// Diffraction.java (c) 2001 by Paul Falstad, www.falstad.com. // Algorithm used for circular apertures is from "Simulation and Study // of Fresnel Diffraction for Arbitrary Two-Dimensional Apertures", by // Dean Dauger, published in Computers In Physics, Nov/Dec 1996, // except I use ray tracing to find edges instead of the (more general) // method he describes. import java.io.InputStream; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.ImageProducer; import java.applet.Applet; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.io.File; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Arrays; import java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource; import java.lang.Math; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.awt.event.*; class DiffractionCanvas extends Canvas { DiffractionFrame pg; DiffractionCanvas(DiffractionFrame p) { pg = p; } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(300,400); } public void update(Graphics g) { pg.updateDiffraction(g); } public void paint(Graphics g) { pg.updateDiffraction(g); } }; class DiffractionLayout implements LayoutManager { public DiffractionLayout() {} public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) {} public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) {} public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container target) { return new Dimension(550, 400); } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container target) { return new Dimension(100,100); } public void layoutContainer(Container target) { int barwidth = 0; int i; for (i = 1; i < target.getComponentCount(); i++) { Component m = target.getComponent(i); if (m.isVisible()) { Dimension d = m.getPreferredSize(); if (d.width > barwidth) barwidth = d.width; } } Insets insets = target.insets(); int targetw = target.size().width - insets.left - insets.right; int cw = targetw-barwidth; int targeth = target.size().height - (insets.top+insets.bottom); target.getComponent(0).move(insets.left, insets.top); target.getComponent(0).resize(cw, targeth); cw += insets.left; int h = insets.top; for (i = 1; i < target.getComponentCount(); i++) { Component m = target.getComponent(i); if (m.isVisible()) { Dimension d = m.getPreferredSize(); if (m instanceof Scrollbar) d.width = barwidth; if (m instanceof Label) { h += d.height/5; d.width = barwidth; } m.move(cw, h); m.resize(d.width, d.height); h += d.height; } } } }; public class Diffraction extends Applet { DiffractionFrame mf; void destroyFrame() { if (mf != null) mf.dispose(); mf = null; } public void init() { mf = new DiffractionFrame(this); mf.init(); } public void destroy() { if (mf != null) mf.dispose(); mf = null; } }; class DiffractionFrame extends Frame implements ComponentListener, ActionListener, AdjustmentListener, MouseMotionListener, MouseListener, ItemListener { Thread engine = null; Dimension winSize, fullWinSize; Image dbimage; Random random; int gridSizeX = 200; int gridSizeY = 200; public String getAppletInfo() { return "Diffraction by Paul Falstad"; } Button defaultsButton; Checkbox colorCheck; Checkbox reversedCheck; Checkbox memoryImageSourceCheck; Checkbox sizeCheck; Choice apertureChooser; Scrollbar gridBar; Scrollbar lengthBar; Scrollbar zoomBar; Scrollbar brightnessBar; double colorMult; double zbase; static final double pi = 3.14159265358979323846; static final double pi2 = pi*2; double func[][][]; boolean functionChanged; boolean dragging = false; MemoryImageSource imageSource; int pixels[]; int getrand(int x) { int q = random.nextInt(); if (q < 0) q = -q; return q % x; } DiffractionCanvas cv; Vector apertureList; Aperture aperture; Diffraction applet; DiffractionFrame(Diffraction a) { super("Diffraction Applet"); applet = a; } public void init() { apertureList = new Vector(); Aperture a = new CircularAperture(); while (a != null) { apertureList.addElement(a); a = a.createNext(); } setLayout(new DiffractionLayout()); cv = new DiffractionCanvas(this); cv.addComponentListener(this); cv.addMouseMotionListener(this); cv.addMouseListener(this); add(cv); add(defaultsButton = new Button("Set to Defaults")); defaultsButton.addActionListener(this); colorCheck = new Checkbox("Tri-chromatic"); colorCheck.addItemListener(this); add(colorCheck); reversedCheck = new Checkbox("Reversed"); reversedCheck.addItemListener(this); add(reversedCheck); sizeCheck = new Checkbox("Show Dimensions"); sizeCheck.addItemListener(this); add(sizeCheck); String os = System.getProperty("os.name"); String jv = System.getProperty("java.version"); boolean altRender = false; // change settings to speed things up where possible if (os.indexOf("Windows") == 0) { if (jv.indexOf("1.1") == 0) altRender = true; } memoryImageSourceCheck = new Checkbox("Alternate Rendering", altRender); memoryImageSourceCheck.addItemListener(this); add(memoryImageSourceCheck); apertureChooser = new Choice(); int i; for (i = 0; i != apertureList.size(); i++) apertureChooser.add("Aperture: " + ((Aperture) apertureList.elementAt(i)).getName()); add(apertureChooser); aperture = (Aperture) apertureList.elementAt(0); apertureChooser.addItemListener(this); add(new Label("Aperture Scale", Label.CENTER)); add(lengthBar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 260, 1, 35, 500)); lengthBar.addAdjustmentListener(this); add(new Label("Zoom", Label.CENTER)); add(zoomBar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 200, 1, 30, 400)); zoomBar.addAdjustmentListener(this); add(new Label("Brightness", Label.CENTER)); add(brightnessBar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 50, 1, 1, 500)); brightnessBar.addAdjustmentListener(this); add(new Label("Image Resolution", Label.CENTER)); add(gridBar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 