101.; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double sep = aux2Bar.getValue()/100.; result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0; getLineField(result, y, +sep); result[0] *= dipole; result[1] *= dipole; result[2] *= dipole; getLineField(result, y, -sep); } void render(Graphics g) { double sep = aux2Bar.getValue()/100.; g.setColor(darkYellow); int i; for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { map3d(sep*i, 0, -lineLen, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(sep*i, 0, +lineLen, xpoints, ypoints, 1); g.drawLine(xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); } renderItems(g, 1); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { int i; double sep = aux2Bar.getValue()/100.; for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { if (intersectCylinder(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], i*sep, 0, lineWidth, true) != 0) if (intersection[2] >= -lineLen && intersection[2] <= lineLen) return 0; } return 1; } VecFunction createNext() { return new FiniteChargedLineDipole(); } }; class FiniteChargedLineDipole extends FiniteChargedLinePair { FiniteChargedLineDipole() { dipole = -1; } String getName() { return "finite line dipole"; } VecFunction createNext() { return new ConductingPlate(); } }; class ConductingPlate extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "conducting plate"; } Complex z; boolean plate; double a; ConductingPlate() { z = new Complex(); plate = true; } void setupFrame() { a = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/100.; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { // smythe p89 if (y[2] >= -.02 && y[2] <= .02) { if ((plate && y[0] >= -a && y[0] <= a) || (!plate && (y[0] >= a || y[0] <= -a))) boundCheck = true; } z.set(y[0]/a, y[2]/a); if (y[2] < 0 && plate) z.b = -z.b; if (getPot) { z.arcsin(); result[0] = (plate) ? z.b*.6*a : -z.a*.6; return; } // here we calculate ((1-(z/a)^2)^(-1/2))/a, which is // d/dz arcsin(z/a) z.square(); z.mult(-1); z.add(1); z.pow(-.5); z.mult(1/a); if (plate) { // field = (Im dw/dz, Re dw/dz) result[2] = z.a * -.0007; result[0] = z.b * -.0007; if (y[2] < 0) result[2] = -result[2]; } else { // field = (Re dw/dz, -Im dw/dz) result[0] = z.a * .0007; result[2] = -z.b * .0007; } result[1] = 0; } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { if (intersectZPlane(cameraPos, 0, x[0], x[1], x[2]) != 0) { if (intersection[0] >= -a && intersection[0] <= a) return 1; } return 0; } void render(Graphics g) { drawPlane(g, a, 1, 0); renderItems(g, 0); } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Plate Size", 60); setXZView(); } VecFunction createNext() { return new ChargedPlate(); } }; class ChargedPlate extends ConductingPlate { Complex cz; ChargedPlate() { cz = new Complex(); } String getName() { return "charged plate"; } double getPot(double a1, double a2, double y) { cz.set (y, -a1); cz.mult(y, a2); cz.log(); double b1 = cz.b; cz.set (y, a1); cz.mult(y, -a2); cz.log(); double y2 = y*y; return .2*(2*(a1-a2) + (b1-cz.b)*y + a2*java.lang.Math.log(a2*a2+y2) - a1*java.lang.Math.log(a1*a1+y2)); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { if (y[2] >= -.01 && y[2] <= .01 && (y[0] >= -a && y[0] <= a)) boundCheck = true; double a1 = -a-y[0]; double a2 = a-y[0]; double y2 = y[2]*y[2]; if (y2 == 0) y2 = 1e-8; if (getPot) { result[0] = getPot(a1, a2, y[2]); return; } double q = .0003/a; result[0] = .5*q* java.lang.Math.log((y2+a2*a2)/(y2+a1*a1)); result[1] = 0; result[2] = q* (java.lang.Math.atan(a1/y[2])- java.lang.Math.atan(a2/y[2])); } VecFunction createNext() { return new ChargedPlatePair(); } }; class ChargedPlatePair extends ChargedPlate { String getName() { return "charged plate pair"; } boolean useRungeKutta() { return false; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double sep = aux2Bar.getValue()/100.; if ((y[2] >= -.01+sep && y[2] <= .01+sep || y[2] >= -.01-sep && y[2] <= .01-sep) && y[0] >= -a && y[0] <= a) boundCheck = true; double a1 = -a-y[0]; double a2 = a-y[0]; double y1 = y[2]-sep; double y12 = y1*y1; if (y12 == 0) y12 = 1e-8; double y2 = y[2]+sep; double y22 = y2*y2; if (y22 == 0) y22 = 1e-8; if (getPot) { result[0] = getPot(a1, a2, y1)- getPot(a1, a2, y2); return; } double q = .0003/a; result[0] = .5*q* (java.lang.Math.log((y12+a2*a2)/(y12+a1*a1)) - java.lang.Math.log((y22+a2*a2)/(y22+a1*a1))); result[1] = 0; result[2] = q* (java.lang.Math.atan(a1/y1) -java.lang.Math.atan(a2/y1) -java.lang.Math.atan(a1/y2) +java.lang.Math.atan(a2/y2)); } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Sheet Size", 30); setupBar(1, "Sheet Separation", 33); setXZViewExact(); } boolean checkBounds(double y[], double oldY[]) { double size = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; double sep = aux2Bar.getValue()/100.; // check to see if particle has passed through one of plates if (y[0] >= -size && y[0] <= size) { if (y[2] > sep) { if (oldY[2] < sep) return true; } else if (y[2] < -sep) { if (oldY[2] > -sep) return true; } else if (oldY[2] > sep || oldY[2] < -sep) return true; } return false; } void render(Graphics g) { double sep = aux2Bar.getValue()/100.; double size = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; int i; for (i = 0; i != 2; i++) { double s = (i == 0) ? sep : -sep; drawPlane(g, size, 1, s); } renderItems(g, 1); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { double sep = aux2Bar.getValue()/100.; double size = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; if (intersectZPlane(cameraPos, +sep, x[0], x[1], x[2]) != 0) { //System.out.print(size + " " + intersection[0] + " " + intersection[1] + "\n"); if (intersection[0] >= -size && intersection[0] <= size) return 0; } if (intersectZPlane(cameraPos, -sep, x[0], x[1], x[2]) != 0) { //System.out.print(size + " " + intersection[0] + " " + intersection[1] + "\n"); if (intersection[0] >= -size && intersection[0] <= size) return 0; } return 1; } VecFunction createNext() { return new InfiniteChargedPlane(); } }; class InfiniteChargedPlane extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "infinite plane"; } int getBestSlice() { return SLICE_Y; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double alpha = .0003; if (y[2] > -.01 && y[2] < .01) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = java.lang.Math.abs(y[2])-1; return; } result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; result[2] = (y[2] < 0) ? alpha : -alpha; } void setup() { setXZView(); } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 1); drawPlane(g, 1, 1, 0); renderItems(g, 0); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { if (intersectZPlane(cameraPos, 0, x[0], x[1], x[2]) == 0) return 0; return 1; } boolean checkBoundsWithForce() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new SphereAndPointCharge(); } }; class SphereAndPointCharge extends InverseSquaredRadial { String getName() { return "conducting sphere + pt"; } double getSphereRadius() { return (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/110.; } double getSeparation() { return aux2Bar.getValue()/100.; } double getSpherePos() { return getSeparation()/2; } double getPointPos() { return -getSeparation()/2-getSphereRadius(); } int getBestSlice() { return SLICE_Y; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Sphere Size", 30); setupBar(1, "Separation", 50); setupBar(2, "Sphere Potential", 50); setXZView(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double q = -.0003; double a = getSphereRadius(); double b = getSeparation() + a; double spos = getSpherePos(); double imageQ = -q*a/b; double imagePos = spos - a*a/b; // first charge at center of sphere double x1 = y[0]-spos; double r1 = distance(x1, y[1], y[2]); if (r1 < a) boundCheck = true; double sq = (aux3Bar.getValue()-50)*.002*a/50.; // second charge at image position double x2 = y[0]-imagePos; double r2 = distance(x2, y[1], y[2]); // third charge at point double x3 = y[0]-getPointPos(); double r3 = distance(x3, y[1], y[2]); if (r3 < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = 400*(sq/r1 + imageQ/r2 + q/r3); return; } double a1 = sq/(r1*r1*r1); double a2 = imageQ/(r2*r2*r2); double a3 = q/(r3*r3*r3); result[0] = x1*a1 + x2*a2 + x3*a3; result[1] = y[1]*(a1+a2+a3); result[2] = y[2]*(a1+a2+a3); } void render(Graphics g) { int ic = intersectSphere(cameraPos, getPointPos()-getSpherePos(), 0, 0, getSphereRadius()); if (ic != 0) drawCharge(g, getPointPos(), 0, 0, 0); fillSphere(g, getSphereRadius(), getSpherePos()); if (ic == 0) drawCharge(g, getPointPos(), 0, 0, 0); renderItems(g, 0); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { if (intersectSphere(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], getSpherePos(), 0, 0, getSphereRadius()) != 0) return -1; if (intersectSphere(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], getPointPos(), 0, 0, chargeSize) != 0) return -1; return 0; } VecFunction createNext() { return new ChargedSphereAndPointCharge(); } }; class ChargedSphereAndPointCharge extends SphereAndPointCharge { String getName() { return "charged sphere + pt"; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Sphere Size", 30); setupBar(1, "Separation", 50); setupBar(2, "Sphere Charge", 50); setXZView(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double q = -.0003; double a = getSphereRadius(); double b = getSeparation() + a; double spos = getSpherePos(); // first charge at center of sphere double x1 = y[0]-spos; double r1 = distance(x1, y[1], y[2]); if (r1 < a) boundCheck = true; double sq = (aux3Bar.getValue()-50)*.0006/50.; // second charge at point double x3 = y[0]-getPointPos(); double r3 = distance(x3, y[1], y[2]); if (r3 < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = 300*(sq/r1 + q/r3); return; } double a1 = sq/(r1*r1*r1); double a3 = q/(r3*r3*r3); result[0] = x1*a1 + x3*a3; result[1] = y[1]*(a1+a3); result[2] = y[2]*(a1+a3); } VecFunction createNext() { return new CylinderAndLineCharge(); } }; class CylinderAndLineCharge extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "cyl + line charge"; } double getCylRadius() { return (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/110.; } double getSeparation() { return aux2Bar.getValue()/100.; } double getCylPos() { return getSeparation()/2; } double getPointPos() { return -getSeparation()/2-getCylRadius(); } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Cylinder Size", 30); setupBar(1, "Separation", 30); setupBar(2, "Cylinder Potential", 50); setXYView(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { // Smythe p70 double q = -.0003; double a = getCylRadius(); double b = getSeparation() + a; double spos = getCylPos(); double imagePos = spos - a*a/b; double x1 = y[0]-spos; double r1 = distance(x1, y[1]); if (r1 < a) boundCheck = true; double x2 = y[0]-imagePos; double r2 = distance(x2, y[1]); double x3 = y[0]-getPointPos(); double r3 = distance(x3, y[1]); double chargeSize = .06; if (r3 < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; // pick a charge at the center of the cylinder that puts it // at ground potential double cq = q*(java.lang.Math.exp(b-a)-1) + (aux3Bar.getValue()/50.