90, 2, 10, 300)); gridBar.addAdjustmentListener(this); add(new Label("http://www.falstad.com", Label.CENTER)); random = new Random(); functionChanged = true; reinit(); cv.setBackground(Color.black); cv.setForeground(Color.white); zbase = 1/java.lang.Math.exp(200/50); resize(550, 450); handleResize(); show(); } void reinit() { handleResize(); } void handleResize() { winSize = cv.getSize(); if (winSize.width == 0) return; Dimension d = fullWinSize = cv.getSize(); int w = (winSize.width > winSize.height) ? winSize.height : winSize.width; winSize.width = winSize.height = w; dbimage = createImage(d.width, d.height); d = winSize; pixels = new int[d.width*d.height]; imageSource = new MemoryImageSource(d.width, d.height, pixels, 0, d.width); } int angleSteps; int angleStepsMask; double angleStep; double angcos1[], angsin1[]; int angdirx1[], angdiry1[]; long angcos2[], angsin2[]; int angleSteps2; int angleSteps2Mask; static final int fixedPoint = 256; int accumR[], accumI[]; double apertureArgMult; double apertureArgMultRed; double apertureArgMultBlue; double colorLenMults[]; boolean reversed; boolean color; int selection = -1; double zoomFactor; int oldZoom = 200; void computeFunction() { accumR = new int[3]; accumI = new int[3]; aperture = (Aperture) apertureList.elementAt(apertureChooser.getSelectedIndex()); gridSizeX = gridSizeY = (gridBar.getValue() & ~1); if (aperture.oneDimensional()) { gridSizeX *= 2; gridSizeY = 1; } func = new double[gridSizeX][gridSizeY][3]; int i, j; color = colorCheck.getState(); angleSteps = (gridBar.getValue() >= 195) ? 1024 : 256; if (aperture.oneDimensional()) angleSteps = (gridBar.getValue() >= 195) ? 2048 : 1024; angleStepsMask = angleSteps-1; angleStep = pi2/angleSteps; zoomFactor = java.lang.Math.exp(zoomBar.getValue()/50.)*zbase; double baselen = java.lang.Math.exp(lengthBar.getValue()/110.) /zoomFactor; angcos1 = new double[angleSteps]; angsin1 = new double[angleSteps]; angdirx1 = new int[angleSteps]; angdiry1 = new int[angleSteps]; // precompute sines and cosines, one for each angle step for (i = 0; i != angleSteps; i++) { angcos1[i] = java.lang.Math.cos(i*pi2/angleSteps); angsin1[i] = java.lang.Math.sin(i*pi2/angleSteps); angdirx1[i] = (angcos1[i] < 0) ? -1 : 1; angdiry1[i] = (angsin1[i] < 0) ? -1 : 1; } angleSteps2 = 4096; angleSteps2Mask = angleSteps2-1; angcos2 = new long[angleSteps2]; angsin2 = new long[angleSteps2]; reversed = reversedCheck.getState(); float sign = (reversed) ? -1 : 1; colorLenMults = new double[3]; // precompute another set of sines and cosines. this one // is used to generate the complex number we add into the // accumulator in apertureStart/apertureStop. The array is // reversed if the reversed check is set. That causes all // the apertureStart() calls to act like apertureStop() and // vice versa. We used fixed-point integer arithmetic for // all this. for (i = 0; i != angleSteps2; i++) { angcos2[i] = (long) (java.lang.Math.cos(i*pi2/angleSteps2) * fixedPoint*sign); angsin2[i] = (long) (java.lang.Math.sin(i*pi2/angleSteps2) * fixedPoint*sign); } // generate different multipliers for red and blue light. // red = 650 nm, green = 510 nm, blue = 475 nm colorLenMults[0] = baselen / (650./510.); colorLenMults[1] = baselen; colorLenMults[2] = baselen / (475./510.); apertureArgMult = angleSteps2*.25; apertureArgMult *= baselen*baselen; apertureArgMultRed = apertureArgMult / (650*650./(510*510)); apertureArgMultBlue = apertureArgMult / (475*475./(510*510)); aperture.compute(); // take advantage of symmetry int maxx = aperture.hasXSymmetry() ? gridSizeX/2 : gridSizeX; int maxy = aperture.hasYSymmetry() ? gridSizeY/2 : gridSizeY; int mink = (color) ? 0 : 1; int maxk = (color) ? 2 : 1; int k; if (aperture.hasDiagonalSymmetry()) for (k = mink; k <= maxk; k++) for (i = 0; i != maxx; i++) for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) func[j][i][k] = func[i][j][k]; if (aperture.hasXSymmetry()) for (k = mink; k <= maxk; k++) for (i = 0; i != maxx; i++) for (j = 0; j != maxy; j++) func[gridSizeX-1-i][j][k] = func[i][j][k]; if (aperture.hasYSymmetry()) for (k = mink; k <= maxk; k++) for (i = 0; i != gridSizeX; i++) for (j = 0; j != maxy; j++) func[i][gridSizeX-1-j][k] = func[i][j][k]; functionChanged = false; } void setFunction(int i, int j) { // by default we use only green light. int mink = 1, maxk = 1; if (color) { mink = 0; maxk = 2; } int k; for (k = mink; k <= maxk; k++) { double ard = ((double) accumR[k])/(angleSteps*fixedPoint); double aid = ((double) accumI[k])/(angleSteps*fixedPoint); double mag = ard*ard + aid*aid; func[i][j][k] = mag; } } void clearAccum() { int i; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) accumR[i] = accumI[i] = 0; } void apertureStart(double r) { // report the fact that we found the start of an opening // at radius r. double r2 = r*r; int arg = ((int) (r2*apertureArgMult)) & angleSteps2Mask; accumR[1] -= angcos2[arg]; accumI[1] -= angsin2[arg]; if (color) { // we did green, now do red and blue arg = ((int) (r2*apertureArgMultRed)) & angleSteps2Mask; accumR[0] -= angcos2[arg]; accumI[0] -= angsin2[arg]; arg = ((int) (r2*apertureArgMultBlue)) & angleSteps2Mask; accumR[2] -= angcos2[arg]; accumI[2] -= angsin2[arg]; } } void apertureStop(double r) { // report the fact that we found the end of an opening // at radius r. double r2 = r*r; int arg = ((int) (r2*apertureArgMult)) & angleSteps2Mask; accumR[1] += angcos2[arg]; accumI[1] += angsin2[arg]; if (color) { arg = ((int) (r2*apertureArgMultRed)) & angleSteps2Mask; accumR[0] += angcos2[arg]; accumI[0] += angsin2[arg]; arg = ((int) (r2*apertureArgMultBlue)) & angleSteps2Mask; accumR[2] += angcos2[arg]; accumI[2] += angsin2[arg]; } } void