-1)*a*.0006; if (getPot) { result[0] = -700*(cq*java.lang.Math.log(r1+1e-20) -q*java.lang.Math.log(r2+1e-20) +q*java.lang.Math.log(r3+1e-20)); return; } double a1 = cq/(r1*r1); double a2 = -q/(r2*r2); double a3 = q/(r3*r3); result[0] = x1*a1 + x2*a2 + x3*a3; result[1] = y[1]*(a1+a2+a3); result[2] = 0; } void render(Graphics g) { int ic = intersectCylinder(cameraPos, getPointPos(), 0, 0, getCylPos(), 0, getCylRadius(), false); if (ic == 0) fillCylinder(g, getCylRadius(), getCylPos()); g.setColor(darkYellow); map3d(getPointPos(), 0, -1, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(getPointPos(), 0, +1, xpoints, ypoints, 1); g.drawLine(xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); if (ic != 0) fillCylinder(g, getCylRadius(), getCylPos()); renderItems(g, 0); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { if (intersectCylinder(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], getPointPos(), 0, lineWidth, true) != 0) return -1; if (intersectCylinder(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], getCylPos(), 0, getCylRadius(), true) != 0) return -1; return 0; } VecFunction createNext() { return new SphereInField(); } }; class SphereInField extends VecFunction { SphereInField() { conducting = true; showD = false; } String getName() { return "conducting sphere in field"; } boolean conducting; boolean showD; int getBestSlice() { return SLICE_Y; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { // marion p74 double a = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; double a3 = a*a*a; double r = distance(y); double e1 = aux2Bar.getValue()/10. + 1; double dimult = (conducting) ? 1 : (e1-1)/(e1+2); double fmult = .0006; if (r < a) { result[0] = result[1] = 0; if (conducting) boundCheck = true; else { if (getPot) result[0] = -(1-dimult)*y[2]; else result[2] = (showD) ? e1*fmult*(1-dimult) : fmult*(1-dimult); } return; } double costh = y[2]/r; double sinth = java.lang.Math.sqrt(1-costh*costh); double cosph = y[0]/(r*sinth); double sinph = y[1]/(r*sinth); double r_3 = 1/(r*r*r); if (getPot) { result[0] = -(1-dimult*a3*r_3)*y[2]; return; } double er = (1+dimult*2*a3*r_3)*costh*fmult; double eth = -(1-dimult*a3*r_3)*sinth*fmult; er /= r; result[0] = y[0]*er + eth*costh*cosph; result[1] = y[1]*er + eth*costh*sinph; result[2] = y[2]*er - eth*sinth; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Sphere Size", 60); setXZViewExact(); } void render(Graphics g) { double a = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; fillSphere(g, a, 0); renderItems(g, 0); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { double a = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; return intersectSphere(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], a); } VecFunction createNext() { return new DielectricSphereInFieldE(); } }; class DielectricSphereInFieldE extends SphereInField { DielectricSphereInFieldE() { conducting = false; showD = false; } String getName() { return "dielec sphere in field E"; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Sphere Size", 60); setupBar(1, "Dielectric Strength", 60); setXZViewExact(); } void render(Graphics g) { double a = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; renderSphere(g, a); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { double a = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; return intersectSphere(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], a); } boolean noSplitFieldVectors() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new DielectricSphereInFieldD(); } }; class DielectricSphereInFieldD extends DielectricSphereInFieldE { DielectricSphereInFieldD() { conducting = false; showD = true; } String getName() { return "dielec sphere in field D"; } VecFunction createNext() { return new CylinderInField(); } }; class CylinderInField extends VecFunction { CylinderInField() { conducting = true; showD = false; } String getName() { return "cylinder in field"; } boolean conducting, showD; double a; void setupFrame() { a = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { // smythe p67 double a2 = a*a; double r = distance(y[0], y[1]); double e1 = aux2Bar.getValue()/10. + 1; double dimult = (conducting) ? 1 : (e1-1)/(e1+1); double fmult = .0006; if (r < a) { result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0; if (conducting) boundCheck = true; else if (getPot) result[0] = -(1-dimult)*y[0]; else result[0] = (showD) ? e1*fmult*(1-dimult) : fmult*(1-dimult); return; } double costh = y[0]/r; double sinth = y[1]/r; double r_2 = 1/(r*r); if (getPot) { result[0] = -(1-dimult*a2*r_2)*y[0]; return; } double er = (1+dimult*a2*r_2)*costh*fmult; double eth = -(1-dimult*a2*r_2)*sinth*fmult; er /= r; result[0] = y[0]*er - eth*sinth; result[1] = y[1]*er + eth*costh; result[2] = 0; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Cylinder Size", 40); setXYView(); } void render(Graphics g) { fillCylinder(g, a, 0); renderItems(g, 0); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { return intersectCylinder(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], a, conducting); } VecFunction createNext() { return new DielectricCylinderInFieldE(); } }; class DielectricCylinderInFieldE extends CylinderInField { DielectricCylinderInFieldE() { conducting = false; showD = false; } String getName() { return "dielec cyl in field E"; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Cylinder Size", 40); setupBar(1, "Dielectric Strength", 60); setXYView(); } void render(Graphics g) { // draw particles behind cylinder renderItems(g, 2); // draw back faces of cylinder g.setColor(darkYellow); drawCylinder(g, a, 0, true); // draw particles inside renderItems(g, 1); // draw front faces g.setColor(darkYellow); drawCylinder(g, a, 0, false); // draw particles in front renderItems(g, 0); } boolean noSplitFieldVectors() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new DielectricCylinderInFieldD(); } }; class DielectricCylinderInFieldD extends DielectricCylinderInFieldE { DielectricCylinderInFieldD() { conducting = false; showD = true; } String getName() { return "dielec cyl in field D"; } VecFunction createNext() { return new DielectricBoundaryE(); } }; class DielectricBoundaryE extends InverseSquaredRadial { boolean showD, conducting; double planeZ; DielectricBoundaryE() { conducting = false; showD = false; } int getBestSlice() { return SLICE_Y; } String getName() { return "dielec boundary E"; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Charge Location", 60); if (!conducting) setupBar(1, "Dielectric Strength", 60); setViewMatrix(0, pi/40-pi/2); } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 1); drawPlane(g, 1, 1, planeZ); double cx = aux1Bar.getValue()/50.-1.001; drawCharge(g, 0, 0, cx); renderItems(g, 0); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { double cx = aux1Bar.getValue()/50.-1.001; if (intersectSphere(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2]-cx, chargeSize) == 0 && intersectZPlane(cameraPos, 0, x[0], x[1], x[2]-planeZ) == 0) return 0; return 1; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double cx = aux1Bar.getValue()/50.