apertureStartOrigin(boolean x) { // if x is true, that means the origin is at a transparent // spot. Otherwise it's at an opaque spot. if (reversed) x = !x; if (x) { accumR[1] -= fixedPoint*angleSteps; if (color) { accumR[0] -= fixedPoint*angleSteps; accumR[2] -= fixedPoint*angleSteps; } } } int sign(double x) { return x < 0 ? -1 : 1; } public void paint(Graphics g) { cv.repaint(); } public void updateDiffraction(Graphics realg) { boolean hideFunction = dragging && aperture.hideWhileDragging(); if (functionChanged) { realg.setColor(cv.getBackground()); FontMetrics fm = realg.getFontMetrics(); String cs = "Calculating..."; realg.fillRect(0, fullWinSize.height-30, 20+fm.stringWidth(cs), 30); realg.setColor(Color.white); realg.drawString(cs, 10, fullWinSize.height-10); computeFunction(); } Graphics g = null; if (winSize == null || winSize.width == 0) return; boolean mis = memoryImageSourceCheck.getState(); g = dbimage.getGraphics(); g.setColor(cv.getBackground()); g.fillRect(0, 0, fullWinSize.width, fullWinSize.height); g.setColor(cv.getForeground()); int i, j; colorMult = 70*java.lang.Math.exp(brightnessBar.getValue()/50.); if (!hideFunction) { for (i = 0; i != gridSizeX; i++) for (j = 0; j != gridSizeY; j++) { int x = i*winSize.width/gridSizeX; int y = j*winSize.height/gridSizeY; int x2 = (i+1)*winSize.width/gridSizeX; int y2 = (j+1)*winSize.height/gridSizeY; int colval = 0; if (!color) { int col = getColorValue(i, j, 1); colval = 0xFF000000 | (col*0X010101); } else { colval = 0xFF000000 + (getColorValue(i, j, 0) << 16) | (getColorValue(i, j, 1) << 8) | (getColorValue(i, j, 2)); } if (mis) { int k, l; for (k = x; k < x2; k++) for (l = y; l < y2; l++) pixels[k+l*winSize.width] = colval; } else { g.setColor(new Color(colval)); g.fillRect(x, y, x2-x, y2-y); } } } if (mis && !hideFunction) { Image dbimage2 = cv.createImage(imageSource); g.drawImage(dbimage2, 0, 0, null); } g.setColor(Color.red); aperture.drawGeometricShadow(g); if (sizeCheck.getState()) { g.setColor(cv.getBackground()); FontMetrics fm = realg.getFontMetrics(); double wl = 510e-9; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); double baselen = java.lang.Math.exp(lengthBar.getValue()/110.)/ zoomFactor; double dim = aperture.getDimension()*baselen* java.lang.Math.sqrt(wl*2); String cs = "width = "; if (dim > .001) cs += nf.format(dim*1000) + " mm"; else if (dim > 1e-6) cs += nf.format(dim*1e6) + " \u00b5m"; else cs += nf.format(dim*1e9) + " nm"; int sw = fm.stringWidth(cs); if (dim > 0) { g.fillRect(fullWinSize.width-(20+sw), fullWinSize.height-30, 20+sw, 30); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString(cs, fullWinSize.width-(10+sw), fullWinSize.height-10); } } realg.drawImage(dbimage, 0, 0, this); } int getColorValue(int i, int j, int k) { int val = (int) (func[i][j][k] * colorMult); if (val > 255) val = 255; return val; } void doZoom() { double z = java.lang.Math.exp(zoomBar.getValue()/50.)*zbase; double oz = java.lang.Math.exp(oldZoom/50.)*zbase; double zoomChange = z/oz; oldZoom = zoomBar.getValue(); aperture.rezoom(zoomChange); } public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e){} public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e){} public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { cv.repaint(); } public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { handleResize(); cv.repaint(100); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == defaultsButton) { colorCheck.setState(false); reversedCheck.setState(false); lengthBar.setValue(260); gridBar.setValue(90); zoomBar.setValue(oldZoom = 200); functionChanged = true; brightnessBar.setValue(aperture.defaultBrightness()); aperture.setToDefaults(); cv.repaint(); } } public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) { System.out.print(((Scrollbar) e.getSource()).getValue() + "\n"); if (e.getSource() != brightnessBar) functionChanged = true; if (e.getSource() == zoomBar) doZoom(); cv.repaint(100); } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { if (selection != -1) { dragging = true; if (aperture.drag(e.getX(), e.getY())) cv.repaint(); } } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { if ((e.getModifiers() & MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) { if (selection != -1) { dragging = true; if (aperture.drag(e.getX(), e.getY())) cv.repaint(); } return; } int sel = selection; selection = aperture.getSelection(e.getX(), e.getY()); if (selection != sel) cv.repaint(); } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { if (!dragging && selection != -1) { selection = -1; cv.repaint(); } } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if ((e.getModifiers() & MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) == 0) return; if (selection != -1) { dragging = true; if (aperture.drag(e.getX(), e.getY())) cv.repaint(); } } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (dragging) { functionChanged = true; cv.repaint(); } dragging = false; } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getSource() != memoryImageSourceCheck && e.getSource() != sizeCheck) functionChanged = true; if (e.getSource() == apertureChooser) { aperture = (Aperture) apertureList.elementAt(apertureChooser.getSelectedIndex()); brightnessBar.setValue(aperture.defaultBrightness()); zoomBar.setValue(oldZoom = 200); } cv.repaint(100); } public boolean handleEvent(Event ev) { if (ev.id == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY) { applet.destroyFrame(); return true; } return super.handleEvent(ev); } abstract class Aperture { abstract String getName(); abstract void compute(); abstract Aperture createNext(); abstract void drawGeometricShadow(Graphics g); abstract