-1.001; double r1 = distance(y[0], y[1], y[2]-cx); if (r1 < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; double eps1 = 1; double eps2 = aux2Bar.getValue()/10. + 1; if (conducting) eps2 = 1e8; if (cx < planeZ) { eps1 = eps2; eps2 = 1; } double q1 = .0003; double q2 = -(eps2-eps1)/(eps2+eps1)*q1; double ep = eps1; if (cx > planeZ && y[2] < planeZ || cx < planeZ && y[2] > planeZ) { q1 = 2*eps2*q1/(eps2+eps1); q2 = 0; ep = eps2; } double r2 = distance(y[0], y[1], y[2]-planeZ*2+cx); if (getPot) { result[0] = -1000*(q1/(r1*ep) + q2/(r2*ep)); return; } if (!showD) { q1 /= ep; q2 /= ep; } double rq1 = q1/(r1*r1*r1); double rq2 = q2/(r2*r2*r2); result[0] = -y[0]*(rq1+rq2); result[1] = -y[1]*(rq1+rq2); result[2] = -(y[2]-cx)*rq1-(y[2]-planeZ*2+cx)*rq2; } VecFunction createNext() { return new DielectricBoundaryD(); } }; class DielectricBoundaryD extends DielectricBoundaryE { DielectricBoundaryD() { conducting = false; showD = true; } String getName() { return "dielec boundary D"; } VecFunction createNext() { return new ConductingPlane(); } }; class ConductingPlane extends DielectricBoundaryE { ConductingPlane() { conducting = true; showD = false; planeZ = -1; } String getName() { return "conducting plane + pt"; } VecFunction createNext() { return new FastChargeEField(); } }; class FastChargeEField extends MovingChargeField { String getName() { return "fast charge"; } int getBestSlice() { return SLICE_Y; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double rz = distance(y); if (rz < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; double r = distance(y[0], y[1]); // sine of angle between particle vector and direction of motion double sinth = r/rz; double beta = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/102.; if (getPot) { result[0] = -.1/ (rz*java.lang.Math.pow(1-beta*beta*sinth*sinth, .5)); return; } // field = e R (1-beta^2) / R^3 (1-beta^2 sin^2 th)^(3/2) double b = -.0001 * (1-beta*beta)/ (rz*rz*rz*java.lang.Math.pow(1-beta*beta*sinth*sinth, 1.5)); result[0] = b*y[0]; result[1] = b*y[1]; result[2] = b*y[2]; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Speed/C", 60); super.setup(); } boolean nonGradient() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new ChargedRing(); } }; class ChargedRing extends CurrentLoopField { ChargedRing() { useColor = false; } String getName() { return "charged ring"; } int getBestSlice() { return SLICE_Y; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { getLoopField(result, y, 0); } void getLoopField(double result[], double y[], double zoff) { double xx = y[0]; double yy = y[1]; double zz = y[2]+zoff; int i; result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0; double size = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; int ct = 8; double q = (getPot) ? .2/ct : -.0006/ct; double ang0 = java.lang.Math.atan2(y[1], y[0]); for (i = 0; i != ct; i++) { double ang = pi*2*i/ct; double jxx = size*java.lang.Math.cos(ang+ang0); double jyy = size*java.lang.Math.sin(ang+ang0); double rx = xx-jxx; double ry = yy-jyy; double rz = zz; double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz); if (r < .06) boundCheck = true; double r3 = r*r*r; if (getPot) { result[0] += -q/r; } else { result[0] += q*rx/r3; result[1] += q*ry/r3; result[2] += q*rz/r3; } } } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Ring Size", 40); setXZView(); } boolean nonGradient() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new ChargedRingPair(); } }; class ChargedRingPair extends ChargedRing { String getName() { return "charged ring pair"; } double sep; int r2; double tres1[], tres2[]; ChargedRingPair() { tres1 = new double[3]; tres2 = new double[3]; r2 = 1; } void setupFrame() { sep = aux2Bar.getValue()/100.; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { getLoopField(tres1, y, -sep); getLoopField(tres2, y, sep); int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) result[i] = tres1[i] + r2*tres2[i]; } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 0); double size = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; renderLoop(g, 0, -sep, 1, size); renderLoop(g, 0, sep, 1, size); renderItems(g, 1); } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Ring Size", 40); setupBar(1, "Ring Separation", 40); setXZView(); } VecFunction createNext() { return new ChargedRingDipole(); } }; class ChargedRingDipole extends ChargedRingPair { String getName() { return "charged ring dipole"; } ChargedRingDipole() { r2 = -1; } VecFunction createNext() { return new SlottedPlane(); } } class SlottedPlane extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "slotted conducting plane"; } Complex z, z2; SlottedPlane() { z = new Complex(); z2 = new Complex(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { // W = -.5E (z +- (z^2-a^2)^1/2) // dw/dz = -.5E (1 +- z/(z^2-a^2)^1/2) // Smythe p92 double a = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/101.; if (y[2] >= -.01 && y[2] <= .01 && (y[0] < -a || y[0] > a)) boundCheck = true; z.set(y[0], y[2]); z2.set(z); z2.square(); z2.add(-a*a); if (getPot) { z2.pow(.5); if (z2.b < 0) z2.mult(-1); z2.add(z.a, z.b); result[0] = -z2.b*.6; return; } z2.pow(-.5); // I can barely understand what Smythe is talking about but // I think he wants the square root to always have a positive // imaginary part. Here we already took the reciprocal // (by calling pow(-.5) instead of pow(.5)) so we want the // root to have a negative imaginary part instead. if (z2.b > 0) z2.mult(-1); z2.mult(z); // field = (Im dw/dz, Re dw/dz) result[2] = (1+z2.a) * .003; result[0] = (z2.b) * .003; result[1] = 0; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Slot Size", 60); setXZView(); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { if (intersectZPlane(cameraPos, 0, x[0], x[1], x[2]) != 0) { double a = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/101.; if (intersection[0] < -a || intersection[0] > a) return 1; } return 0; } void render(Graphics g) { g.setColor(darkYellow); double a = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/101.; map3d(-1, -1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(-a, -1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d(-a, +1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 2); map3d(-1, +1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 3); g.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4); map3d( 1, -1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d( a, -1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d( a, +1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 2); map3d( 1, +1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 3); g.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4); renderItems(g, 0); } VecFunction createNext() { return new PlanePair(); } }; class PlanePair extends ConductingPlate { String getName() { return "conducting planes w/ gap"; } PlanePair() { super(); plate = false; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Gap Size", 20); setXZView(); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { if (intersectZPlane(cameraPos, 0, x[0], x[1], x[2]) != 0) { if (intersection[0] < -a || intersection[0] > a) return 1; } return 0; } void render(Graphics g) { g.setColor(darkYellow); map3d(-1, -1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(-a, -1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d(-a, +1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 2); map3d(-1, +1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 3); g.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4); map3d( 1, -1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d( a, -1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d( a, +1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 2); map3d( 1, +1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 3); g.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4); renderItems(g, 0); } VecFunction createNext() { return null; } }; #endif #ifndef BUILD_E class InverseRotational extends InverseRadial { String getName() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV(null, "current line", "1/r rotational"); } void setup() { setXYViewExact(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double r = distance(y[0], y[1]); if (showA) { result[0] = result[1] = 0; result[2] = -.001*(java.lang.Math.log(r)-.5); } else { if (r < lineWidth*2) boundCheck = true; rotateParticle(result, y, .0001/(r*r)); } } void render(Graphics g) { g.setColor(darkYellow); map3d(0, 0, -1, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(0, 0, +1, xpoints, ypoints, 1); drawCurrentLine(g, xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1], 12, true, 1); renderItems(g, 1); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new InverseRotationalDouble(); } }; class InverseRotationalDouble extends InverseRadialDouble { InverseRotationalDouble() { dir2 = 1; ext = false; } int dir2; boolean ext; String getName() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV(null, "current line double", "1/r rotational double"); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; double r = distance(y[0] - sep, y[1]); double r2 = distance(y[0] + sep, y[1]); if (ext) { double p = aux3Bar.getValue()*pi/50.; double s = aux2Bar.getValue()/30.; getDirectionField(result, y, pi/2, p); result[0] *= s; result[1] *= s; result[2] *= s; } else result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0; if (showA) { if (dir2 == 1) result[2] += -.001*(java.lang.Math.log(r)+ java.lang.Math.log(r2)-1); else result[2] += .001*(java.lang.Math.log(r)- java.lang.Math.log(r2)); } else { if (r < lineWidth*2) boundCheck = true; rotateParticleAdd(result, y, .0001/(r*r), sep, 0); if (r2 < lineWidth*2) boundCheck = true; rotateParticleAdd(result, y, dir2*.0001/(r2*r2), -sep, 0); } } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Line Separation", 30); if (ext) { setupBar(1, "Ext. Strength", 28); setupBar(2, "Ext. Direction", 0); } setXYViewExact(); } void render(Graphics g) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; g.setColor(darkYellow); int i; for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { map3d(sep*i, 0, -1, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(sep*i, 0, +1, xpoints, ypoints, 1); int dir = (i == -1) ? 1 : dir2; drawCurrentLine(g, xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1], 12, true, dir); } renderItems(g, 1); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new InverseRotationalDoubleExt(); } }; class InverseRotationalDoubleExt extends InverseRotationalDouble { InverseRotationalDoubleExt() { ext = true; } String getName() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV(null, "cur line double + ext", "1/r rot double + ext"); } VecFunction createNext() { return new InverseRotationalDipole(); } }; class InverseRotationalDipole extends InverseRotationalDouble { InverseRotationalDipole() { dir2 = -1; } String getName() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV(null, "current line dipole", "1/r rotational dipole"); } VecFunction createNext() { return new InverseRotationalDipoleExt(); } }; class InverseRotationalDipoleExt extends InverseRotationalDouble { InverseRotationalDipoleExt() { dir2 = -1; ext = true; } void setup() { super.setup(); aux2Bar.setValue(17); aux3Bar.setValue(25); } String getName() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV(null, "cur line dipole + ext", "1/r rot dipole + ext"); } VecFunction createNext() { return new OneDirectionFunction(); } }; class OneDirectionFunction extends VecFunction { String getName() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV(null, "uniform field", "one direction"); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double th = aux1Bar.getValue() * pi /50.; double ph = aux2Bar.getValue() * pi /50.; getDirectionField(result, y, th, ph); } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Theta", 25); setupBar(1, "Phi", 12); setXYView(); } VecFunction createNext() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV(null, new MovingChargeField(), new InverseSquaredRadialSphere()); } }; void getDirectionField(double result[], double y[], double th, double ph) { double sinth = java.lang.Math.sin(th); double costh = java.lang.Math.cos(th); double sinph = java.lang.Math.sin(ph); double cosph = java.lang.Math.cos(ph); if (!showA) { if (getPot) { result[0] = -.4*(y[0]*sinth*cosph + y[1]*sinth*sinph + y[2]*costh); return; } result[0] = .0003*sinth*cosph; result[1] = .0003*sinth*sinph; result[2] = .0003*costh; } else { // The A for this field is a linear rotation around // an axis pointing in the direction of the field. // First calculate the axis. double axis[] = new double[3]; axis[0] = sinth*cosph; axis[1] = sinth*sinph; axis[2] = costh; // now project the point we are looking at onto the axis double d = dot(axis, y); // subtract out this projection so we can get the vector // from the point to the axis double r[] = new double[3]; int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) r[i] = .0006*(y[i] - axis[i]*d); // cross this vector with the axis vector to get the result cross(result, axis, r); } } #endif #ifndef BUILD_V class MovingChargeField extends InverseSquaredRadial { String getName() { return "moving charge"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double rz = distance(y); if (showA) { result[0] = result[1] = 0; result[2] = .0003/rz; } else { double r = distance(y[0], y[1]); if (rz < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; rotateParticle(result, y, .0001/(rz*rz*rz)); } } void render(Graphics g) { drawCharge(g, 0, 0, 0, 1); renderItems(g, 1); } void setup() { setXZView(); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV(null, new FastChargeField(), null); } }; #endif #ifdef BUILD_M class FastChargeField extends MovingChargeField { String getName() { return "fast charge"; } double getFieldStrength(double y[]) { double rz = distance(y); if (rz < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; double r = distance(y[0], y[1]); // sine of angle between particle vector and direction of motion double sinth = r/rz; double beta = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/102.; // field = e(beta X R)(1-beta^2)/(R^3)(1-beta^2 sin^2 th)^(3/2) // = C/(R^2)(1-beta^2 sin^2 th)^(3/2) // We are ignoring C which affects the strength of the field and // does not change its shape. The field is in the direction // of beta X R which means that it rotates the particle // around the z axis. XXX changed this, fix double b = .001*(1-beta*beta)*beta/ (rz*rz*java.lang.Math.pow(1-beta*beta*sinth*sinth, 1.5)); return b; } void setup() { super.setup(); setupBar(0, "Speed/C", 60); } void render(Graphics g) { // the charge is always going in the same direction, // regardless of reverse drawCharge(g, 0, 0, 0, reverse); renderItems(g, 1); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { if (showA) { double rz = distance(y); double r = distance(y[0], y[1]); // sine of angle between particle vector and direction of motion double sinth = r/rz; double beta = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/102.; result[0] = result[1] = 0; result[2] = .003*beta/ (rz*java.lang.Math.pow(1-beta*beta*sinth*sinth, .5)); } else rotateParticle(result, y, getFieldStrength(y)); } VecFunction createNext() { return new MovingChargeFieldDouble(); } }; class MovingChargeFieldDouble extends InverseSquaredRadialDouble { String getName() { return "moving charge double"; } MovingChargeFieldDouble() { dir2 = 1; } int dir2; void getField(double result[], double y[]) { result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0; double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; double rz1 = distance(y[0] - sep, y[1], y[2]); double rz2 = distance(y[0] + sep, y[1], y[2]); if (showA) { result[0] = result[1] = 0; result[2] = .0003*(1/rz1 + dir2/rz2); } else { double r = distance(y[0] - sep, y[1]); if (rz1 < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; rotateParticleAdd(result, y, .0001/(rz1*rz1*rz1), sep, 0); if (rz2 < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; r = distance(y[0] + sep, y[1]); rotateParticleAdd(result, y, dir2*.0001/(rz2*rz2*rz2), -sep, 0); } } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Charge Separation", 30); super.setup(); } void render(Graphics g) { double sep = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; drawCharge(g, +sep, 0, 0, 1); drawCharge(g, -sep, 0, 0, dir2); renderItems(g, 1); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new MovingChargeDipole(); } }; class MovingChargeDipole extends MovingChargeFieldDouble { MovingChargeDipole() { dir2 = -1; } String getName() { return "moving charge dipole"; } VecFunction createNext() { return new CurrentLoopField(); } }; #endif #ifndef BUILD_V class CurrentLoopField extends VecFunction { CurrentLoopField() { useColor = true; } Color colors[]; boolean useColor; double size; String getName() { return "current loop"; } boolean useAdaptiveRungeKutta() { return false; } void setup() { setXZView(); setupBar(0, "Loop Size", 40); } void setupFrame() { size = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/100.; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { getLoopField(result, y, 0, 0, 1, size); } void getLoopField(double result[], double y[], double xoff, double zoff, int dir, double size) { double xx = y[0]+xoff; double yy = y[1]; double zz = y[2]+zoff; int i; result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0; int ct = 8; double q = .0006*dir/(size*ct); double ang0 = java.lang.Math.atan2(y[1], y[0]); for (i = 0; i != ct; i ++) { double ang = pi*2*i/ct; double jxx = size*java.lang.Math.cos(ang+ang0); double jyy = size*java.lang.Math.sin(ang+ang0); double lxx = -jyy*q; double lyy = jxx*q; double rx = xx-jxx; double ry = yy-jyy; double rz = zz; double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz); if (!showA) { double r3 = r*r*r; if (r < .04 && useMagnetMove()) boundCheck = true; // dl x R = (lxx, lyy, 0) X R // = (lyy*rz, -lxx*rz, lxx*ry-lyy*rx) // we are integrating by dl x Rhat/r^2, so we rewrite // that as dl x R / r^3. double cx = lyy*rz/r3; double cy = -lxx*rz/r3; double cz = (lxx*ry - lyy*rx)/r3; result[0] += cx; result[1] += cy; result[2] += cz; } else { // dl /r = lxx result[0] += 6*lxx/r; result[1] += 6*lyy/r; } } } boolean checkBounds(double y[], double oldY[]) { if (!useMagnetMove()) return false; if ((y[2] > 0 && oldY[2] < 0) || (y[2] < 0 && oldY[2] > 0)) { double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(y[0]*y[0]+y[1]*y[1]); if (r < size) return true; } return false; } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 1); renderLoop(g, 0, 0, 1, size); renderItems(g, 0); } void renderLoop(Graphics g, double xoff, double zoff, int dir, double size) { final int loopSegments = 72; int i; if (!useColor) g.setColor(darkYellow); for (i = 0; i != loopSegments; i++) { double ang1 = pi*2*i/loopSegments; double ang2 = pi*2*(i+dir)/loopSegments; double jxx1 = size*java.lang.Math.cos(ang1) + xoff; double jyy1 = size*java.lang.Math.sin(ang1); double jxx2 = size*java.lang.Math.cos(ang2) + xoff; double jyy2 = size*java.lang.Math.sin(ang2); map3d(jxx1, jyy1, zoff, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(jxx2, jyy2, zoff, xpoints, ypoints, 1); if (useColor) g.setColor(getCurrentColor(i*dir)); if (i == 0 && useColor) drawCurrentArrow(g, xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); else g.drawLine(xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); } } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { if (intersectZPlane(cameraPos, 0, x[0], x[1], x[2]) != 0) return 1; return 0; } boolean noSplitFieldVectors() { return false; } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return BUILD_CASE_EMV(null, new CurrentLoopsSideField(), null); } }; #endif #ifdef BUILD_M class CurrentLoopsSideField extends CurrentLoopField { String getName() { return "loop pair"; } int dir2; double offx, offz, size; double tres1[], tres2[]; CurrentLoopsSideField() { tres1 = new double[3]; tres2 = new double[3]; } void setup() { setXZView(); setupBar(0, "Loop Size", 40); setupBar(1, "Loop Separation", 10); setupBar(2, "Offset", 0); } void setupFrame() { size = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/100.; double sep = aux2Bar.getValue()/100.; double sep2 = aux3Bar.getValue()/100.; offx = sep*(1-size)+size; offz = sep2; dir2 = 1; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { getLoopField(tres1, y, +offx, +offz, 