int getSelection(int x, int y); abstract boolean drag(int x, int y); abstract void setToDefaults(); int defaultBrightness() { return 50; } boolean oneDimensional() { return false; } boolean hasXSymmetry() { return false; } boolean hasYSymmetry() { return false; } boolean hasDiagonalSymmetry() { return false; } boolean hideWhileDragging() { return true; } void rezoom(double x) {} abstract double getDimension(); Aperture() { setToDefaults(); } }; class CircularAperture extends Aperture { double radius; String getName() { return "circle"; } Aperture createNext() { return new HalfPlaneAperture(); } boolean hasXSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasYSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasDiagonalSymmetry() { return true; } void setToDefaults() { radius = .25; } void rezoom(double z) { radius *= z; } void compute() { int i, j; for (i = 0; i != gridSizeX/2; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { clearAccum(); double x0 = (i/(double) gridSizeX)-.5; double y0 = (j/(double) gridSizeY)-.5; int th; double cx = -x0; double cy = -y0; double c2 = cx*cx+cy*cy; double cr = radius; double c = c2 - cr*cr; double ac4 = c*4; double th1 = 0; double th2 = pi2; if (c <= 0) { // need to do all of them } else { // figure out what angle range we need to do double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(c2); double cx1 = cx/r; double cy1 = cy/r; double a1 = java.lang.Math.atan2(cy-cx1*cr, cx+cy1*cr); double a2 = java.lang.Math.atan2(cy+cx1*cr, cx-cy1*cr); th1 = (a1 < a2) ? a1 : a2; th2 = (a1 > a2) ? a1 : a2; if (th2-th1 > pi) { th1 = (a1 > a2) ? a1 : a2; th2 = (a1 < a2) ? a1 : a2; th2 += pi2; } } int th1i = (int) ((th1*angleSteps)/pi2); int th2i = (int) ((th2*angleSteps)/pi2); while (th1i < 0) { th1i += angleSteps; th2i += angleSteps; } for (th = th1i; th < th2i; th++) { // find intersection of this ray with circle double costh = angcos1[th & angleStepsMask]; double sinth = angsin1[th & angleStepsMask]; double b = -2*(costh*cx+sinth*cy); double discrim = b*b-ac4; if (discrim < 0) continue; discrim = java.lang.Math.sqrt(discrim); double r1 = .5*(-b-discrim); double r2 = .5*(-b+discrim); if (r1 < 0 && r2 < 0) continue; if (r1 > 0) apertureStart(r1); apertureStop(r2); } apertureStartOrigin(c < 0); setFunction(i, j); } } } void drawGeometricShadow(Graphics g) { if (selection == 1) g.setColor(Color.yellow); int r = (int) (winSize.width*radius); g.drawOval(winSize.width/2-r, winSize.height/2-r, r*2, r*2); } int getSelection(int x, int y) { int rx = winSize.width/2-x; int ry = winSize.height/2-y; double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry)/winSize.width; return (java.lang.Math.abs(r-radius) < 5./winSize.width) ? 1 : -1; } boolean drag(int x, int y) { int rx = winSize.width/2-x; int ry = winSize.height/2-y; double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry)/winSize.width; if (r == radius) return false; radius = r; return true; } double getDimension() { return radius*2; } } // general class to describe an aperture consisting entirely // of vertical lines. abstract class OneDimensionalAperture extends Aperture { public double lineLocations[]; public int lineCount; boolean oneDimensional() { return true; } void compute() { int i, j; double result[] = new double[2]; // by default we use only green light. int mink = 1, maxk = 1; if (color) { mink = 0; maxk = 2; } int k; int xlim = (hasXSymmetry()) ? gridSizeX/2 : gridSizeX; double astart = (reversedCheck.getState()) ? -1 : 0; // add in a right side at infinity if only one line if (lineCount == 1) astart += .5; for (i = 0; i != xlim; i++) { double x0 = (i/(double) gridSizeX)-.5; for (k = mink; k <= maxk; k++) { double mult = colorLenMults[k]; double ar = astart, ai = astart; int d = 1; for (j = 0; j != lineCount; j++) { fresnl((x0-lineLocations[j])*mult, result); ar += d*result[0]; ai += d*result[1]; d = -d; } func[i][0][k] = .5*(ar*ar + ai*ai); } } } double getDimension() { return lineLocations[lineCount-1]-lineLocations[0]; } void drawGeometricShadow(Graphics g) { int i; int symsel = -1; if (selection != -1 && hasXSymmetry()) symsel = lineCount-1-selection; for (i = 0; i != lineCount; i++) { int x = (int) ((lineLocations[i]+.5) * winSize.width); g.setColor((selection == i || symsel == i) ? Color.yellow : Color.red); g.drawLine(x, 0, x, winSize.height-1); } } int getSelection(int x, int y) { double xf = ((double) x)/winSize.width - .5; double thresh = 3./winSize.width; int sel = -1; int i; for (i = 0; i != lineCount; i++) { double dist = java.lang.Math.abs(lineLocations[i]-xf); if (dist < thresh) { sel = i; thresh = dist; } } return sel; } boolean drag(int x, int y) { double xf = ((double) x)/winSize.width - .5; if (selection > 0 && xf <= lineLocations[selection-1]) return false; if (selection < lineCount-1 && xf >= lineLocations[selection+1]) return false; if (hasXSymmetry() && sign(lineLocations[selection]) != sign(xf)) return false; lineLocations[selection] = xf; if (hasXSymmetry()) { int symsel = lineCount-1-selection; lineLocations[symsel] = -xf; } functionChanged = true; return true; } boolean hideWhileDragging() { return false; } void rezoom(double z) { int i; for (i = 0; i != lineCount; i++) lineLocations[i] *= z; } } class HalfPlaneAperture extends OneDimensionalAperture { void setToDefaults() { lineLocations = new double[lineCount = 1]; lineLocations[0] = 0; } String getName() { return "half plane"; } Aperture createNext() { return new SlitAperture(); } double getDimension() { return .5-lineLocations[0]; } } class SlitAperture extends OneDimensionalAperture { void setToDefaults() { lineLocations = new double[lineCount = 2]; lineLocations[0] = -.06; lineLocations[1] = .06; } int