1, size); getLoopField(tres2, y, -offx, -offz, dir2, size); int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) result[i] = tres1[i] + tres2[i]; } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 0); renderLoop(g, +offx, +offz, 1, size); renderLoop(g, -offx, -offz, dir2, size); renderItems(g, 1); } boolean checkBounds(double y[], double oldY[]) { if (!useMagnetMove()) return false; if ((y[2] > offz && oldY[2] < offz) || (y[2] < offz && oldY[2] > offz)) { double x = y[0]-offx; double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(x*x+y[1]*y[1]); if (r < size) return true; } if ((y[2] > -offz && oldY[2] < -offz) || (y[2] < -offz && oldY[2] > -offz)) { double x = y[0]+offx; double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(x*x+y[1]*y[1]); if (r < size) return true; } return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new CurrentLoopsSideOppField(); } }; class CurrentLoopsSideOppField extends CurrentLoopsSideField { String getName() { return "loop pair opposing"; } void setupFrame() { size = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/100.; double sep = aux2Bar.getValue()/100.; double sep2 = aux3Bar.getValue()/100.; offx = sep*(1-size)+size; offz = sep2; dir2 = -1; } VecFunction createNext() { return new CurrentLoopsStackedField(); } }; class CurrentLoopsStackedField extends CurrentLoopsSideField { String getName() { return "loop pair stacked"; } void setupFrame() { size = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/100.; double sep = (aux2Bar.getValue()+1)/100.; double sep2 = aux3Bar.getValue()/100.; offx = sep2; offz = sep; dir2 = 1; } VecFunction createNext() { return new CurrentLoopsStackedOppField(); } }; class CurrentLoopsStackedOppField extends CurrentLoopsSideField { String getName() { return "loop pair stacked, opp."; } void setupFrame() { size = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/100.; double sep = (aux2Bar.getValue()+1)/100.; double sep2 = aux3Bar.getValue()/100.; offx = sep2; offz = sep; dir2 = -1; } VecFunction createNext() { return new CurrentLoopsOpposingConcentric(); } }; class CurrentLoopsOpposingConcentric extends CurrentLoopField { String getName() { return "concentric loops"; } int dir2; double tres1[], tres2[]; double size2; CurrentLoopsOpposingConcentric() { tres1 = new double[3]; tres2 = new double[3]; } void setup() { setXZView(); setupBar(0, "Outer Loop Size", 75); setupBar(1, "Inner Loop Size", 50); } void setupFrame() { size = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/101.; size2 = size*(aux2Bar.getValue()+1)/101.; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { getLoopField(tres1, y, 0, 0, 1, size); getLoopField(tres2, y, 0, 0, -1, size2); // getLoopField's result is not proportional to size^2 (as // it should be) but rather to size, because that makes // the field of small loops too hard to see, and because // we care more about the shape of the field than its // absolute magnitude. To correct for that, we have to // multiply the smaller loop's field by size2/size to // ensure that the field looks correct for two concentric // loops with the same current. double mult = size2/size; int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) result[i] = tres1[i] + mult*tres2[i]; } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 0); renderLoop(g, 0, 0, 1, size); renderLoop(g, 0, 0, -1, size2); renderItems(g, 1); } VecFunction createNext() { return new SolenoidField(); } }; class SolenoidField extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "solenoid"; } boolean useRungeKutta() { return false; } double height, size; int turns; void setupFrame() { size = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/100.; turns = (aux3Bar.getValue()/4)+1; height = (aux2Bar.getValue()+1)/25.; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { int i, j, n; result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0; int angct = 8; // was 10 aux3Bar.getValue()+1; if (turns < 9) angct = 80/turns; double ang0 = java.lang.Math.atan2(y[1], y[0]); double zcoilstep = height/turns; double zangstep = zcoilstep/angct; double zbase = -height/2; double q = .003/(turns*angct); double lzz = q*zangstep; if (ang0 < 0) ang0 += 2*pi; if (ang0 < 0) System.out.print("-ang0?? " + ang0 + "\n"); ang0 %= zangstep; zbase += zcoilstep*ang0/(2*pi); for (i = 0; i != angct; i++) { double ang = pi*2*i/angct; double jxx = size*java.lang.Math.cos(ang+ang0); double jyy = size*java.lang.Math.sin(ang+ang0); double jzz = zbase+zangstep*i; double lxx = -jyy*q; double lyy = jxx*q; double rx = y[0]-jxx; double ry = y[1]-jyy; double rx2ry2 = rx*rx+ry*ry; for (j = 0; j != turns; j++) { double rz = y[2]-jzz; double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(rx2ry2+rz*rz); if (!showA) { if (r < .04 && useMagnetMove()) boundCheck = true; // dl x R = (lxx, lyy, lzz) X R // = (lyy*rz-lzz*ry, lzz*rx-lxx*rz, // lxx*ry-lyy*rx) // we are integrating by dl x Rhat/r^2, so we rewrite // that as dl x R / r^3. double r3 = r*r*r; double cx = (lyy*rz-lzz*ry)/r3; double cy = (lzz*rx-lxx*rz)/r3; double cz = (lxx*ry-lyy*rx)/r3; result[0] += cx; result[1] += cy; result[2] += cz; } else { result[0] += 6*lxx/r; result[1] += 6*lyy/r; result[2] += 6*lzz/r; } jzz += zcoilstep; } } } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Diameter", 40); setupBar(1, "Height", 30); setupBar(2, "# of Turns", 36); setXZView(); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { return intersectCylinder(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], 2, false); } boolean checkBounds(double y[], double oldY[]) { if (!useMagnetMove()) return false; double height2 = height*2; double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(y[0]*y[0]+y[1]*y[1]); double or = java.lang.Math.sqrt(oldY[0]*oldY[0]+oldY[1]*oldY[1]); // going through walls? if (y[2] < height2 && y[2] > -height2) { if ((r < size && or > size) || (or < size && r > size)) return true; } // passing through z=0 plane inside solenoid? if ((y[2] > 0 && oldY[2] < 0) || (y[2] < 0 && oldY[2] > 0)) { if (r < size) return true; } return false; } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 2); // draw particles inside cylinder; XXX renderItems(g, 1); g.setColor(darkYellow); int i, j; int angct = 48; if (turns < 10) angct = 480/turns; double zcoilstep = height/turns; double zangstep = zcoilstep/angct; double zbase = -height/2; for (i = 0; i != angct; i++) { double ang1 = pi*2*i/angct; double ang2 = pi*2*(i+1)/angct; double jxx1 = size*java.lang.Math.cos(ang1); double jyy1 = size*java.lang.Math.sin(ang1); double jxx2 = size*java.lang.Math.cos(ang2); double jyy2 = size*java.lang.Math.sin(ang2); double jzz1 = zbase + zangstep*i; for (j = 0; j != turns; j++) { double jzz2 = jzz1 + zangstep; map3d(jxx1, jyy1, jzz1, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(jxx2, jyy2, jzz2, xpoints, ypoints, 1); g.setColor(getCurrentColor(j*angct+i)); if (i == 0 && j == turns/2) drawCurrentArrow(g, xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); else g.drawLine(xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); jzz1 += zcoilstep; } } renderItems(g, 0); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new ToroidalSolenoidField(); } }; class ToroidalSolenoidField extends VecFunction { ToroidalSolenoidField() { turnmult = 1; } String getName() { return "toroidal solenoid"; } boolean useRungeKutta() { return false; } double size1, size2, q; int turns, angct = 8; int turnmult; double costab1[], sintab1[]; double costab2[][], sintab2[][]; void setupFrame() { size1 = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; size2 = aux2Bar.getValue()*size1/100.; turns = aux3Bar.getValue()/3+6; q = .0003/(angct*turns); costab1 = new double[angct]; sintab1 = new double[angct]; costab2 = new double[angct][turns]; sintab2 = new double[angct][turns]; int i, j; for (i = 0; i != angct; i++) { double ang = pi*2*i/angct; costab1[i] = java.lang.Math.cos(ang); sintab1[i] = java.lang.Math.sin(ang); for (j = 0; j != turns; j++) { double ang2 = (pi*2*j+ang)/(turnmult*turns); costab2[i][j] = java.lang.Math.cos(ang2); sintab2[i][j] = java.lang.Math.sin(ang2); } } } void finishFrame() { costab1 = sintab1 = null; costab2 = sintab2 = null; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Center Radius", 60); setupBar(1, "Outer Radius", 80); setupBar(2, "# of turns", 18); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { int i, j, n; result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0; for (i = 0; i != angct; i++) { double cosp = costab1[i]; double sinp = sintab1[i]; double jzz = size2*sinp; double lzz = q*turns*size2*cosp; double rz = y[2]-jzz; for (j = 0; j != turns; j++) { double cosa = costab2[i][j]; double sina = sintab2[i][j]; double jxx = cosa*(size1+size2*cosp); double jyy = sina*(size1+size2*cosp); double lxx = q* (-(size1+size2*cosp)*sina - turns*size2*cosa*sinp); double lyy = q* ((size1+size2*cosp)*cosa - turns*size2*sina*sinp); double rx = y[0]-jxx; double ry = y[1]-jyy; double r = distance(rx, ry, rz); if (!showA) { double r3 = r*r*r; if (r < .04 && useMagnetMove()) boundCheck = true; // dl x R = (lxx, lyy, lzz) X R // = (lyy*rz-lzz*ry, lzz*rx-lxx*rz, // lxx*ry-lyy*rx) // we are integrating by dl x Rhat/r^2, so we rewrite // that as dl x R / r^3. double cx = (lyy*rz-lzz*ry)/r3; double cy = (lzz*rx-lxx*rz)/r3; double cz = (lxx*ry-lyy*rx)/r3; result[0] += cx; result[1] += cy; result[2] += cz; } else { result[0] += 6*lxx/r; result[1] += 6*lyy/r; result[2] += 6*lzz/r; } } } } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { return intersectCylinder(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], 2, false); } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 2); // draw particles inside cylinder; XXX renderItems(g, 1); g.setColor(darkYellow); int jzz, i; int steps = turns*48; for (i = 0; i != steps; i++) { getToroidPoint(xpoints, ypoints, size1, size2, turns, i, 0); getToroidPoint(xpoints, ypoints, size1, size2, turns, i+1, 1); g.setColor(getCurrentColor(i)); if (i == 50) drawArrow(g, null, xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1], 7); else g.drawLine(xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1]); } renderItems(g, 0); } void getToroidPoint(int xpoints[], int ypoints[], double size1, double size2, int turns, int i, int n) { int angct = 48; double ang = pi*2*(i % angct)/angct; double cosp = java.lang.Math.cos(ang); double sinp = java.lang.Math.sin(ang); double ang2 = (pi*2*(i/angct)+ang)/(turns*turnmult); double cosa = java.lang.Math.cos(ang2); double sina = java.lang.Math.sin(ang2); map3d(cosa*(size1+size2*cosp), sina*(size1+size2*cosp), size2*sinp, xpoints, ypoints, n); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new HorseshoeElectromagnetField(); } }; class HorseshoeElectromagnetField extends ToroidalSolenoidField { HorseshoeElectromagnetField() { turnmult = 2; } String getName() { return "horseshoe electromagnet"; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Center Radius", 40); setupBar(1, "Outer Radius", 50); setupBar(2, "# of turns", 18); setXYView(); } VecFunction createNext() { return new SquareLoopField(); } }; class SquareLoopField extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "square loop"; } double lstart, lstop, size; void setup() { setupBar(0, "Loop Size", 60); setXZView(); } void setupFrame() { size = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; lstart = -size; lstop = size; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { getLoopField(result, y, 0, 1); } void getLineField(double result[], double y[], double offo, double offt, int lcoord, int ocoord, int tcoord, int dir) { double a1 = lstart-y[lcoord]; double a2 = lstop-y[lcoord]; double r = distance(y[ocoord]-offo, y[tcoord]-offt); if (r < lineWidth && a1 <= 0 && a2 >= 0) boundCheck = true; double y2 = r*r; double a12 = a1*a1; double a22 = a2*a2; double a12y2 = java.lang.Math.sqrt(a12+y2); double a22y2 = java.lang.Math.sqrt(a22+y2); if (showA) { if (lcoord < ocoord) dir = -dir; result[lcoord] += dir*.0003*java.lang.Math.log((a2+a22y2)/(a1+a12y2))/size; return; } double q = dir*.0001/size; double fth = q* (-1/(a12+y2+a1*a12y2)+1/(a22+y2+a2*a22y2)); result[tcoord] += fth*(y[ocoord]-offo); result[ocoord] -= fth*(y[tcoord]-offt); } void getLoopField(double result[], double y[], double zoff, int dir) { result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0; getLineField(result, y, size, zoff, 0, 1, 2, dir); getLineField(result, y, -size, zoff, 0, 1, 2, -dir); getLineField(result, y, size, zoff, 1, 0, 2, dir); getLineField(result, y, -size, zoff, 1, 0, 2, -dir); } boolean checkBounds(double y[], double oldY[]) { if (!useMagnetMove()) return false; if ((y[2] > 0 && oldY[2] < 0) || (y[2] < 0 && oldY[2] > 0)) { if (y[0] < size && y[1] < size && y[0] > -size && y[1] > -size) return true; } return false; } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 0); g.setColor(darkYellow); map3d(-size, -size, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(+size, -size, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d(+size, +size, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 2); map3d(-size, +size, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 3); int i; for (i = 0; i != 4; i++) { int j = (i + 1) & 3; drawCurrentLine(g, xpoints[i], ypoints[i], xpoints[j], ypoints[j], 8, i == 0, 1); } renderItems(g, 1); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { if (intersectZPlane(cameraPos, 0, x[0], x[1], x[2]) == 0) return 1; return 0; } boolean noSplitFieldVectors() { return false; } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new CornerField(); } }; class CornerField extends SquareLoopField { String getName() { return "corner"; } void setup() { setXZView(); setupBar(0, "Offset", 50); } double offset; void setupFrame() { size = 2; offset = aux1Bar.getValue()/50.-1; lstart = offset; lstop = 10+offset; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0; getLineField(result, y, offset, 0, 0, 1, 2, -1); getLineField(result, y, offset, 0, 1, 0, 2, -1); } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 0); g.setColor(darkYellow); map3d(offset, offset, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(1, offset, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d(offset, 1, 0, xpoints, ypoints, 2); drawCurrentLine(g, xpoints[0], ypoints[0], xpoints[1], ypoints[1], 8, true, 1); drawCurrentLine(g, xpoints[2], ypoints[2], xpoints[0], ypoints[0], 8, false, 1); renderItems(g, 1); } VecFunction createNext() { return new MagneticSphereB(); } }; class MagneticSphereB extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "magnetic sphere"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double a = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; double r = distance(y); if (r < a) { boundCheck = true; result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0; return; } double rz = distance(y[0], y[1]); double costh = y[2]/r; double sinth = rz/r; double sinph = y[1]/rz; double cosph = y[0]/rz; if (!showA) { // rhat = (sinth*cosph, sinth*sinph, costh) // thhat = (costh*cosph, costh*sinph, -sinth) double r3 = .003*a*a*a/(r*r*r); double eth = 2*sinth*r3; double er = costh*r3; result[0] = sinth*cosph*er + costh*cosph*eth; result[1] = sinth*sinph*er + costh*sinph*eth; result[2] = costh *er - sinth* eth; } else { // phhat = (-sinph, cosph, 0) double aph = .003*a*a*a*sinth/(r*r); result[0] = -sinph*aph; result[1] = cosph*aph; result[2] = 0; } } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Sphere Size", 50); setXZView(); } void render(Graphics g) { double a = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; fillSphere(g, a, 0); renderItems(g, 0); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { double a = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; return intersectSphere(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], a); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new MonopoleAttempt(); } }; class MonopoleAttempt extends SquareLoopField { String getName() { return "monopole attempt"; } double tres[][], yflip[], rad, size; int count; MonopoleAttempt() { tres = new double[8][3]; yflip = new double[3]; } void setup() { setXZView(); setupBar(0, "Loop Size", 40); setupBar(1, "Separation", 10); setupBar(2, "Loop Count", 100); dispChooser.select(DISP_VECTORS); } void setupFrame() { super.setupFrame(); size = (aux1Bar.getValue())/100.; rad = aux2Bar.getValue()/100. + size; count = (aux3Bar.getValue()*6)/101 + 1; } void drawLoop(Graphics g) { int i; for (i = 0; i != 4; i++) { int j = (i + 1) & 3; drawCurrentLine(g, xpoints[i], ypoints[i], xpoints[j], ypoints[j], 8, i == 0, 1); } } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 0); g.setColor(darkYellow); double size = aux1Bar.getValue()/100.; int i; int ct = count; for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { if (--ct < 0) break; map3d(-size, -size, rad*i, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(+size*i, -size*i, rad*i, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d(+size, +size, rad*i, xpoints, ypoints, 2); map3d(-size*i, +size*i, rad*i, xpoints, ypoints, 3); drawLoop(g); } for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { if (--ct < 0) break; map3d(-size, rad*i, -size, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(-size*i, rad*i, +size*i, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d(+size, rad*i, +size, xpoints, ypoints, 2); map3d(+size*i, rad*i, -size*i, xpoints, ypoints, 3); drawLoop(g); } for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { if (--ct < 0) break; map3d(rad*i, -size, -size, xpoints, ypoints, 0); map3d(rad*i, +size*i, -size*i, xpoints, ypoints, 1); map3d(rad*i, +size, +size, xpoints, ypoints, 2); map3d(rad*i, -size*i, +size*i, xpoints, ypoints, 3); drawLoop(g); } renderItems(g, 1); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { int i; for (i = 0; i != 6; i++) tres[i][0] = tres[i][1] = tres[i][2] = 0; getLoopField(tres[0], y, -rad, -1); if (count > 1) getLoopField(tres[1], y, rad, 1); yflip[1] = y[0]; yflip[2] = y[1]; yflip[0] = y[2]; if (count > 2) getLoopField(tres[2], yflip, -rad, -1); if (count > 3) getLoopField(tres[3], yflip, rad, 1); yflip[2] = y[0]; yflip[0] = y[1]; yflip[1] = y[2]; if (count > 4) getLoopField(tres[4], yflip, -rad, -1); if (count > 5) getLoopField(tres[5], yflip, rad, 1); for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) result[i] = tres[0][i] + tres[1][i] + tres[2][(i+1)%3] + tres[3][(i+1)%3] + tres[4][(i+2)%3] + tres[5][(i+2)%3]; } VecFunction createNext() { return null; } }; #endif #ifdef BUILD_V class InverseSquaredRadialSphere extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "1/r^2 sphere"; } double getSize() { return (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/110.; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double r = distance(y); if (r < .01) boundCheck = true; double a = getSize(); if (getPot) { result[0] = .1*((r > a) ? -1/r : -3/(2*a)+r*r/(2*a*a*a)); return; } if (r < a) r = a; double alpha = .0003/(r*r*r); result[0] = -y[0]*alpha; result[1] = -y[1]*alpha; result[2] = -y[2]*alpha; } void setup() { setupBar(0, "Sphere Size", 70); } void render(Graphics g) { renderSphere(g, getSize()); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { return intersectSphere(cameraPos, x[0], x[1], x[2], getSize()); } boolean noSplitFieldVectors() { return false; } boolean checkBoundsWithForce() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new ConstRadial(); } }; class ConstRadial extends