defaultBrightness() { return 200; } String getName() { return "slit"; } Aperture createNext() { return new DoubleSlitAperture(); } boolean hasXSymmetry() { return true; } } class DoubleSlitAperture extends OneDimensionalAperture { void setToDefaults() { lineLocations = new double[lineCount = 4]; lineLocations[0] = -.17; lineLocations[1] = -1/8.0; lineLocations[2] = 1/8.0; lineLocations[3] = .17; } int defaultBrightness() { return 140; } String getName() { return "double slit"; } Aperture createNext() { return new TripleSlitAperture(); } boolean hasXSymmetry() { return true; } } class TripleSlitAperture extends OneDimensionalAperture { void setToDefaults() { lineLocations = new double[lineCount = 6]; lineLocations[0] = -.1533; lineLocations[1] = -.1133; lineLocations[2] = -.02; lineLocations[3] = .02; lineLocations[4] = .1133; lineLocations[5] = .1533; } int defaultBrightness() { return 210; } String getName() { return "triple slit"; } Aperture createNext() { return new SquareAperture(); } boolean hasXSymmetry() { return true; } } class SquareAperture extends BlockAperture { String getName() { return "square"; } Aperture createNext() { return new RectangularAperture(); } boolean hasXSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasYSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasDiagonalSymmetry() { return true; } void setToDefaults() { double sqdim = .25; blockCountX = blockCountY = 5; blocks = new boolean[blockCountX][blockCountY]; blocks[2][2] = true; lineXLocations = new double[blockCountX]; lineYLocations = new double[blockCountY]; lineXLocations[1] = -sqdim; lineXLocations[3] = sqdim; lineYLocations[1] = -sqdim; lineYLocations[3] = sqdim; } void setupRects() { rectCount = 1; rects = new double[1][5]; double sqdim = lineXLocations[3]; rects[0][0] = -sqdim; rects[0][1] = -sqdim; rects[0][2] = sqdim; rects[0][3] = sqdim; rects[0][4] = .5; } } class RectangularAperture extends BlockAperture { String getName() { return "rectangle"; } Aperture createNext() { return new CornerAperture(); } boolean hasXSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasYSymmetry() { return true; } void setToDefaults() { blockCountX = blockCountY = 5; blocks = new boolean[blockCountX][blockCountY]; blocks[2][2] = true; lineXLocations = new double[blockCountX]; lineYLocations = new double[blockCountY]; lineXLocations[1] = -.25; lineXLocations[3] = .25; lineYLocations[1] = -.4; lineYLocations[3] = .4; } void setupRects() { rectCount = 1; rects = new double[1][5]; rects[0][0] = lineXLocations[1]; rects[0][1] = lineYLocations[1]; rects[0][2] = lineXLocations[3]; rects[0][3] = lineYLocations[3]; rects[0][4] = .5; } } class CornerAperture extends BlockAperture { String getName() { return "corner"; } Aperture createNext() { return new CrossAperture(); } boolean hasDiagonalSymmetry() { return true; } void setToDefaults() { blockCountX = blockCountY = 3; blocks = new boolean[blockCountX][blockCountY]; blocks[2][2] = true; lineXLocations = new double[blockCountX]; lineYLocations = new double[blockCountY]; lineXLocations[1] = 0; lineYLocations[1] = 0; } void setupRects() { rectCount = 1; rects = new double[1][5]; double sqdim = lineXLocations[1]; rects[0][0] = sqdim; rects[0][1] = sqdim; rects[0][2] = 1e8; rects[0][3] = 1e8; rects[0][4] = .5; } double getDimension() { return .5-lineXLocations[1]; } } class CrossAperture extends BlockAperture { String getName() { return "cross"; } Aperture createNext() { return new RectanglesAperture(); } boolean hasXSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasYSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasDiagonalSymmetry() { return true; } void setToDefaults() { double sqdim = 1/16.0; blockCountX = blockCountY = 5; blocks = new boolean[blockCountX][blockCountY]; blocks[0][2] = blocks[2][2] = blocks[4][2] = blocks[2][0] = blocks[2][4] = true; lineXLocations = new double[blockCountX]; lineYLocations = new double[blockCountY]; lineXLocations[1] = -sqdim; lineXLocations[3] = sqdim; lineYLocations[1] = -sqdim; lineYLocations[3] = sqdim; } void setupRects() { rectCount = 3; rects = new double[3][5]; double sqdim = lineXLocations[3]; // the cross aperture is made up of two intersecting rectangles // and then a third rectangle (their intersection) which prevents // that area from being counted twice rects[0][0] = -sqdim; rects[0][1] = -1e8; rects[0][2] = sqdim; rects[0][3] = 1e8; rects[0][4] = .5; rects[1][0] = -1e8; rects[1][1] = -sqdim; rects[1][2] = 1e8; rects[1][3] = sqdim; rects[1][4] = .5; rects[2][0] = -sqdim; rects[2][1] = -sqdim; rects[2][2] = sqdim; rects[2][3] = sqdim; rects[2][4] = -.5; } double getDimension() { return 1; } } class RectanglesAperture extends BlockAperture { String getName() { return "2 rectangles"; } Aperture createNext() { return new FrameAperture(); } boolean hasXSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasYSymmetry() { return true; } void setToDefaults() { blockCountX = 9; blockCountY = 5; blocks = new boolean[blockCountX][blockCountY]; blocks[2][2] = blocks[6][2] = true; lineXLocations = new double[blockCountX]; lineYLocations = new double[blockCountY]; lineXLocations[1] = -.375; lineXLocations[3] = -.125; lineXLocations[5] = .125; lineXLocations[7] = .375; lineYLocations[1] = -.25; lineYLocations[3] = .25; } void setupRects() { rectCount = 2; rects = new double[2][5]; double sqdim = lineXLocations[1]; rects[0][0] = lineXLocations[1]; rects[0][1] = lineYLocations[1]; rects[0][2] = lineXLocations[3]; rects[0][3] = lineYLocations[3]; rects[0][4] = .5; rects[1][0] = lineXLocations[5]; rects[1][1] = lineYLocations[1]; rects[1][2] = lineXLocations[7]; rects[1][3] = lineYLocations[3]; rects[1][4] = .5; } } class