InverseSquaredRadial { String getName() { return "const radial"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double r = distance(y); if (r < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; double q = .0003/r; if (getPot) { result[0] = r-1; return; } result[0] = -q*y[0]; result[1] = -q*y[1]; result[2] = -q*y[2]; } boolean checkBoundsWithForce() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new LinearRadial(); } }; class LinearRadial extends InverseSquaredRadial { String getName() { return "linear radial"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double r = distance(y); if (r < chargeSize) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = r*r-1; return; } double k = .0003; result[0] = -y[0]*k; result[1] = -y[1]*k; result[2] = -y[2]*k; } boolean checkBoundsWithForce() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new ConstantToZAxis(); } }; class ConstantToZAxis extends InverseRadial { String getName() { return "constant to z axis"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double r = distance(y[0], y[1]); if (r < lineWidth) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = r-1; return; } double q = .0003/r; result[0] = -y[0]*q; result[1] = -y[1]*q; result[2] = 0; } void setup() { setXYView(); } boolean checkBoundsWithForce() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new ConstantToXYPlane(); } }; class ConstantToXYPlane extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "constant to xy plane"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double alpha = .0003; if (y[2] > -.01 && y[2] < .01) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = java.lang.Math.abs(y[2])-1; return; } result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; result[2] = (y[2] < 0) ? alpha : -alpha; } void setup() { setXZView(); } void render(Graphics g) { renderItems(g, 1); drawPlane(g, 1, 1, 0); renderItems(g, 0); } int getViewPri(double cameraPos[], double x[]) { if (intersectZPlane(cameraPos, 0, x[0], x[1], x[2]) == 0) return 0; return 1; } boolean checkBoundsWithForce() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new LinearToZAxis(); } }; class LinearToZAxis extends InverseRadial { String getName() { return "linear to z axis"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double r = distance(y[0], y[1]); if (r < lineWidth) boundCheck = true; if (getPot) { result[0] = r*r-1; return; } double q = .0003; result[0] = -y[0]*q; result[1] = -y[1]*q; result[2] = 0; } void setup() { setXYView(); } boolean checkBoundsWithForce() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new LinearToXYPlane(); } }; class LinearToXYPlane extends ConstantToXYPlane { String getName() { return "linear to xy plane"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { if (getPot) { result[0] = y[2]*y[2]-1; return; } if (y[2] > -.01 && y[2] < .01) boundCheck = true; double alpha = .0003; result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; result[2] = -alpha*y[2]; } void setup() { setXYView(); } boolean checkBoundsWithForce() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new LinearToYZXZPlane(); } }; class LinearToYZXZPlane extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "linear to yz, xz planes"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { if (y[0] > -.01 && y[0] < .01) boundCheck = true; if (y[1] > -.01 && y[1] < .01) boundCheck = true; double alpha = .0003; double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt((aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/51.); if (getPot) { result[0] = (y[0]*y[0]*r+y[1]*y[1]/r)-1; return; } result[0] = -alpha*r*y[0]; result[1] = -alpha/r*y[1]; result[2] = 0; } void setup() { setXYView(); setupBar(0, "X/Y Ratio", 50); } boolean checkBoundsWithForce() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new LinearToYZXZXYPlane(); } }; class LinearToYZXZXYPlane extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "linear to yz, xz, xy planes"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { if (y[2] > -.01 && y[2] < .01) boundCheck = true; double alpha = .0003; double r1 = (aux1Bar.getValue()+1)/51.; double r2 = (aux2Bar.getValue()+1)/51.; if (getPot) { result[0] = (y[0]*y[0]*r1+y[1]*y[1]+y[2]*y[2]/r2)-1; return; } result[0] = -alpha*r1*y[0]; result[1] = -alpha *y[1]; result[2] = -alpha/r2*y[2]; } void setup() { setXYView(); setupBar(0, "X/Y Ratio", 50); setupBar(1, "Y/Z Ratio", 50); } boolean checkBoundsWithForce() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new InverseToXYPlane(); } }; class InverseToXYPlane extends ConstantToXYPlane { String getName() { return "inverse to xy plane"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { if (y[2] > -.01 && y[2] < .01) boundCheck = true; double alpha = .0003; double zz = y[2]; if (getPot) { result[0] = -.01/(zz*zz); return; } if (zz == 0) zz = .00001; result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; result[2] = -alpha/zz; } void setup() { setXZView(); } VecFunction createNext() { return new InverseSquareRotational(); } }; class InverseSquareRotational extends InverseRadial { String getName() { return "1/r^2 rotational"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double r = distance(y[0], y[1]); if (r < lineWidth*2) boundCheck = true; rotateParticle(result, y, .0001/(r*r*r)); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new LinearRotational(); } }; class LinearRotational extends InverseRadial { String getName() { return "linear rotational"; } void setup() { setXYViewExact(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double q = .0003; result[0] = -q*y[1]; result[1] = q*y[0]; result[2] = 0; } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new LinearRotationalA(); } }; class LinearRotationalA extends InverseRadial { String getName() { return "fz=-(x^2+y^2)"; } void setup() { setXZView(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double q = .0003; result[0] = result[1] = 0; result[2] = -q*(y[0]*y[0]+y[1]*y[1]); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new ConstantRotational(); } }; class ConstantRotational extends InverseRadial { String getName() { return "constant rotational"; } void setup() { setXYViewExact(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double r = distance(y[0], y[1]); rotateParticle(result, y, .0003/r); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new ConstantRotationalA(); } }; class ConstantRotationalA extends InverseRadial { String getName() { return "(-y/r,x/r,0)"; } void setup() { setXZView(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double r = distance(y[0], y[1]); result[0] = result[1] = 0; result[2] = -.0006*r; } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new Helical(); } }; class Helical extends InverseRadial { String getName() { return "helical"; } void setup() { setXZView(); setupBar(0, "Z Speed", 30); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double q= .0003; result[0] = -q*y[1]; result[1] = q*y[0]; result[2] = .00001*aux1Bar.getValue(); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new FxEqualsYField(); } }; class FxEqualsYField extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "fx=y"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { result[2] = result[1] = 0; result[0] = y[1] * .0006; } void setup() { setXYView(); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new FxEqualsY2(); } }; class FxEqualsY2 extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "fx=y2"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { result[2] = result[1] = 0; result[0] = y[1]*y[1] * .001; } void setup() { setXYView(); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new LinearZRotational(); } }; class LinearZRotational extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "(-yz,xz,0)"; } void setup() { setXZView(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double q = .001*y[2]; result[0] = -q*y[1]; result[1] = q*y[0]; result[2] = 0; } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new YzXz0Field(); } }; class YzXz0Field extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "(yz,xz,0)"; } void setup() { setXZView(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double q = .0006*y[2]; result[0] = q*y[1]; result[1] = q*y[0]; result[2] = 0; } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new XY_2ZField(); } }; class XY_2ZField extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "(-x,-y,2z)"; } void setup() { setXZView(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double q = .0006; result[0] = q*y[0]; result[1] = q*y[1]; result[2] = -2*q*y[2]; } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new XY0Field(); } }; class XY0Field extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "(-x,y,0)"; } void setup() { setXYView(); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double q = .0006; result[0] = -q*y[0]; result[1] = q*y[1]; result[2] = 0; } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new RotationalExpansion(); } }; class RotationalExpansion extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "(x-y,x+y,0)"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double q = .0003; result[0] = q*(y[0]-y[1]); result[1] = q*(y[0]+y[1]); result[2] = 0; } void setup() { setXYView(); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new RotationalExpansion3D(); } }; class RotationalExpansion3D extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "(x-y,x+y,2z)"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double q = .0003; result[0] = q*(y[0]-y[1]); result[1] = q*(y[0]+y[1]); result[2] = q*(y[2]*2); } void setup() { setXYView(); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new RosslerAttractor(); } }; class RosslerAttractor extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "Rossler attractor"; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { int scale = aux2Bar.getValue()*2+20; double xx = y[0] * 24; double yy = y[1] * 24; double zz = (y[2]+.75) * scale; double k = .00002; double c = aux1Bar.getValue()*.1; result[0] = -(yy+zz)*k; result[1] = k*(xx+.2*yy); result[2] = k*(.2+xx*zz-c*zz); } void setup() { setXZView(); setupBar(0, "c", 80); setupBar(1, "Z Scale", 36); strengthBar.setValue(75); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } boolean redistribute() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new LorenzAttractor(); } }; class LorenzAttractor extends VecFunction { String getName() { return "Lorenz attractor"; } void setup() { setXZView(); setupBar(0, "Scale", 24); } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { int scale = aux1Bar.getValue()/2 + 23; double xx = y[0] * scale; double yy = y[1] * scale; double zz = y[2] * scale + scale; double k = .00002; result[0] = (-10*xx+10*yy)*k; result[1] = k*(28*xx-yy-xx*zz); result[2] = k*(-(8./3.)*zz+xx*yy); } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } boolean redistribute() { return false; } VecFunction createNext() { return new UserDefinedPotential(); } }; class UserDefinedPotential extends VecFunction { Expr expr; double y0[]; String getName() { return "user-defined potential"; } void setup() { setXZView(); textFields[0].setText("x*x-z*z"); textFields[0].show(); textFieldLabel.setText("Potential Function"); textFieldLabel.show(); actionPerformed(); y0 = new double[3]; } void actionPerformed() { parseError = false; ExprParser ep = new ExprParser(textFields[0].getText()); expr = ep.parseExpression(); if (ep.gotError()) parseError = true; } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double k = .00001; int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) y0[i] = y[i]; double pot0 = expr.eval(y0); if (getPot) { result[0] = pot0*.01; return; } y0[0] += k; result[0] = pot0-expr.eval(y0); y0[0] = y[0]; y0[1] += k; result[1] = pot0-expr.eval(y0); y0[1] = y[1]; y0[2] += k; result[2] = pot0-expr.eval(y0); for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) if (!(result[i] > -10 && result[i] < 10)) boundCheck = true; } VecFunction createNext() { return new UserDefinedFunction(); } }; class UserDefinedFunction extends VecFunction { Expr exprs[]; String getName() { return "user-defined field"; } void setup() { setXZView(); exprs = new Expr[3]; textFields[0].setText("x"); textFields[1].setText("y"); textFields[2].setText("z"); textFieldLabel.setText("Field Functions"); textFieldLabel.show(); int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) textFields[i].show(); actionPerformed(); } void actionPerformed() { int i; parseError = false; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { ExprParser ep = new ExprParser(textFields[i].getText()); exprs[i] = ep.parseExpression(); if (ep.gotError()) parseError = true; } } void getField(double result[], double y[]) { double k = .0002; int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { result[i] = k*exprs[i].eval(y); if (!(result[i] > -10 && result[i] < 10)) boundCheck = true; } } boolean nonGradient() { return true; } VecFunction createNext() { return null; } }; #endif class DrawData { public Graphics g; public double mult; public double field[], vv[]; }; class Particle { public double pos[]; public double vel[]; public int viewPri; public double lifetime; public double phi, theta, phiv, thetav; public double stepsize; Particle() { pos = new double[3]; vel = new double[3]; stepsize = 1; } }; class FieldVector { public int sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2; public double p1[], p2[]; public int col; public int viewPri; }; #ifdef BUILD_E // this is a complex number class that avoids creating new objects // whenever possible. Takes a little more effort to use, but it is // much faster because we don't have to do constant garbage // collection. class Complex { public double a, b; Complex() { a = b = 0; } void set(double aa, double bb) { a = aa; b = bb; } void set(Complex c) { set(c.a, c.b); } void add(double r) { a += r; } void add(double r, double i) { a += r; b += i; } void square() { set(a*a-b*b, 2*a*b); } void mult(double c, double d) { set(a*c-b*d, a*d+b*c); } void mult(double c) { a *= c; b *= c; } void mult(Complex c) { mult(c.a, c.b); } void recip() { double n = a*a+b*b; set(a/n, -b/n); } void pow(double p) { double arg = java.lang.Math.atan2(b, a); arg *= p; double abs = java.lang.Math.pow(a*a+b*b, p*.5); set(abs*java.lang.Math.cos(arg), abs*java.lang.Math.sin(arg)); } void sin() { set(cosh(b)*java.lang.Math.sin(a), java.lang.Math.cos(a)*sinh(b)); } void cos() { set(cosh(b)*java.lang.Math.cos(a), java.lang.Math.sin(a)*sinh(b)); } void log() { set(java.lang.Math.log(a*a+b*b), java.lang.Math.atan2(b, a)); } void arcsin() { Complex z2 = new Complex(); z2.set(a, b); z2.square(); z2.mult(-1); z2.add(1); z2.pow(.5); mult(0, 1); add(z2.a, z2.b); log(); mult(0, -1); } }; double cosh(double a) { return .5*(java.lang.Math.exp(a)+java.lang.Math.exp(-a)); } double sinh(double a) { return .5*(java.lang.Math.exp(a)-java.lang.Math.exp(-a)); } #endif }; #ifdef BUILD_V class ExprState { public double x, y, z; } class Expr { Expr(Expr e1, Expr e2, int v) { left = e1; right = e2; type = v; } Expr(int v, double vv) { type = v; value = vv; } Expr(int v) { type = v; } double eval(double es[]) { switch (type) { case E_ADD: return left.eval(es)+right.eval(es); case E_SUB: return left.eval(es)-right.eval(es); case E_MUL: return left.eval(es)*right.eval(es); case E_DIV: return left.eval(es)/right.eval(es); case E_POW: return java.lang.Math.pow(left.eval(es), right.eval(es)); case E_UMINUS: return -left.eval(es); case E_VAL: return value; case E_X: return es[0]*10; case E_Y: return es[1]*10; case E_Z: return es[2]*10; case E_R: return java.lang.Math.sqrt( es[0]*es[0]+es[1]*es[1]+es[2]*es[2])*10; case E_SIN: return java.lang.Math.sin(left.eval(es)); case E_COS: return java.lang.Math.cos(left.eval(es)); case E_ABS: return java.lang.Math.abs(left.eval(es)); case E_EXP: return java.lang.Math.exp(left.eval(es)); case E_LOG: return java.lang.Math.log(left.eval(es)); case E_SQRT: return java.lang.Math.sqrt(left.eval(es)); case E_TAN: return java.lang.Math.tan(left.eval(es)); default: System.out.print("unknown\n"); } return 0; } Expr left, right; double value; int type; static final int E_ADD = 1; static final int E_SUB = 2; static final int E_X = 3; static final int E_Y = 4; static final int E_Z = 5; static final int E_VAL = 6; static final int E_MUL = 7; static final int E_DIV = 8; static final int E_POW = 9; static final int E_UMINUS = 10; static final int E_SIN = 11; static final int E_COS = 12; static final int E_ABS = 13; static final int E_EXP = 14; static final int E_LOG = 15; static final int E_SQRT = 16; static final int E_TAN = 17; static final int E_R = 18; }; class ExprParser { String text; String token; int pos; int tlen; boolean err; void getToken() { while (pos < tlen && text.charAt(pos) == ' ') pos++; if (pos == tlen) { token = ""; return; } int i = pos; int c = text.charAt(i); if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '.') { for (i = pos; i != tlen; i++) { if (!((text.charAt(i) >= '0' && text.charAt(i) <= '9') || text.charAt(i) == '.')) break; } } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { for (i = pos; i != tlen; i++) { if (!(text.charAt(i) >= 'a' && text.charAt(i) <= 'z')) break; } } else { i++; } token = text.substring(pos, i); pos = i; } boolean skip(String s) { if (token.compareTo(s) != 0) return false; getToken(); return true; } void skipOrError(String s) { if (!skip(s)) err = true; } Expr parseExpression() { if (token.length() == 0) return new Expr(Expr.E_VAL, 0.); Expr e = parse(); if (token.length() > 0) err = true; return e; } Expr parse() { Expr e = parseMult(); while (true) { if (skip("+")) e = new Expr(e, parseMult(), Expr.E_ADD); else if (skip("-")) e = new Expr(e, parseMult(), Expr.E_SUB); else break; } return e; } Expr parseMult() { Expr e = parseUminus(); while (true) { if (skip("*")) e = new Expr(e, parseUminus(), Expr.E_MUL); else if (skip("/")) e = new Expr(e, parseUminus(), Expr.E_DIV); else break; } return e; } Expr parseUminus() { skip("+"); if (skip("-")) return new Expr(parsePow(), null, Expr.E_UMINUS); return parsePow(); } Expr parsePow() { Expr e = parseTerm(); while (true) { if (skip("^")) e = new Expr(e, parseTerm(), Expr.E_POW); else break; } return e; } Expr parseFunc(int t) { skipOrError("("); Expr e = parse(); skipOrError(")"); return new Expr(e, null, t); } Expr parseTerm() { if (skip("(")) { Expr e = parse(); skipOrError(")"); return e; } if (skip("x")) return new Expr(Expr.E_X); if (skip("y")) return new Expr(Expr.E_Y); if (skip("z")) return new Expr(Expr.E_Z); if (skip("r")) return new Expr(Expr.E_R); if (skip("pi")) return new Expr(Expr.E_VAL, 3.14159265358979323846); if (skip("e")) return new Expr(Expr.E_VAL, 2.7182818284590452354); if (skip("sin")) return parseFunc(Expr.E_SIN); if (skip("cos")) return parseFunc(Expr.E_COS); if (skip("abs")) return parseFunc(Expr.E_ABS); if (skip("exp")) return parseFunc(Expr.E_EXP); if (skip("log")) return parseFunc(Expr.E_LOG); if (skip("sqrt")) return parseFunc(Expr.E_SQRT); if (skip("tan")) return parseFunc(Expr.E_TAN); try { Expr e = new Expr(Expr.E_VAL, Double.valueOf(token).doubleValue()); getToken(); return e; } catch (Exception e) { err = true; System.out.print("unrecognized token: " + token + "\n"); return new Expr(Expr.E_VAL, 0); } } ExprParser(String s) { text = s; tlen = text.length(); pos = 0; err = false; getToken(); } boolean gotError() { return err; } }; #endif