FrameAperture extends BlockAperture { String getName() { return "frame"; } Aperture createNext() { return new PlusAperture(); } boolean hasXSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasYSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasDiagonalSymmetry() { return true; } void setToDefaults() { blockCountX = blockCountY = 9; blocks = new boolean[blockCountX][blockCountY]; int i; for (i = 2; i <= 6; i += 2) blocks[i][2] = blocks[i][6] = blocks[2][i] = blocks[6][i] = true; lineXLocations = new double[blockCountX]; lineYLocations = new double[blockCountY]; lineXLocations[1] = -.375; lineXLocations[3] = -.125; lineXLocations[5] = .125; lineXLocations[7] = .375; lineYLocations[1] = -.375; lineYLocations[3] = -.125; lineYLocations[5] = .125; lineYLocations[7] = .375; } void setupRects() { rectCount = 2; rects = new double[2][5]; // outer frame rects[0][0] = lineXLocations[1]; rects[0][1] = lineYLocations[1]; rects[0][2] = lineXLocations[7]; rects[0][3] = lineYLocations[7]; rects[0][4] = .5; // remove inner frame rectangle rects[1][0] = lineXLocations[3]; rects[1][1] = lineYLocations[3]; rects[1][2] = lineXLocations[5]; rects[1][3] = lineYLocations[5]; rects[1][4] = -.5; } } class PlusAperture extends BlockAperture { String getName() { return "plus"; } Aperture createNext() { return new IntersectingSquaresAperture(); } boolean hasXSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasYSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasDiagonalSymmetry() { return true; } void setToDefaults() { blockCountX = blockCountY = 9; blocks = new boolean[blockCountX][blockCountY]; int i; for (i = 2; i <= 6; i += 2) blocks[i][4] = blocks[4][i] = true; lineXLocations = new double[blockCountX]; lineYLocations = new double[blockCountY]; lineXLocations[1] = -.375; lineXLocations[3] = -.125; lineXLocations[5] = .125; lineXLocations[7] = .375; lineYLocations[1] = -.375; lineYLocations[3] = -.125; lineYLocations[5] = .125; lineYLocations[7] = .375; } void setupRects() { rectCount = 3; rects = new double[3][5]; rects[0][0] = lineXLocations[1]; rects[0][1] = lineYLocations[3]; rects[0][2] = lineXLocations[7]; rects[0][3] = lineYLocations[5]; rects[0][4] = .5; rects[1][0] = lineXLocations[3]; rects[1][1] = lineYLocations[1]; rects[1][2] = lineXLocations[5]; rects[1][3] = lineYLocations[7]; rects[1][4] = .5; rects[2][0] = lineXLocations[3]; rects[2][1] = lineYLocations[3]; rects[2][2] = lineXLocations[5]; rects[2][3] = lineYLocations[5]; rects[2][4] = -.5; } } class IntersectingSquaresAperture extends BlockAperture { String getName() { return "2 squares"; } Aperture createNext() { return new DoubleCircleAperture(); } boolean hasDiagonalSymmetry() { return true; } void setToDefaults() { blockCountX = blockCountY = 9; blocks = new boolean[blockCountX][blockCountY]; int i; for (i = 2; i <= 6; i += 2) blocks[i][4] = blocks[4][i] = true; blocks[2][2] = blocks[6][6] = true; lineXLocations = new double[blockCountX]; lineYLocations = new double[blockCountY]; lineXLocations[1] = -.375; lineXLocations[3] = -.125; lineXLocations[5] = .125; lineXLocations[7] = .375; lineYLocations[1] = -.375; lineYLocations[3] = -.125; lineYLocations[5] = .125; lineYLocations[7] = .375; } void setupRects() { rectCount = 3; rects = new double[3][5]; rects[0][0] = lineXLocations[1]; rects[0][1] = lineYLocations[1]; rects[0][2] = lineXLocations[5]; rects[0][3] = lineYLocations[5]; rects[0][4] = .5; rects[1][0] = lineXLocations[3]; rects[1][1] = lineYLocations[3]; rects[1][2] = lineXLocations[7]; rects[1][3] = lineYLocations[7]; rects[1][4] = .5; rects[2][0] = lineXLocations[3]; rects[2][1] = lineYLocations[3]; rects[2][2] = lineXLocations[5]; rects[2][3] = lineYLocations[5]; rects[2][4] = -.5; } } // general class used to describe apertures that consist of // rectangles, some of which may extend to infinity. Each // rectangle may or may not be opaque. abstract class BlockAperture extends Aperture { int blockCountX, blockCountY; // All these arrays use a very strange system of indices. // Even numbers are blocks (areas between lines), and odd // numbers are lines. The blocks at index n are bounded by // lines n-1 and n+1. The blocks at index 0 are bounded by // -infinity and line 1. // true if a block is transparent. Because we are talking // about blocks, only even indices are used. boolean blocks[][]; // Lines. Only odd indices used. double lineXLocations[]; double lineYLocations[]; int rectCount; double rects[][]; abstract void setupRects(); void compute() { setupRects(); int i, j; double result1[] = new double[2]; double result2[] = new double[2]; double result3[] = new double[2]; double result4[] = new double[2]; // by default we use only green light. int mink = 1, maxk = 1; if (color) { mink = 0; maxk = 2; } int k; double astart = (reversedCheck.getState()) ? -1 : 0; int xlim = (hasXSymmetry()) ? gridSizeX/2 : gridSizeX; int ylim = (hasYSymmetry()) ? gridSizeY/2 : gridSizeY; for (i = 0; i != xlim; i++) { if (hasDiagonalSymmetry()) ylim = i+1; double x0 = (i/(double) gridSizeX)-.5; for (j = 0; j != ylim; j++) { double y0 = (j/(double) gridSizeY)-.5; for (k = mink; k <= maxk; k++) { double mult = colorLenMults[k]; double ar = 0, ai = astart; int l; // add up contributions from all rectangles for (l = 0; l != rectCount; l++) { fresnl((rects[l][0]-x0)*mult, result1); fresnl((rects[l][2]-x0)*mult, result2); fresnl((rects[l][1]-y0)*mult, result3); fresnl((rects[l][3]-y0)*mult, result4); double ar1 = result1[0]-result2[0]; double ai1 = result1[1]-result2[1]; double ar2 = result3[0]-result4[0]; double ai2 = result3[1]-result4[1]; ar += rects[l][4]*(ar1*ar2 - ai1*ai2); ai += rects[l][4]*(ar1*ai2 + ai1*ar2); } func[i][j][k] = ar*ar + ai*ai; } } } } void drawGeometricShadow(Graphics g) { int i, j; // go through each line and determine if the blocks on either // side of it have different opacity, if so then draw a // line there. for (i = 1; i < blockCountX; i += 2) for (j = 0; j < blockCountY; j += 2) { if (blocks[i-1][j] == blocks[i+1][j]) continue; int x = (int) ((lineXLocations[i]+.5)*winSize.width); int y1 = 0; int y2 = winSize.height; try { y1 = (int) ((lineYLocations[j-1]+.5)*winSize.height); } catch (Exception e) { } try { y2 = (int) ((lineYLocations[j+1]+.5)*winSize.height); } catch (Exception e) { } g.setColor(isSelected(i, -1) ? Color.yellow : Color.red); g.drawLine(x, y1, x, y2); } for (i = 0; i < blockCountX; i += 2) for (j = 1; j < blockCountY; j += 2) { if (blocks[i][j-1] == blocks[i][j+1]) continue; int y = (int) ((lineYLocations[j]+.5)*winSize.height); int x1 = 0; int x2 = winSize.width; try { x1 = (int) ((lineXLocations[i-1]+.5)*winSize.width); } catch (Exception e) { } try { x2 = (int) ((lineXLocations[i+1]+.5)*winSize.width); } catch (Exception e) { } g.setColor(isSelected(-1, j) ? Color.yellow : Color.red); g.drawLine(x1, y, x2, y); } } boolean isSelected(int x, int y) { return isSelected(x, y, 0); } boolean isSelected(int x, int y, int iter) { // determine if a line is selected, accounting for // symmetry. if (selection == -1) return false; if (selection == x+100 || selection == y+200) return true; if (hasXSymmetry() && iter < 1 && blockCountX > 3 && isSelected(blockCountX-1-x, y, 1)) return true; if (hasYSymmetry() && iter < 2 && blockCountY > 3 && isSelected(x, blockCountY-1-y, 2)) return true; if (hasDiagonalSymmetry() && iter < 3 && isSelected(y, x, 3)) return true; return false; } int getSelection(int x, int y) { double xf = ((double) x)/winSize.width - .5; double yf = ((double) y)/winSize.width - .5; double thresh = 3./winSize.width; int sel = -1; int i; for (i = 1; i < blockCountX; i += 2) { double dist = java.lang.Math.abs(lineXLocations[i]-xf); if (dist < thresh) { sel = 100+i; thresh = dist; } } for (i = 1; i < blockCountY; i += 2) { double dist = java.lang.Math.abs(lineYLocations[i]-yf); if (dist < thresh) { sel = 200+i; thresh = dist; } } return sel; } boolean drag(int x, int y) { double xf = ((double) x)/winSize.width - .5; double yf = ((double) y)/winSize.width - .5; if (selection >= 200) return dragLine(-1, selection-200, yf, 0); else return dragLine(selection-100, -1, xf, 0); } void rezoom(double z) { int i; for (i = 1; i < blockCountX; i += 2) lineXLocations[i] *= z; for (i = 1; i < blockCountY; i += 2) lineYLocations[i] *= z; } boolean dragLine(int x, int y, double loc, int iter) { // drag a line and all lines it is related to by symmetry. if (x != -1) { if (hasXSymmetry() && sign(lineXLocations[x]) != sign(loc)) return false; if (x > 1 && loc <= lineXLocations[x-2]) return false; if (x < blockCountX-2 && loc >= lineXLocations[x+2]) return false; } if (y != -1) { if (hasYSymmetry() && sign(lineYLocations[y]) != sign(loc)) return false; if (y > 1 && loc <= lineYLocations[y-2]) return false; if (y < blockCountY-2 && loc >= lineYLocations[y+2]) return false; } if (x != -1 && hasXSymmetry() && iter < 1) dragLine(blockCountX-1-x, y, -loc, 1); if (y != -1 && hasYSymmetry() && iter < 2) dragLine(x, blockCountY-1-y, -loc, 2); if (hasDiagonalSymmetry() && iter < 3) dragLine(y, x, loc, 3); if (x != -1) lineXLocations[x] = loc; if (y != -1) lineYLocations[y] = loc; return true; } double getDimension() { return lineXLocations[blockCountX-2]- lineXLocations[1]; } } class DoubleCircleAperture extends Aperture { double radius; double offset; String getName() { return "2 circles"; } Aperture createNext() { return null; } boolean hasXSymmetry() { return true; } boolean hasYSymmetry() { return true; } void setToDefaults() { radius = .3; offset = .25; } double getDimension() { return (radius+offset)*2; } void compute() { int i, j; double points[] = new double[4]; double dx = offset; double dy = 0; boolean intersecting = (offset < radius); if (intersecting) { dy = java.lang.Math.sqrt(radius*radius-offset*offset); double overflow = radius-2*offset; if (overflow > 0) dx = offset+overflow; } for (i = 0; i != gridSizeX/2; i++) { for (j = 0; j != gridSizeY/2; j++) { clearAccum(); double x0 = (i/(double) gridSizeX)-.5; double y0 = (j/(double) gridSizeY)-.5; int th; double cx1 = -x0+offset; double cx2 = -x0-offset; double cy = -y0; double c21 = cx1*cx1+cy*cy; double c22 = cx2*cx2+cy*cy; double cr2 = radius*radius; double cd1 = c21 - cr2; double cd2 = c22 - cr2; double ac41 = cd1*4; double ac42 = cd2*4; double th1 = 0; double th2 = pi2; int th1i = (int) ((th1*angleSteps)/pi2); int th2i = (int) ((th2*angleSteps)/pi2); while (th1i < 0) { th1i += angleSteps; th2i += angleSteps; } boolean open = cd1 < 0 || cd2 < 0; apertureStartOrigin(open); for (th = th1i; th < th2i; th++) { double costh = angcos1[th & angleStepsMask]; double sinth = angsin1[th & angleStepsMask]; double b1 = -2*(costh*cx1+sinth*cy); double b2 = -2*(costh*cx2+sinth*cy); double discrim1 = b1*b1-ac41; double discrim2 = b2*b2-ac42; if (discrim1 < 0 && discrim2 < 0) continue; int ct = 0; if (discrim1 >= 0) { discrim1 = java.lang.Math.sqrt(discrim1); points[ct++] = .5*(-b1-discrim1); points[ct++] = .5*(-b1+discrim1); } if (discrim2 >= 0) { discrim2 = java.lang.Math.sqrt(discrim2); points[ct++] = .5*(-b2-discrim2); points[ct++] = .5*(-b2+discrim2); } int si, sj; // sort the points for (si = 1; si < ct; si++) { double v = points[si]; sj = si; while (points[sj-1] > v) { points[sj] = points[sj-1]; sj--; if (sj <= 0) break; } points[sj] = v; } // go through the sorted points and call start/stop // alternately for each one boolean inOpen = open; for (si = 0; si != ct; si++) { double r = points[si]; if (r < 0) continue; double x1 = x0+costh*r; double y1 = y0+sinth*r; if (intersecting && x1 > -dx && x1 < dx && y1 > -dy && y1 < dy) { double y12 = y1*y1; if ((x1-offset)*(x1-offset)+y12 < cr2 || (x1+offset)*(x1+offset)+y12 < cr2) continue; } if (!inOpen) { apertureStart(points[si]); inOpen = true; } else { apertureStop(points[si]); inOpen = false; } } } setFunction(i, j); } } } void drawGeometricShadow(Graphics g) { int r = (int) (winSize.width*radius); int o = (int) (winSize.width*offset); if (selection != -1) { g.setColor(selection == 0 ? Color.yellow : Color.red); int or = 5; g.fillOval(winSize.width/2-o-or, winSize.height/2-or, or*2, or*2); g.fillOval(winSize.width/2+o-or, winSize.height/2-or, or*2, or*2); } g.setColor(selection > 0 ? Color.yellow : Color.red); int th = 0; if (offset < radius) th = (int) (java.lang.Math.acos(offset/radius)*(180/pi)); g.drawArc(winSize.width/2-r-o, winSize.height/2-r, r*2, r*2, th, 360-2*th); g.drawArc(winSize.width/2-r+o, winSize.height/2-r, r*2, r*2, 180+th, 360-2*th); } int getSelection(int x, int y) { int o = (int) (winSize.width*offset); int rx1 = (winSize.width/2-o)-x; int rx2 = (winSize.width/2+o)-x; int ry = winSize.height/2-y; double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(rx1*rx1+ry*ry)/winSize.width; if (java.lang.Math.abs(r-radius) < 5./winSize.width) return 1; if (r < 5./winSize.width) return 0; r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(rx2*rx2+ry*ry)/winSize.width; if (java.lang.Math.abs(r-radius) < 5./winSize.width) return 2; if (r < 5./winSize.width) return 0; return -1; } boolean drag(int x, int y) { if (selection == 0) { // modify separation of circles double xf = ((double) x)/winSize.width - .5; double o = java.lang.Math.abs(xf); if (o == offset) return false; offset = o; return true; } // modify radius of circles int o = (int) (winSize.width*offset); int rx1 = (winSize.width/2-o)-x; int rx2 = (winSize.width/2+o)-x; int ry = winSize.height/2-y; double rr; if (selection == 2) rr = rx2*rx2; else rr = rx1*rx1; double r = java.lang.Math.sqrt(rr+ry*ry)/winSize.width; if (r == radius) return false; radius = r; return true; } void rezoom(double z) { radius *= z; offset *= z; } } // fresnel integral routines from Cephes Math Library /* S(x) for small x */ static final double sn[] = { -2.99181919401019853726E3, 7.08840045257738576863E5, -6.29741486205862506537E7, 2.54890880573376359104E9, -4.42979518059697779103E10, 3.18016297876567817986E11, }; static final double sd[] = { 2.81376268889994315696E2, 4.55847810806532581675E4, 5.17343888770096400730E6, 4.19320245898111231129E8, 2.24411795645340920940E10, 6.07366389490084639049E11, }; static final double cn[] = { -4.98843114573573548651E-8, 9.50428062829859605134E-6, -6.45191435683965050962E-4, 1.88843319396703850064E-2, -2.05525900955013891793E-1, 9.99999999999999998822E-1, }; static final double cd[] = { 3.99982968972495980367E-12, 9.15439215774657478799E-10, 1.25001862479598821474E-7, 1.22262789024179030997E-5, 8.68029542941784300606E-4, 4.12142090722199792936E-2, 1.00000000000000000118E0, }; /* Auxiliary function f(x) */ static final double fn[] = { 4.21543555043677546506E-1, 1.43407919780758885261E-1, 1.15220955073585758835E-2, 3.45017939782574027900E-4, 4.63613749287867322088E-6, 3.05568983790257605827E-8, 1.02304514164907233465E-10, 1.72010743268161828879E-13, 1.34283276233062758925E-16, 3.76329711269987889006E-20, }; static final double fd[] = { /* 1.00000000000000000000E0, */ 7.51586398353378947175E-1, 1.16888925859191382142E-1, 6.44051526508858611005E-3, 1.55934409164153020873E-4, 1.84627567348930545870E-6, 1.12699224763999035261E-8, 3.60140029589371370404E-11, 5.88754533621578410010E-14, 4.52001434074129701496E-17, 1.25443237090011264384E-20, }; /* Auxiliary function g(x) */ static final double gn[] = { 5.04442073643383265887E-1, 1.97102833525523411709E-1, 1.87648584092575249293E-2, 6.84079380915393090172E-4, 1.15138826111884280931E-5, 9.82852443688422223854E-8, 4.45344415861750144738E-10, 1.08268041139020870318E-12, 1.37555460633261799868E-15, 8.36354435630677421531E-19, 1.86958710162783235106E-22, }; static final double gd[] = { /* 1.00000000000000000000E0, */ 1.47495759925128324529E0, 3.37748989120019970451E-1, 2.53603741420338795122E-2, 8.14679107184306179049E-4, 1.27545075667729118702E-5, 1.04314589657571990585E-7, 4.60680728146520428211E-10, 1.10273215066240270757E-12, 1.38796531259578871258E-15, 8.39158816283118707363E-19, 1.86958710162783236342E-22, }; static final double PI = pi; static final double PIBYTWO = pi/2; int fresnl(double xxa, double result[]) { double f, g, cc, ss, c, s, t, u; double x, x2; while (true) { x = java.lang.Math.abs(xxa); x2 = x * x; if (x2 < 2.5625) { t = x2 * x2; ss = x * x2 * polevl(t, sn, 5) / p1evl(t, sd, 6); cc = x * polevl(t, cn, 5) / polevl(t, cd, 6); break; } if (x > 36974.0) { cc = 0.5; ss = 0.5; break; } /* Auxiliary functions for large argument */ x2 = x * x; t = PI * x2; u = 1.0 / (t * t); t = 1.0 / t; f = 1.0 - u * polevl(u, fn, 9) / p1evl(u, fd, 10); g = t * polevl(u, gn, 10) / p1evl(u, gd, 11); t = PIBYTWO * x2; c = java.lang.Math.cos(t); s = java.lang.Math.sin(t); t = PI * x; cc = 0.5 + (f * s - g * c) / t; ss = 0.5 - (f * c + g * s) / t; break; } if (xxa < 0.0) { cc = -cc; ss = -ss; } result[0] = cc; result[1] = ss; return (0); } double polevl(double x, double coef[], int N) { double ans; int i; int p = 0; ans = coef[p++]; i = N; do ans = ans * x + coef[p++]; while (--i > 0); return (ans); } double p1evl(double x, double coef[], int N) { double ans; int p = 0; int i; ans = x + coef[p++]; i = N - 1; do ans = ans * x + coef[p++]; while (--i > 0); return (ans); } }